Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 716 Letting you bite me deserves it

Chapter 716 Letting you bite me deserves it

Chu Yang was taken aback for a moment, then chuckled, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "It's a trivial matter to chop you up. After I ruin you, I'll find a better man than you and let you wear a cuckold every day."

Knowing that she was joking, Mo Han still sullenly pinched her waist punitively, and warned in a low voice: "How dare you? Don't even think about it..."

Chu Yang was a little speechless, this man has a domineering temperament.

Before he could refute again, the man had already darkened his face, and kissed her lips again with a slight punishment.

This time he not only kissed, but also bit.

Biting Chu Yang's tears flowed down unconsciously, while moaning and struggling, he fought back with his lips and tongue, biting him too.

After coming and going, both of them had some tingling on their lips. Although they didn't bleed, they looked like sausage lips, which was a little ridiculous.

Chu Yang covered his mouth and smiled, looking at the embarrassed Mo Han, he felt a little better all of a sudden.

She looked at him proudly: "I deserve it for you to bite me..."

She bit much harder than Mo Han, so Mo Han was more red and swollen than her.

But Mo Han didn't take it seriously, looked in the mirror, and said with some pride: "I guess Ling Yi saw that your big cousin must have a very wonderful face, he must never have imagined that the relationship between our husband and wife will be so harmonious now." , Don’t you think so, Xiao Chuyang?”

Chu Yang was taken aback, and suddenly felt that what he said made sense, and couldn't help but look awkward, well, she still missed a move and lost to Mo Han.

Ling Yi has always disliked Mo Han's complacent attitude, so he couldn't see Mo Han's wishful thinking.

If Ling Yi saw Mo Han's ravaged appearance, Ling Yi would definitely vomit blood from anger.

She could already imagine Ling Yi's face blackened to carbon gray.

This man is simply an old fox. He eats everything and sprinkles dog food vigorously to provoke people he doesn't like.

Chu Yang silently lighted the wax for Ling Yi in his heart, hoping that Ling Yi could take care of himself.

The two of them staggered all the way on the road, and they didn't have any scruples about the driver who was always on the verge of a big enemy.

When they arrived at Ling's house, the two got out of the car and walked away together. The driver tremblingly wiped the sweat off his cheeks, feeling terrified: "This Mr. Mo is usually serious, but once he sprinkles dog food, it can really kill people."


When Chu Yang entered the Ling's living room, he saw a group of people crying around Ling Yumo.

Ling Yumo hugged the old lady and cried uncontrollably, and the mother and daughter hugged each other tightly and wept bitterly.

Ling Yi had sharp eyes, and was worrying that the old lady's body could no longer be too sad, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of Chu Yang's figure, his eyes lit up, and he called out Chu Yang's name loudly.

"Ah Chuyang, you're here..."

His voice was so loud that it directly shocked the group of crying people into silence.

Ling Yumo let go of the old lady even more, looked at Chuyang with bright eyes, and then she waved to Chuyang: "Chuyang, come here..."

Ling Yi walked to Chu Yang's side nimbly, looked at the appearance with some displeasure, and glanced at their interlocking hands.

With a cold face, he said to Mo Han, "Can you give me a break?"

In order not to destroy the impression in the eyes of everyone in the Ling family, Mo Han knew that it was not good to get entangled with Ling Yi at this time, he smiled helplessly, looked at Chuyang with some grievances, let go of her hand reluctantly, and slowly backed away. next step.

Chu Yang was a little bit dumbfounded, did he deliberately show her the wronged look?
(End of this chapter)

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