Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 729 No further assertions

Chapter 729 No further assertions

Just after parking the car, she raised her eyes and saw Mo Han standing at the door of Ling's house, staring at her with a sullen face.

Chuyang felt guilty for a while, and didn't dare to look at him, so he could only lower his head to look at Zizi.

The little girl huddled pitifully on the seat, closed her eyes tightly and fell asleep.

She couldn't bear to wake up Zizi, so she got out of the car first, planning to appease Mr. Mo before talking.

Mo Han strode over and hugged her in his arms.

Chu Yang's face was buried in his arms, and he inhaled his scent fiercely.

The two hugged for a long time, Mo Han pulled her away with a gloomy face, looked her up and down, found that she hadn't suffered any damage, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately, he pinched Chuyang's face, and reprimanded him in a low voice: "You are really getting more and more courageous, do you dare to go directly to Yun Lingguang without discussing with me? Chuyang, why do you always Do they all worry me? What if..."

Chu Yang quickly raised his hand, covered his thin lips, and pressed into his embrace again.

"I know you are worried about me, and I also know that I am wrong, I am wrong, don't be angry with me."

Seeing that she had a good attitude of admitting her mistakes and was very positive, Mo Han couldn't get angry at all.

He rubbed the hair on the top of her head, then pinched her nose, and then sighed in a low voice: "In the future, you are not allowed to make any claims, I am really afraid, if Yun Lingguang refuses to let you come back, send you Yun Ya, that is the real danger."

Chu Yang nodded seriously, and promised: "Well, next time I won't take risks lightly again, this time it is really justifiable, you must know what kind of person Yun Lingguang is, he said If I tell you, he will cut off Zizi's finger, I dare not bet, Zizi is my mother's adopted daughter after all, I don't want to see my mother sad."

Mo Han raised his eyes, and looked at the little girl sitting in the car, who had woken up faintly, and was squinting at their little girl.

When he caught a glimpse of the burning gaze that was looking at him diligently, he couldn't help but froze slightly and frowned slightly.

With a trace of apprehension, Zi Zi tremblingly opened the door and got out of the car. She glanced at the surrounding scenery and villa buildings, her eyes flashed with novelty and surprise.

"Sister Chuyang, this place is really beautiful. Is this the first time I've seen these when I grow up?"

Living by the sea all the year round, naturally there is no chance to see these things.

Everything outside is very novel and interesting to Zizi, so her eyes are sparkling.

Chu Yang smiled slightly at Mo Han, then let go of his hand, came to Zi Zi's side, and took her hand.

"Go, I'll take you to see your mother."

Zizi raised a bright smile and nodded happily.

Then, she glanced at Mo Han indifferently.

Chuyang didn't notice anything unusual about Zizi, so he brought Zizi into Ling's house.

The members of the Ling family didn't know where Chu Yang had just gone, nor did they know who Yun Lingguang was.

If Chu Yang didn't say anything, Mo Han wouldn't say anything either.

Therefore, when Chu Yang led Zizi into the living room of the villa, Ling Yumo was the first to be shocked.

Ling Yumo looked at Zizi in disbelief, then looked at Chuyang with a puzzled face and asked: "Chuyang, why did you go out and come back and bring Zizi here? I remember, she wasn't in the village, she didn't come to Liangcheng ?"

Before Chu Yang could answer Ling Yumo, Zi Zi pursed his lips and threw himself into Ling Yumo's arms with an aggrieved face, weeping in a low voice: "Mom, Dad cruelly left me and didn't let me follow you to Liangcheng Sister Chuyang was afraid that I would be lonely and helpless, so she asked Brother Mo Han to send someone to the village to pick me up."

(End of this chapter)

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