Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 754 Ye Chuyang, I want you to die

Chapter 754 Ye Chuyang, I want you to die
The two policemen suddenly broke out in cold sweat. Facing the pressure of double attack, they only felt that accepting Yun Ya's money turned out to be a hot potato at this moment.

Originally, he thought that he was just selling a favor to Mrs. Qiu, but he didn't want to completely offend the famous Mo Han.

They swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at each other again, mustered up the courage to look at Mo Han again, and said with a firm attitude: "I hope President Mo will forgive us for our abruptness today, and we will come to the door to apologize in person someday..."

As they said that, they held a pair of handcuffs, one on the left and the other on the right, intending to bind Chuyang's wrist.

Mo Han stretched out his hand and grabbed the icy handcuffs. His voice was as cold as cold, and he said coldly.

As soon as the words rolled down, he kicked the two policemen out.

The cold aura emanating from Mo Han's body shocked everyone present into a cold sweat.

Mo Han looked around for a week, then lowered his head to look at Chu Yang's calm face, he was afraid that what he did just now had frightened her.

But how could he forget that Chuyang has changed now, and she is the one who wants to fight side by side with him and resist the wind and rain together, how can this thing scare her.

What made her sad was that Hua Jin was so cruel that he sacrificed his own child and used that innocent life to frame her.

Chu Yang's dislike for Hua Jin became more and more profound.

Just at this time, the ambulance arrived, and the medical staff hurried forward, trying to maintain Huajin's condition.

But Hua Jin was very excited and refused, and they were not allowed to approach.

The medical staff stood in a stalemate, regardless of Huajin's strong objection, and decided to give Huajin a sedative to stabilize her emotions for the sake of the patient's life.

Unexpectedly, Hua Jin did not know where to take out a dagger, she pressed the dagger to her neck, and threatened those people in a cold voice not to approach, otherwise she would stab her throat and commit suicide.

All of a sudden, the medical staff no longer dared to act rashly.

The atmosphere on the field became more stagnant and strange.

She looked at Hua Jin coldly, at the dead man who had already stepped into the gate of hell with one foot, Hua Jin was now crazy, completely crazy.

"Hua Jin, I'll give you one last chance. Hurry up and go to the hospital for treatment. The child will not be saved, but you can save your own life. Don't be stupid again. If you are so stupid, you will end up with your own life. Li Chong has sent Once the medical staff come over, they will be here soon, don't be obsessed..." Chu Yang wanted to finally win a chance for Hua Jin, she is not a cold-blooded person, facing the passing of a life, she can not remain indifferent, she just Can finally persuade Hua Jin like this.

However, Hua Jin hated Chu Yang so much, how could she appreciate Chu Yang's kindness.

Not only did she not receive it, but she yelled hysterically: "Ye Chuyang, I want you to die, die, even if I die, I will drag you to hell. If I die, then you will be the one who caused a death." The chief culprit of the two lives. Even if Mo Han wanted to protect you, he couldn't, because this matter had been exposed to the public long before it happened, and you couldn't escape, you couldn't escape..."

Chuyang's heart was desolate, and every time he took a breath, he felt icy cold.

Her kindness is always a joke.

Mo Han squeezed Chu Yang's palm, the touch in his heart is self-evident, after all, he has grown up with Hua Jin, and he is not a cold-blooded and heartless person, so when the accident happened, he had already sent Li Chong to shout The ambulance is coming.

However, the ambulance came, but Hua Jin didn't want to be treated, let alone leave. She wanted to see Chu Yang go to jail, so why would Mo Han let Chu Yang enter that cold and dark prison for Hua Jin's sake.

 Huajin is about to get her box lunch, so pray for her to light up~~~
(End of this chapter)

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