Chapter 758 Killed

All the people present screamed in alarm, and some timid women fainted from fright.

More people fled out one after another, and no one was in the mood to watch a good show.

Yun Ya was startled, she hadn't finished her business, how could she let these people go.

She hastily sent someone to personally invite these people to the side hall of the banquet to rest for a while, and the banquet will continue after the arrangement here is completed.

At this time, no one was interested in attending the banquet, and wanted to leave, but they couldn't resist Qiu's power, so they waited bitterly with a restless heart.

This dinner will eventually become their nightmare in this life.

The two policemen had already fainted from fright. It was not for the two little people to intervene in such a scene, so they just closed their eyes and pretended to be dead.

Startled, Mo Han quickly covered Chu Yang's eyes, not wanting her to see this bloody scene.

Chu Yang held his hand and shook his head slightly: "I'm not afraid..."

The two stood a few meters away, staring at the bloody scene indifferently.

Perhaps, Meng Xing and Hua Jin are just a bad relationship, which started from the fate and ended with a bad relationship.

It's all fate, and no one can escape the punishment of fate.

They did a lot of evil in the previous life, but in this life, they finally reaped the consequences and got what they deserved.

At this moment, Chu Yang didn't feel very happy, but only felt that good fortune tricked people, karma and retribution were not good.

Yun Lingguang's face turned livid, and he immediately asked the man in black to step forward and snatch the knife from Hua Jin's hand.

Going forward to visit Meng Xing again, he found that his breathing was weak and he was already dying.

The medical staff immediately wanted to step forward to rescue, but Yun Lingguang stopped him with a gesture.

Several men in black surrounded the medical staff and prevented them from approaching.

Several doctors and nurses were so anxious that their eyes were red. As doctors, they couldn't just ignore death, but they were unable to resist the forces from Yun Lingguang.

Yun Lingguang glanced at Mo Han with his icy eyes, and bloodthirsty murderous aura shot out from the bottom of his eyes.

Mo Han was unmoved, and looked back with raised eyebrows.

The two men, separated by thin air, were at war with each other.

But a few seconds later, Meng Xing had gradually lost his breath, and was completely dead on the ground.

The blood from his body stained the floor red.

Hua Jin was immersed in her own world, her face was stained with Meng Xing's blood, showing her ferocious and terrifying side, she was crying and laughing like a madman.

She raised her hand, looking at the blood on her hand.

"I must be dreaming... yes, I must be dreaming..."

"My child, my child, you must still be there, right? Don't be afraid, baby, mother will always be by your side, mother will always be with you, and will always love you..." Hua Jin laughed through tears, bowed her head and stroked Belly, laughing like a madman.

Yun Lingguang frowned, seeing that Hua Jin's situation was not good, he asked a man in black to step forward while she was not paying attention, and slashed her neck with a hand knife, knocking her unconscious.

Hua Jin snorted and completely lost consciousness.

Only then did Yun Lingguang let the medical staff come forward, and carried away Meng Xing and Hua Jin one after another.

Yun Ya appeased the guests in the side hall, and hurried to the main hall. When she saw that Meng Xing and Hua Jin had been carried away, she hurriedly ordered people to clean up the blood in the venue.

Even though her heart was surging, she still firmly restrained the turbulent emotions.

Now, she can't be messed up, absolutely can't be messed up.

She sent someone to the hospital to observe their situation all the time, and if something bad happened, she would call her immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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