Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 773 Rescue failed, 1 corpse and 2 lives

Chapter 773 Rescue failed, one dead and two dead

A few people walked away cursing and stopped their evil deeds.

Huashang didn't dare to say anything, endured the pain in his body, and crawled back to his position little by little.

He took an old towel and wiped the bloody part carelessly. Before the blood was wiped off, the sound of rattling leather shoes slowly sounded from far to near.

Those few looked up, and they all looked at the Chinese merchants warningly.

The Chinese businessman smiled ingratiatingly, and immediately explained: "If the prison guard asks, I will just say that I accidentally fell when I went to the toilet at night."

Hearing what he said, several people looked at each other and laughed out loud.

On this side, the prison guard had already walked over. He shook the key in his hand as he walked, and called the Chinese businessman's name to let him go out. There was an ocean-going phone for him to answer.

When Huashang heard the news, his heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition surged up for no reason.

He didn't dare to think any more, and hurriedly followed the prison guards out.

The prison guard glanced at the wound on his body, turned around and led the way without asking any questions.

Feeling anxious, Huashang followed the prison guards to the telephone answering station.

When he was holding the cold phone and listening to Yun Ya's voice on the phone, he was full of joy.

"Yunya, do you have a way to get me out? You can make calls, so there must be a way to get me out, right?"

Yunya took a deep breath and remained silent for a long time before she slowly said: "Hua Shang, I have some bad news here, you have to be mentally prepared."

The joy in Huashang's heart was completely extinguished by Yun Ya's words.

His head was a little dazed. Hearing the news was bad news. He mocked and said with a smile: "Is there any worse news than being locked up in this place where there are no people or ghosts?"

Yun Ya: "An hour ago, Hua Jin was in the central hospital. The rescue failed, and he died twice..."

Huashang's throat choked, and then he laughed: "Yun Ya, are you crazy? What nonsense are you talking about?"

Yun Ya: "Really, Hua Jin is dead..."

"Yun Ya, what the hell are you talking about? How could Hua Jin be dead? Two dead bodies? What are you going crazy about? Even though I fucking liked you, you can't lie to me like this, like this You're kidding me. I'm squatting in this hellish prison for you, and I'm risking my fucking life. Are you going to stab me in the heart and curse Hua Jin to death?" Hua Shang's face was ashen, never He who had spat out dirty words to Yun Ya and let go of harsh words, this time he couldn't help but swear.

Yun Ya's sobbing voice came in a low voice: "Hua Shang, I didn't lie to you, Hua Jin is really dead. She was pregnant with Meng Xing's child, and she did not hesitate to sacrifice her child in order to frame Ye Chuyang. He even risked her life. Ye Chuyang didn't frame her, but Mo Han caught him and exposed Hua Jin's plot in front of the public."

"In the end, Hua Jin died of heavy bleeding because of the delay for too long..."

A mouthful of blood suddenly choked Hua Shang's throat, and the sweetness made him nauseous. For a moment, his eyes were dark, and there was something under his taste buds, which he could no longer hold back, and rushed out ferociously.

With a puff, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his tall, slightly stooped body slowly fell backwards.

His palms were grasping towards the void, and he roared hoarsely: "Hua Jin, my daughter..."

(End of this chapter)

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