Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 776 This little girl has a heart

Chapter 776

Going up to the second floor and turning the corner, he looked up and saw Ling Yi leaning against the wall, smoking a cigarette and shaking his legs.

Mo Leng glanced at him indifferently, not wanting to talk to him, turned around and wanted to leave.

However, Ling Yi smiled and stopped him: "Come on...Cousin-in-law, big cousin has something to talk to you..."

Mo Han frowned, stopped, and turned to look at Ling Yi.

"what's up?"

Ling Yi stretched out his head and glanced at the living room downstairs, where he was drinking milk and secretly looking at Mo Han's Zizi.

He pursed his lips, curled his lips and said with a smirk: "Here, I understand that this little girl has a heart, but I don't know when she left it on you. Tell me the truth, the part in the village Time, did you do something that the little girl misunderstood?"

"Otherwise, when I brought Chuyang into the village that day, why did I see her wearing a bright red wedding dress and clamoring to have a wedding with you? Her wedding to you didn't take place, but Chuyang raped her One kick, tell me, does this little girl have a trace of resentment towards Chuyang in her heart?"

"Then, Chuyang successfully took away the love of her adoptive parents. Tell me, is this little girl really as innocent and harmless as she appears on the surface?"

Mo Han frowned. He had thought about these things before.

However, because Chuyang has been trying to make up for Zizi because of his guilt, he can't say much.

In this way, after being exposed by Ling Yi in this way, some things became a little suspicious.

He didn't turn his head to look at Zizi again, but he could clearly feel that there was a strong gaze staring at him all the time, which made him feel uncomfortable all over.

Mo Han took Ling Yi's arm, and the two went to the study together.

After closing the study door tightly, Mo Han's eyes flashed coldly, he looked at Ling Yi and said in a low voice, "I've been wondering how Yunling Guang found the village, and then secretly sent Zi Zi Kidnapped? I asked Anming to investigate two days ago, and Anming told me that since we left, there have been no strangers in that village."

"So how did Yun Lingguang kidnap Zizi? He kidnapped Zizi, but he didn't use her to do anything. He just called Chuyang to take Zizi back in the past? Yun Lingguang never did things in vain. About Zizi, We must be vigilant..."

Ling Yi stubbed out the cigarette butt, walked to the wine cabinet, and took a bottle of old red wine.

After filling up the two goblets, he handed one to Mo Han.

With his slender and beautiful fingers, he held the goblet, gently swaying the red wine in the glass.

The long and narrow eyes are slightly squinted, and the corners of the lips are slightly hooked, carrying a hint of elusiveness.

"Since they want to use Zizi to play games, we will do our best to accompany them, but I really don't want Chuyang and my aunt to have any estrangement because of Zizi."

"If I have time, I will test Zizi myself. If she really has evil intentions, then I will tell that old man Qiu Heng to find a way to take Zizi away from Ling's house. Don't let Zizi, a rat shit , destroyed the harmonious and friendly atmosphere of our Ling family..."

Mo Han's expression gradually softened, it would be best if Ling Yi intervened in this matter.

He also knew that with Chuyang's keen observation ability, she was not blinded by hard work, she just couldn't bear to make Ling Yumo sad, and couldn't bear to make Ling Yumo embarrassing.

(End of this chapter)

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