Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 782 The game is important, or me

Chapter 782 The game is important, or me
Mo Han looked calm, stretched out his arms and hugged Chu Yang tightly, and whispered: "Don't run around, wait here for me to come back, I will go find her..."

Chu Yang nodded obediently: "Well, you go, I'm safe here, you don't need to worry about me, the most dangerous thing right now is Yoyo."

Mo Han remained silent, let go of Chu Yang, put his hands around her chin, and kissed her lips fiercely.

The breathing of the two people was disordered and their breaths were intertwined.

Finally, Mo Han took a deep look at Chuyang, then turned around decisively and left.

With a restless heart, Chu Yang hurried to the balcony, watched Mo Han leave the courtyard without blinking, got into a colored car, and quickly disappeared under the dark night.

It wasn't until the entrance of the villa courtyard that it fell into complete silence that Chu Yang slowly looked away.

Suppressing the fluctuations in my heart, I returned to the bedroom as calmly as possible, and got under the covers to sleep.

In a trance, she felt that she had fallen into a dream, but suddenly a bell rang next to her ear, and she was awakened suddenly.

There were some beads of sweat on her forehead, she sat up slowly, wiped her forehead with the back of her hand, and then took the phone over.

Looking up, it was too early in the morning, and she had just fallen asleep for less than two hours.

The caller was from an unfamiliar number, and Chu Yang didn't dare to make trouble, so she didn't answer it, letting the phone screen turn black and the ringtone gradually disappear.

Then, the mobile phone seemed to be against her, and kept ringing without listening.

Chu Yang wanted to turn off the phone, but suddenly a bad premonition rose in her heart, she gritted her teeth and answered the phone.

"Oh, Miss Ye, you can answer the phone. I am An Xiaowan's father. Xiaowan has been in a coma for a while, and she finally woke up tonight. As soon as she woke up, she shouted to see you. She was very emotional Excited, crying and laughing for a while, Miss Ye, I really have no choice, you are a bodhisattva, please come and see her..."

"This child, she doesn't know yet. One of her legs is crippled. If she knows, I don't know how she will survive. But now, Lu Cheng still doesn't know her whereabouts. I really don't know what to do. "Father An's tone was agitated, and he begged bitterly with sobs and sobs.

Chuyang's breathing was stagnant, and a trace of joy flashed in her eyes. She immediately responded: "Xiao Wan woke up? Great, Uncle An, please calm down. Xiao Wan wants to see me, so I'll go right away. You must appease me." For her emotions, just say that I will be there soon, and let her wait for me obediently..."

"Hey, thank you, Ms. Ye, thank you so much..." Father An was overjoyed and thanked you again and again.

Chu Yang hung up the phone, and immediately dialed Mo Han's cell phone, but Mo Han's cell phone was always on a busy tone. Chu Yang couldn't help feeling a little worried, so she called Li Chong again, but the result was the same.

Chu Yang looked at the time and felt that Xiao Wan couldn't be kept waiting, so she immediately got up to change clothes and wash.

After everything was tidied up, she called Mo Han again and got the same result.

Chu Yang felt anxious, but she didn't want to act rashly anymore, so she went to Ling Yi's bedroom and called Ling Yi to get up.

Ling Yi has always been a night owl, and it was only early morning, so he naturally did not fall asleep.

Holding a game remote control, he came to open the door impatiently.

"Who is it that you are so ignorant to disturb me playing games..."

Chu Yang said directly: "The game is more important, or me? I'll give you 5 minutes to pack yourself up, and then take some people with me to the hospital where Xiaowan is."

(End of this chapter)

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