Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 788 Where the hell is Yoyo

Chapter 788 Where the hell is Yoyo

"Send an order to inform everyone that even if I overthrow Liangcheng, I must dig out Yunlingguang..."

The bodyguard immediately stood up tremblingly, not daring to stay any longer, got into a car, drove off, and summoned all his subordinates.

This day in Liangcheng, I'm afraid it will change.

Ling Yi looked up at the dark night, and laughed loudly: "Yun Lingguang, originally I planned to take care of the face of the two families in the capital, and I also wanted to leave a way for your Yun family to survive. But you, you chose to die, If you want to fight against our Ling family, since you know that Chuyang is the cousin of our Ling family, but you still dare to kidnap her, well, since you are not afraid, then I am not afraid either."

"Since you want Chu Yang's heart, then I will make the Yun family pay the price..."

Ling Yi immediately took his mobile phone and dialed a number: "Brother, Chuyang was taken away by the young master of the Yun family. They always wanted Chuyang's heart to be replaced by Yunya's daughter Qiu Yiren. This time Chuyang To be taken away by Yun Lingguang is more ominous than good. There are some things, we can no longer wait, and we can no longer stick to the rules and follow our father's conservative way."

"It's time for us to deal with some problems in the way of young people. If we don't do anything, then our Ling family will fall into hell in the future. The so-called strike first is the best time to bring down the Yun family. The time has come..."

Anyone who dared to offend the Ling family would have to make the enemy pay the same price and pain.

As long as he doesn't send him back to Chuyang for a day, he will disturb the Yun family and there will be no peace for a day.


When Mo Han brought Li Chong into Qiu Yiren's ward, he didn't see Mo Youyou.

He couldn't help frowning, his eyes were cold, and he shot at Qiu Yiren who was lying on the hospital bed with a pale face.

"Where is Yoyo?"

There was a flash of joy in Qiu Yiren's eyes. When Mo Han asked her where Yoyo was, the joy in her eyes, like a bright light, gradually turned into darkness.

"Yuyou came to look for me, but she left, isn't she home now?" She asked in a surprised voice.

"When did she leave?" He asked coldly.

Qiu Yiren looked at him with a bad face, and replied truthfully without concealing it: "Half an hour ago, she should have arrived home now..."

How could Mo Han easily believe Qiu Yiren's nonsense? He took his mobile phone and dialed the Mo family in front of Qiu Yiren.

The phone was connected quickly, and he quickly asked, "Has Yoyo gone home?"

"I've been waiting at home, and Yoyo hasn't come back." Jiang Yu answered the phone, and when she heard Mo Han's voice, she was so anxious that she burst into tears.

Mo Han's face darkened, he comforted Jiang Yu in a low voice, and then quickly hung up the phone.

He winked at Li Chong, Li Chong nodded, turned and walked out of the room, closing the door.

In the room, only he and Qiu Yiren were left.

Mo Han raised his footsteps, walked towards Qiu Yiren step by step, then bent slightly, his eyes fixed on Qiu Yiren coldly.

"Where is Yoyo? I don't want to hear another lie from you..." he asked word by word.

Qiu Yiren looked at the man who was very close to her with bright eyes. She sat up and grabbed Mo Han's wrist.

How long has she not looked at him so closely, how long has she not felt his body temperature.

This is her big brother Mo, the man she has been thinking of since she was a child.

Now, why doesn't he belong to him at all? She is not reconciled, she has never been reconciled.

(End of this chapter)

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