Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 796 Mr. Yun invited me to be a guest, did he also send me to die?

Chapter 796 Mr. Yun invited me to be a guest, did he also send me to die?

While unbuttoning his shirt, he sat lazily on the sofa in the living room, and motioned for Chu Yang to sit down.

After being delayed for most of the night, Chu Yang was already extremely sleepy and exhausted. Although her body couldn't bear it, she kept her spirit in a high degree of tension.

She sat down opposite him, quietly watched the servant serve wine and dessert, and then sent Yun Lingguang away.

In an instant, only Chu Yang and Yun Lingguang were left in the lobby of the villa, and Mo Youyou was standing on the third floor.

Mo Youyou didn't dare to come down, and she didn't dare to go back to the room, she just stood there motionless in fear.

At this moment, when she saw Ye Chuyang, she felt joy in her heart, and her restless heart also calmed down.

It's strange to say that she hated Ye Chuyang so much before, but she didn't know when, even if she didn't admit it, she already regarded Ye Chuyang as her sister-in-law in her heart.

Especially after seeing the true faces of Qiu Yiren and Hua Jin, along with her guilt towards Chu Yang, these cognitions gradually became deeply rooted.

Yun Lingguang poured two glasses of champagne and handed one to Chu Yang. He looked at her with raised eyebrows and a faint smile, and asked with a low smile, "Do you dare to drink?"

Chu Yang pursed his lips, raised his eyes to look at him, another ray of light was refracted on his face, making his clear and feminine temperament dazzled.

It is undeniable that Yun Lingguang's appearance is good enough, and he seems to be able to easily seduce a woman's heart. As long as he wants to, Chu Yang believes that there is no woman in this world that he can't handle.

However, this person is too cold and vicious, and with his behavior, one day he will eventually fall into a dead end.

It depends on him, whether he is willing to turn around and start a new life.

Chu Yang regained his thoughts, picked up the cup, and tasted it carefully.

Her crisp and quick movements made Yun Lingguang laugh happily a few times.

"Miss Ye is really courageous. You know, all the people I invited back as guests and brought back to this villa in person, when they came here for the first time, who didn't look pale and trembling with fright. They said they drank , Even sitting side by side with me, they dare not..."

Chu Yang tasted it a few times, put down the cup, looked up at Yun Lingguang, and chuckled meaningfully: "So, what will happen to those people?"

Yun Lingguang suppressed the smile on the corner of his mouth, and whispered two words: "Dead..."

"Oh? So, Mr. Yun invited me to be a guest, and he also sent me to die?" Chu Yang raised his eyebrows and asked back.

Hearing the word death, Yoyo, who was standing on the third floor, was already so frightened that her legs became weak.

She was a little scared, and wanted to run downstairs, holding on to Chuyang's hand tightly.

A man in black standing beside her blocked her way.

Chu Yang saw it, frowned slightly, looked at Yun Lingguang and said, "Mr. Yun, you may be hungry or thirsty, can you let her go downstairs to eat?"

Yun Lingguang only realized later, as if he had just discovered the existence of Yoyo, he pretended to be stunned, and responded with a smile: "Look at me being confused, come down quickly, Yoyo, here is your favorite food dessert……"

With joy in her eyes, Yoyo ran down the stairs like a gust of wind.

Within a few minutes, she rushed to Chu Yang's side, and hugged Chu Yang's arm without admitting it at all.

Chu Yang was holding champagne in his hand, when she suddenly threw some of the wine in his glass, which also wet the skin on his wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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