Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 805 I've already fallen in love with you, so I don't want to watch you die

Chapter 805 I've already fallen in love with you, so I don't want to watch you die
The whole room was silent, and Yun Lingguang was silent for a long time without speaking.

He was just using those indifferent eyes to quietly stare at Chuyang, and kept staring, without blinking.

Chuyang suddenly felt a little uneasy in her heart. She pursed her lips, avoided his gaze, and said in a low voice: "If you don't want to answer, then don't answer. You don't need to keep staring at me, right? It's scary..."

Yun Lingguang suddenly approached Chu Yang, his cold palm wrapped around her slender wrist, his Adam's apple rolled, staring at her soft and delicate face, he asked in a low voice: "Why? Afraid of me?"

She curled her lips slightly, met his gaze, and replied lightly: "Are you scary? Is it because you have killed people before, or is it because you have a bloodthirsty factor in your bones, and you are not happy when you see anyone, and you want to get rid of it quickly?" ? I am really puzzled, after all these years, do you have friends, lovers, and real relatives?"

"Such a ruthless and cold-blooded person can indeed make people feel scared..."

Yun Lingguang's coldness penetrates into his bones and blood, so for so many years, he has been alone and acted recklessly, no one will ever be able to guess what he thinks in his heart, it is so mysterious that it makes people chill.

"How do I feel, you are not afraid of me?" He smiled softly, and he expected Chuyang's answer.

Chu Yang didn't want to have too much physical contact with him, the man's temperature was so cold that goose bumps formed around her skin.

"Mr. Yun can speak as he pleases, you don't have to grab my wrist and talk..." She struggled but failed to break free, then she raised her eyes to look at him and raised her eyebrows.

Yun Lingguang leaned over slightly, staring lightly at her face, his eyes burning.

"What should I do? I like talking to you like this..." He still didn't let go, but increased his strength a bit.

Chu Yang frowned. In her opinion, this man was sometimes very unreasonable.

Since she couldn't break free, she didn't want to waste any more effort, so she simply changed the subject and singled out Yun Lingguang's taboo topic.

"One thing, I really don't understand. What is the reason that Mr. Yun suddenly changed his mind, and he didn't hesitate to turn against Yun Ya, but also to keep me?" She asked with a questioning look, focusing on his eyebrows.

Yun Lingguang chuckled, meeting her probing eyes, somehow, as if by a strange coincidence, he reached out and touched Chu Yang's face.

Chuyang was even more displeased, frowning and struggling hard, but Yun Lingguang alone restrained her with both hands, preventing her from moving, and continued to caress the outline of her facial features with the other hand.

She was so angry that she gritted her teeth, glared at him and growled: "Mr. Yun, it's not good for you to do things without women's permission, and it's compulsory, isn't it?"

Yun Lingguang pursed his lips and let out a muffled laugh, his cool fingers rested on her lips.

"Want to know why I saved you from Yunya? I'll tell you now, okay?"

Chu Yang frowned and said nothing, staring at him very angrily.

Yun Lingguang was in a happy mood, his thin lips slowly approached her ear, and whispered, "Of course it's because I've fallen in love with you, so I don't want to watch you die..."

"Heh..." Chu Yang sneered: "You're just lying to a three-year-old child with your nonsense. In my eyes, you Yunling just has no heart. How can a person who has no heart fall in love with someone?" ? And the enemy..."

A tiny vortex rolled in Yunling's eyes, and the vortex flickered on and off, making it impossible to fathom.

(End of this chapter)

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