Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 817 Stuck a big basket for me

Chapter 817 Made a Big Sack for Me
Old Master Yun's anger couldn't be dispelled no matter what, he stopped panting, walked back and forth in the study with a cane on his back, and said angrily, "Stupid thing, Yun Ya is confused, you should follow suit Is it? Back then she didn't know Ling Yumo's identity, but now you know, why didn't you stop her?"

"Over the years, you have used the power of the Yun family to do so many unconscionable things outside, and I have never stepped in to blame you. In short, don't offend the aristocratic families in the capital and the cities in the outer city, do whatever you want If you mess around, the Yun family can cover you."

"But in the end, you actually made a big mess for me and offended the Ling family? When I deal with the Ling family, I always behave respectfully and dare not offend easily, but in the end, you completely offended the Ling family?"

"You still allow Yunya to do evil, trying to win the heart of the granddaughter of the Ling family? Hehe... In my opinion, ten lives of Qiu Yiren are not as precious as Ye Chuyang's one life."

Yun Lingguang stood where he was, drooped his head and did not speak, allowing the old man to vent his anger.

Master Yun took his crutches, knocked on the ground, and ordered with a cold face: "Go... and tie Yun Ya back to the capital for me. I have caused such a disaster for me. I must peel her skin with my own hands..."

Yun Ling walked out of the room with a blank face, told the servants to take good care of the old man's body, and then went to see Mrs. Yun again.

The old lady was furious, grabbed Yun Lingguang's hand, and accused the old man of his evil deeds with snot and tears.

Yun Lingguang was helpless, although he was very irritable in his heart, but he had always respected and loved grandma, so he could only suppress his anger and stay with the old lady for a while.

He didn't leave the room until he put the old lady to sleep.

After leaving the Yun's villa, he got into the car, quickly ordered the driver to drive to the airport, and rushed back to Liangcheng immediately.

On the way to the airport, he called Yunya several times, but the phone was turned off.

He frowned again and called the doctor, but the doctor didn't answer.

He threw away his cell phone irritably, leaned back on the seat, and closed his eyes to rest.

In fact, he only learned about Ye Chuyang's relationship with the Ling family a day ago.

Many things have long been out of his control and are developing in a very bad direction.

He really didn't expect that behind Ye Chuyang, the Ling family would be hidden.

In the Ling family, no politicians are willing to confront it.

Now, he and Yun Ya have completely pissed off the Ling family. Yun Lingguang had a foreknowledge that the Yun family and the Ling family would gradually become incompatible with each other from the past.

Not only is the sky in Liangcheng about to change, but the capital is also gradually becoming turbulent.


Chu Yang was carried all the way back to the villa by Mo Han. The cold aura emanating from his body made Chu Yang feel a little uneasy.

She tried to say a few lighthearted words to make him happy, but Mo Han always kept a serious face.

He put her on the bed in the bedroom, took the medical kit, and carefully cleaned the red and swollen marks on her face.

After the burning pain, Chuyang actually didn't feel the pain anymore.

She pressed his hand and said in a low voice that she was tired, so he packed his things and fell asleep with her.

There was something hidden in his heart, Chu Yang couldn't sleep at first, curled up in his big embrace, closed his eyes and thought wildly.

Thinking about it, she thought of Mo Han's strong murderous aura that suddenly appeared on his face in Yunlingguang Villa, that bloodthirsty light, jumping in the bottom of his eyes, that kind of cold and terrifying, which she had never seen before. Never seen it on Mo Han.

(End of this chapter)

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