Chapter 833
Before that, the old lady followed the trend of young people and read "Beauty Allure", and even took the old man to watch the movie "Splendid Years" that was still being screened.

From the bottom of my heart, my love for Chu Yang is naturally self-evident.

The old man, who was still a little melancholy at first, gradually improved a bit when he talked about Chuyang.

Looking at the joy on his mother's brow, Qiu Heng bent his lips unconsciously.

The mother and daughter chatted around Chuyang for a whole night. Qiu Heng was amazed at the spirit of the old man. Although his body was tired, he was happy in his heart.

It would be great if his parents could really like Chuyang.

As far as he is concerned, he wants to give Chu Yang the best thing in the world, whether it is family affection or a family, he will spare no effort to realize this thought.


After Qiu Heng slept for a few hours, the man in black who was guarding Yun Ya called him.

After he was woken up, he quickly got up and rushed to the hotel where Yun Ya was locked up.

He had just stepped into the corridor when he heard a crackling sound coming from the room, which seemed to be the sound of something smashing.

Qiu Heng frowned, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

With the icy aura around him, he stood at the door of the room without saying a word, staring blankly at the men in black outside.

"what happened?"

"This woman has been yelling to get out since she woke up. We ignored her. She smashed everything in the room. Now she is holding a piece of porcelain and scratching her wrist. She threatened that if we don't let her go, She killed herself."

"Mr. Qiu, we really can't do anything, so we can only disturb you." The man in black hurriedly described the cause and effect.

Qiu Heng smiled coldly, and then asked the man in black to open the door.

"Get the hell out of here. Since you won't let me out, I'll show you my death. If you want to lock me up, then lock up a corpse..."

Coincidentally, a wooden chair fell towards the door and almost hit Qiu Heng.

Qiu Heng dodges and narrows his eyes to look into the room.

Yun Ya's long hair was in a mess, blood was all over her body on her wrists, her face was pale, and the circles around her eyes were black and blue.

Now that Yunya is in a mess, how can she still have her usual noble and elegant temperament, as well as her powerful aura of a queen.

She held a blood-stained fragment in her hand, pressed it against her neck, and her raised arm was also bleeding continuously.

She glared at her eyes, fell to the ground, and looked at Qiu Heng angrily.

When she saw Qiu Heng's facial features clearly, there was a gleam of light in her eyes, and then she immediately crawled towards Qiu Heng regardless of her image.

As she crawled, she choked up and cried bitterly: "Qiu Heng, please let me go. I'm going to find Yi Ren. She doesn't know whether she is dead or alive. I'm really worried about her. I beg you to let me find her." Right? No matter how much you hate me, Yiren is your own flesh and blood, you can't be so cruel and disregard her life or death."

Qiu Hengli did not move at the same place, with an indifferent expression, looking coldly at the distraught woman crouching at his feet, letting go of all dignity and pride, begging for his forgiveness.

He looked at her condescendingly, without speaking for a long time, taking a panoramic view of all her embarrassment and humbleness.

Yun Ya grabbed his trousers, her eyes were gloomy: "Qiu Heng, she is your daughter, you can't just leave her alone. Help me find out who took her away. Who is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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