Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 868 You Definitely Want To Kill Me

Chapter 868 You Definitely Want To Kill Me
Zhou Huai's face changed, and he quickly got up and ran out with Zhou Huai.

There was no surprise on Chuyang's face, she continued to read the script extremely calmly.

After a while, Kemi ran in with a worried expression.

"Chuyang, Han Shuishui's leg was scratched for a long time, and she bled a lot. I'm afraid she will have scars on her leg in the future. As she loves beauty, she probably won't be able to wear skirts in the future."

Chu Yang smiled faintly, raised his eyebrows slightly and said with a smile: "I didn't expect his efficiency to be quite fast..."

"Him? Chuyang, what do you mean by that? Who are you talking about?" Ke Mi asked with some incomprehension.

"Of course it's Yan Tong. He knows that I was injured. Mo Han will definitely not let it go. If Mo Han makes a move, it won't be as simple as leaving a scar on one leg." Chu Yang dropped the script in his hand , poured a cup of tea, took two shallow pecks, and then said slowly.

Ke Mi was stunned for a while, and said in disbelief, "Yan Tong is really ruthless..."

Chu Yang narrowed his eyes lightly, and said coldly: "He is saving her."

Ke Mi unconsciously clenched the fabric of the hem of his clothes, and somewhat understood the meaning of Chu Yang's words.

The staff member who hurt Chuyang had already been expelled from Liangcheng by Mo Han, so Han Shuishui, the mastermind, must have suffered a worse fate than that person.

But during this time, Mo Han has not acted.

Yan Tong was ahead of this and taught Han Shuishui a lesson in advance, so this is not protecting Han Shuishui.

It's a pity that Han Shuishui didn't accept Yan Tong's love.

Zhou Huai hurriedly asked the staff to send Han Shuishui to the hospital to bandage the wound.

Han Shuishui didn't want to go, and kept clamoring to come to Chuyang to settle the score. She let her leg bleed and refused to go to the hospital. She kept pestering the director, and she must pay her justice.

Zhou Huai was also in a dilemma. In the end, he really didn't have any points, so he sent someone to inform Yan Tong and let him handle the matter.

Unexpectedly, before Yan Tong was invited, Han Shuishui was supported by his little assistant, and rushed to the lounge where Chuyang was with a full face of anger.

She bared her teeth and claws, and wanted to pounce on Chuyang, cursing as she pounced.

"Ye Chuyang, you femme fatale, you must be the one who spent money to kill me and let them use props to hit me. You definitely wanted to kill me. Fortunately, I was lucky and only hurt a leg. , If you don't give me an explanation today, I won't go to the hospital, and I'll call the police immediately..." Han Shuishui cursed aggrievedly with tears all over his face.

Chu Yang looked at the woman in a state of distress, and saw her ugliness as a shrew swearing in the street, and felt that this woman was too stupid.

She couldn't help shaking her head, and said, "If you don't go to the hospital for treatment, you go to the police, it's none of my business. Even if you spend your time here, you can go to the police, I agree..."

"Kami, if Ms. Han Shuishui doesn't have a mobile phone, you can find a phone number for her, dial the number for her, and ask her to call the police..." Chu Yang glanced at Kemi and said with a smile.

Ke Mi stared at Han Shuishui with disdain, then she really went to find a mobile phone and threw it to Han Shuishui.

Han Shuishui's face was livid with anger, and she was bleeding too much, so she was already on the verge of fainting, and her entire body weight was leaning on the little assistant.

The little assistant is not tall, thin and small, how can she bear her weight, so when Ke Mi threw the phone over, the little assistant finally couldn't hold it up, and the two of them fell to the ground hard together.

(End of this chapter)

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