Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 873 Just now your whole body was trembling

Chapter 873 Just now your whole body was trembling

"Mo Han, what's the matter with you? Why don't you wake up no matter what I call you? In your dream, what the hell is it?"

Mo Han kept his secrets secret, he darkened his eyes, pursed his thin lips and did not answer.

How he was going to explain the dream to her, he couldn't say.

Still in a daze, suddenly there was a sound of footsteps downstairs, and then Li Chong led Lu Cheng into the study.

The two saw Chu Yang and Mo Han tightly hugging each other, they both stopped at the same time and stood at the door, neither walking nor walking.

Lu Cheng had no choice but to put his fist to his lips, and coughed softly.

Chu Yang was worried about Mo Han's situation, so she quickly got out of Mo Han's arms and looked at Lu Cheng.

"Come in quickly, I found that Mo Han's current situation is very strange..."

Lu Cheng and Li Chong looked at each other before walking in.

Mo Han's face was gloomy, he glanced at Lu Cheng, and exchanged glances with him calmly.

"Go back, I'm fine..."

Chu Yang's complexion changed, and he looked at Mo Han angrily: "It's okay? Just now your whole body was shaking, your forehead was sweating, and you kept yelling "kill and kill". Tell me, what's wrong with you? What kind of dream are you having?"

Mo Han slightly curled his lips into a smile, pinched her nose indifferently, and said softly, "I just had a nightmare, it's nothing, and you asked them all to come here in the middle of the night?"

Chu Yang turned his face away angrily, unwilling to listen to him anymore, but looked at Lu Cheng, and asked solemnly: "Lu Cheng, you are a doctor, but tell me, is Mo Han in such a condition normal? Do it once. It's nothing more than a nightmare, why is he like this today? Maybe he is like this every day without me knowing?"

Lu Cheng pursed his lips and smiled, and said jokingly: "The boss has some problems, and the problems are not small."

"Really? What's wrong with him?" When Chu Yang heard Lu Cheng say this, her hairs stood on end, her face full of worry.

Mo Han glanced at Lu Cheng thoughtfully, with a hint of warning.

How could Lu Cheng not understand, he smiled softly and looked at Chu Yang.

"Boss, he must have been under too much pressure recently, thinking a little too much, so he just thinks about it every day and dreams at night. Don't worry, I will consult a familiar psychiatrist early this morning, and then ask carefully about the details. Let’s see if it’s okay or not. I guess, it’s not a big problem, just relax and don’t worry too much. When it’s appropriate, you can also go on a trip to relax.”

Chu Yang frowned slightly, feeling that Lu Cheng's words were easy, but now she felt very uneasy.

Mo Han shook her hand, and said with a low smile, "Look, you don't believe me when I say it's fine, and Lu Cheng said the same thing, so you should be relieved, right?"

Chu Yang's lips twitched, and he wanted to say something more, but he saw Lu Cheng yawning and standing up.

"Boss, I have nothing to do and I'm leaving now. I went to bed very late yesterday, and I was woken up by Li Chong again before dawn. I have to go back to catch up on sleep."

Mo Han smiled and nodded, telling him to be careful on the road.

The corner of Li Chong's mouth twitched, he glanced at Lu Cheng, but stood up with a wink, and said the same: "I'm sleepy too, Young Master Lu, we came together, then please send me back too."

Lu Cheng kicked Li Chong, and the two of them walked out of the study with shoulder to shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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