Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 901 The only way to find Lu Cheng is to ask about the cause and effect

Chapter 901 The only way to find Lu Cheng is to ask about the cause and effect
Chu Yang crawled on Kemi's shoulders, her eyes were slightly red, she was really worried about Mo Han, but she felt powerless, she didn't know where she was going to start the investigation.

Yan Tong, who stayed outside the door and listened for a long time, lowered his eyes slightly, finished smoking a cigarette on his lips, stubbed out the cigarette end, pushed the door and walked in.

"Let's go back to Liangcheng immediately and go to Lucheng..."

Chu Yang and Ke Mi were taken aback, but when they heard Yan Tong's words, they all looked at each other, and looked at Yan Tong puzzled.

Yan Tong approached Chu Yang with a solemn look on his face that had never been seen before.

He looked at Chuyang's dull and lifeless eyes with complicated eyes, and his heart ached faintly.

Some things, at the current stage, he no longer wants to hide from her, and he doesn't want to see her sad anymore.

Then, after pondering for a long time, he whispered.

"After I robbed Lu Cheng from Yun Lingguang, something strange happened to Lu Cheng that night. He was feverish all over, and he kept shouting that he was guilty, and that he wanted to commit suicide to make amends."

"Later, after that night, he didn't have this kind of situation again. I sent someone to send him to the mountains and countryside to let him recuperate in peace. As a result, his body wounds had just healed, and he secretly returned to Liangcheng , I sent someone to follow him secretly, only to find that he had just arrived in Liangcheng when he met a monk wearing a monk's uniform."

"In the beginning, Lu Cheng was wary and refused to go with him, but the monk said something. After Lu Cheng was shocked, he finally walked away with the old monk without any resistance."

"Because I was afraid that Lu Cheng would find my person, so I don't know what he talked with that monk that night. If you want to know the reason, you have to find Lu Cheng and ask the cause and effect."

That night, Chu Yang and his party of five took the last flight back to Liangcheng.

Several people did not go home, so they contacted Lu Cheng to talk in a teahouse.

Lu Cheng knew what they wanted to ask, but this matter was related to his previous life, and even if he knew some things, he would not dare to disclose them easily.

It's one thing whether they believe it or not, and he is afraid that too many people will find out that it will cause bad things.

Therefore, when Lu Cheng went to the teahouse and faced their interrogation, he always said that he had a high fever due to injuries on his body at that time, so his head was burned and confused, and he had some bad dreams.

Later, he fled back to Liangcheng, and happened to meet a monk who could tell fortunes. He never believed in ghosts and gods, but he couldn't bear the shadow brought by that nightmare, so he invited the monk to interpret his dream.

His dream was just that something bad happened to him, so he committed suicide with a gun in his dream.

In the end, the way the monk gave him to interpret his dreams was to let him relax, do more good deeds, and cherish those who should be cherished.

After listening to Lu Cheng's narration, everyone had different thoughts.

Ling Yi asked Lu Cheng about Mo Han's recent mood changes.

Lu Cheng assured him very easily, saying that Mo Han has been under a lot of pressure recently, and he has introduced this monk to Mo Han to interpret his dreams, and he will gradually get better.

Only then did everyone slowly let go of their hearts, but Chuyang's heart was always restless.

What Lu Cheng said was actually half true and false, but the dream he said was true, and it was actually the same as what Chu Yang saw when he returned to his previous life.

Chu Yang suppressed the turbulence in his heart, pretended to be calm, and chatted with them for several hours.

(End of this chapter)

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