Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 903 Why did you go up the mountain overnight to find someone

Chapter 903 Why did you go up the mountain overnight to find someone
Yun Lingguang lowered his eyes and glanced at the address above, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"How did you find out this address? I sent someone to follow Qiu Heng for more than a month, and I didn't find anything suspicious..."

Qiu Yiren smiled slightly, her beautiful eyes fluttered slightly, and a trace of coldness flashed in her eyes, and she whispered: "You only stare at that man, but ignore the people around him. I will start with the people around him , and the whereabouts were soon tracked."

Yunling's eyes looked at Qiu Yiren with some complicated eyes. Compared with before, this woman was more thoughtful.

For the person he didn't find, she actually got the news in advance.

"Tell me, what's the second thing?" Yun Lingguang asked again.

Qiu Yiren put down the cup, got up slowly, and walked slowly to the window of the living room.

Some precious varieties of flowers and plants were planted outside the window. It was dark at this time, and the beauty of the flowers and plants could not be concealed.

She was silent for a long time, then slowly turned to look at Yun Lingguang, and said lightly: "I want you to find someone..."

"Who?" Yun Lingguang asked in a deep voice.

Qiu Yiren smiled and replied, "A monk."

Yun Lingguang knew that the current Qiu Yiren seemed to have been completely reborn. Although her appearance was still weak, every look and every movement of her showed that her way of doing things had changed qualitatively from before.

Because of his father, there are some things that he cannot refuse.

Besides, he also really wanted to know what the Qiuyi people were going to do.


Chu Yang and Ling Yi took some people up the mountain to discredit them.

During the long turbulence, the car was hidden in the night, driving silently on the green mountain road.

The winding mountain road, with twists and turns, is covered with green plants on both sides of the mountain road, all of which are unnamed trees.

Chu Yang stared in a daze, watching the scenery recede and disappear from her sight.

Ling Yi asked suddenly, "Why did you go up the mountain overnight to find someone?"

"I've been haunted by nightmares for many days recently, and with the changes in Mo Han during this time, I feel very uneasy. So I want to meet this monk and let him interpret my dreams for me." Chu Yang couldn't tell the truth, so he could only use dreams explained.

Ling Yi didn't doubt that he was there, sighed softly, and patted the back of Chuyang's hand, telling her not to worry too much, he would help her find him.

The car went round and round, and finally parked in a small temple.

Since it was night at this time, there was no one walking around in front of the temple gate, only a faint light seeping from the courtyard to the outside.

Chu Yang lowered half of the car window, looking at the temple built on the top of the mountain, his heart suddenly jumped wildly without warning.

She hurriedly covered her chest with her hands, suppressed the turmoil in her heart, and raised her hand to open the window.

Ling Yi narrowed his eyes and looked out the car window, the bottom of his eyes flickered slightly.

He quickly held Chu Yang's hand, signaling her not to act rashly, and not to get out of the car yet.

Startled, Chu Yang followed Ling Yi's gaze, only to find several black cars parked in a dark corner.

"Someone just arrived here." Ling Yi said in a low voice, his eyes dimmed.

Chu Yang's heart fell, and he stopped his movements immediately.

Ling Yi got out of the car, and whispered a few words to a person, asking him to go in and find out.

The man nodded, and ran into the temple quickly. At this time, all the monks were probably asleep. The gate of the temple was closed, and the man jumped over the wall and entered.

(End of this chapter)

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