Chapter 906

That's really a coincidence, we are quite destined, how about this, I will borrow the master tonight, and I will personally send the master to Mr. Ling's residence tomorrow night, do you think this will work? "

Ling Yi smiled coldly, without any accommodation: "Sorry, no."

He refused decisively, showing no mercy to Qiu Yiren.

Qiu Yiren couldn't help but froze, she thought she was unparalleled in beauty, but no man could escape her bright smile.

As a result, Ling Yi was not moved at all, and his tone of voice became even colder. Qiu Yi was so angry that she bit her lip slightly.

"Mr. Ling really won't give me a little bit of noodles?" She asked again unwillingly.

Ling Yi sneered, and mocked: "Do we know each other? Do we have friendship? Why should I spare you? Someone, bring Master Yuanji into the car."

As soon as he gave an order, several people walked out in secret, and immediately bowed to ask Master Yuanji to move.

Master Yuanji's footsteps were brisk this time, and he couldn't wait to walk towards Chuyang.

Qiu Yiren's eyebrows twitched, and he hastily blocked Master Yuanji's way.

"Mr. Ling, you are too unreasonable. There must always be someone who comes first. If I come first, Master Yuanji will naturally follow me first. If you insist on being rude and robbing people, then don't blame me for being rude."

Ling Yi laughed softly, this woman was as kind as a spring breeze and rain just now, but now he has pierced her mask, and she can't pretend anymore, is she going to have a showdown with him completely?
She is obviously a femme fatale with vicious thoughts, but she insists on pretending to be a good person. She pretends not to be tired, but he is tired just looking at it.

"Miss Qiu, it's better to speak in this tone. It's comfortable to listen to. I felt a little disgusted when I heard that yin and yang tone just now." Ling Yi pursed her lips and replied bluntly.

Qiu Yiren's face turned pale, she gritted her teeth and stared at Ling Yi: "You..."

Ling Yi didn't bother to entangle her too much, since Yun Lingguang didn't show up, it meant that Yun Lingguang must have gone to do something important.

He didn't want to waste any more time, so he just left a word, turned around and left.

"Miss Qiu is not convinced, so let's do it. I brought more than ten people, and all of them are very skilled, holding short guns. According to my observation, Miss Qiu led only six people, even if they had guns in their hands, it was too late to draw them." , will be shot dead by my men?"

The Qiuyi people were shocked, and turned to look at the people he had brought. There was a person standing behind them, and everyone's guns were on the forehead of the man in black.

The situation was quickly reversed quietly.

All of this happened quietly, and it was done in one go while she was talking with Ling Yi.

Qiu Yiren looked at Ling Yi tremblingly, Ling Yi had already taken Master Yuanji into the car.

Ling Yi lowered half of the car window, revealing a face, and arrogantly sneered at Yi Ren.

Then with a big wave of his hand, he asked his people to withdraw.

A group of people quickly got into the car and disappeared before Qiuyiren's eyes.

Qiu Yi clenched her fists in anger, gritted her teeth and let out a low growl.

But in the car that Ling Yi made, he vaguely saw a vague and familiar figure.

Qiu Yiren's face was pale, and she staggered a few steps forward. She gritted her teeth and roared, "Ye Chuyang, it's you?"

From the rearview mirror, Chu Yang saw Qiu Yiren's ferocious and resentful face.

The Qiuyi people at this time were extremely terrifying, and there was no trace of a pretty beauty.

(End of this chapter)

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