Chapter 910

Ling Yi even sent people to guard for 42 hours, one to prevent Yun Lingguang's people from finding out, and the other to prevent Yun Ya from sneaking out.

This place is like a prison they made for Yunya, a hell full of filth.

Regardless of whether Yun Ya is really crazy or just pretending, this time the fake will become real.


Mo Han returned to Liangcheng and joined the company.

He sat alone in the office, staring blankly for a long time.

Thinking of the parting, Chu Yang's eyes were filled with disappointment and grief, and Mo Han's heart was involuntarily stabbed slightly.

He leaned on the sofa, took off his coat, and slowly unbuttoned the collar.

The whole person collapsed on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested.

Half an hour later, he woke up sweating profusely.

The nightmare still came as promised, and the dark circles under his eyes became thicker and thicker.

At the bottom of my heart, there was nothing to settle down, and my heart was beating wildly.

He felt uneasy, and the violent factor in his blood surged out uncontrollably.

He staggered to his feet, rushed to the desk, and threw all the things on the table that could and could not be smashed to the ground.

A glass fell to the ground and shattered, and the glass shards pierced his arm and cheek.

A burst of dense pain slowly awakened his consciousness, and he stumbled up and left the office.

The bloodstains on his face were horrifying. Several female employees were even scared to death. A few courageous male employees mustered up the courage to step forward and ask Mo Han if he wanted to go to the hospital.

Mo Han's eyes were cold, and he scolded in a low voice: "Get lost..."

Suddenly, everyone was as quiet as a chilling cicada.

Seeing his figure disappear before their eyes, everyone broke out in a cold sweat.

Mo Han came out of the company aimlessly, he just felt his mind was blank and completely confused.

He was carrying his coat and walking aimlessly.

After wandering outside for several hours, the night was dark and thick like a ball of insoluble ink, which disturbed his brain pain, disturbed his thoughts, and his irritability slowly rose.

At some point, he wandered into a red area like a bar and nightclub, where neon lights illuminated the doorway of the storefront, and all kinds of men and women gathered, everyone had cigarette butts in their mouths, spoke dirty words, laughed and scolded together.

Mo Han was indifferent, and walked past them calmly.

When Mo Han walked to the entrance of the alley, he faintly heard a woman begging for mercy in a low voice, he stopped and squinted his eyes.

In the dim alley, although the lights were dim, he could still see clearly what happened inside.

A group of men dressed in low fashion surrounded a little girl about 20 years old, and the group of vicious men pushed the little girl to the ground.

"Such a beautiful girl, I'm so fucking rare, it's really rare."

"Your brother is greedy for life and afraid of death, so he lied to bring you here."

"Ye Xiaoyang, your brother borrowed usurious loan interest money, and we will give you a one-month deadline to raise money."

(End of this chapter)

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