Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 920 She Will Not Belong To You Anymore

Chapter 920 She Will Not Belong To You Anymore
A trace of pain flashed across Xiao Wan's eyes, and then she was completely relieved, and said with a low smile: "He deserves a better girl..."

"You are the better girl, Xiao Wan, you clearly know that he loves you, why do you still treat him so cruelly?" Wrist, gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice.

"Chuyang, I admit that I still love him in my heart, and he loves me too. But, you know? I'm not happy with Lu Cheng now, I'm really not happy at all. He almost died because of me , and I paid a heavy price for my willfulness, so the relationship between us is already riddled with holes."

"Mostly he feels guilty towards me, and I feel guilty towards him too. I don't even want to use this guilt to tie the two of us together and torture each other. An impure marriage will never be happy..." Xiao Wan's eyes It seemed to be stained with crystal light, and as her voice settled down, the crystal would fall off at any time.

But, after all, the crystal is still not lost, after all, when it comes to Lu Cheng, she can also achieve such an ordinary day.

At a dinner party, Chu Yang had a hard time eating.

She didn't speak emotionally, just took the wine glass and drank cup after cup.

Ke Mi also felt uncomfortable, but her mentality was different from Chu Yang's. She chose to support Xiao Wan's decision, and she also thought that Mu Huai was not bad, and she should be able to bring Xiao Wan ordinary happiness.

Before leaving, Xiaowan grabbed Chuyang's arm, leaned close to her ear, and whispered: "I believe that Lu Cheng will recover, he will definitely forget me, and start a new happy life, he will definitely find me. A better girl, he will be happy too."

Chu Yang looked at Xiao Wan with complicated eyes, and said with a bitter smile: "Xiao Wan, I hope that one day, you won't regret it."

After saying goodbye to them, Chuyang and Kemi left Anjia.

The car had just driven out of Anjia, but Chu Yang was at the corner, and caught a glimpse of a black shadow squatting in a corner.

Chu Yang quickly asked Ke Mi to stop the car, she opened the door and got out of the car, and came to the black shadow.

Lu Cheng squatted on the ground, his face gloomy and silent, he smoked heavily, letting the mist surround his eyes, and letting himself fall into despair.

Chu Yang: "Lu Cheng, go back."

Only then did Lu Cheng regain his senses, slowly raised his head, and saw Chu Yang's face clearly through the mist.

Immediately, he lowered his eyes, smiled in a low voice, and his voice was hoarse.

"I can not accept……"

Chu Yang squatted down, raised his hand to press his shoulder, and asked each word with cold eyes: "You can't accept it, so what can you do? After all, she will no longer belong to you, and the relationship between you is over."

Lu Cheng shook his head, stubbed out his cigarette and replied, "It's not over, it will never end."

Thinking about the dream a few days ago, Chu Yang only felt a pain in his heart, which was so painful that it pierced his heart.

She and Mo Han have come to this current situation, and the road of Lu Cheng and Xiao Wan is also full of thorns and ups and downs.

Could it be that if she was reborn once again, she still couldn't change each other's fate?Then what is the meaning of her rebirth?

"Being in love doesn't have to be together, is it?" Chu Yang said with a bitter smile and his voice choked up.

The two fell into silence for a while, and came over for about 10 minutes.

Chu Yang calmed down, got up slowly with a smile on his lips, and said in a low voice: "Go back, don't be here, let her worry. After all, she didn't want to hurt you, so she had to come to this step."

(End of this chapter)

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