Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 927 If He Dare To Hurt You, I Will Destroy Him

Chapter 927 If He Dare To Hurt You, I Will Destroy Him

"Mo Han is bullying no one in our Ling family. Is there no one to vent your anger on you? Chuyang, wait for me, and I'll beat that bastard for you..." Ling Yi gnashed his teeth and roared angrily. .

He let go of Chuyang, took off his coat, handed it to the waiter next to him, and rushed towards the couple with windy footsteps.

Chu Yang suppressed the pain in his heart, and hurried forward to chase Ling Yi.

With long strides, Ling Yi rushed to Mo Han's place in two or three strokes. He picked up Mo Han's collar, clenched his fist, and slammed it hard on Mo Han's face.

Mo Han was caught off guard, the incident happened so suddenly that he didn't react for a while.

The woman sitting next to Mo Han screamed in fright, her face turned pale.

Ling Yi scolded angrily: "Mo Han, you bastard, are you worthy of Chu Yang?"

He gritted his teeth and cursed, and was about to swing his second fist down.

At this time, Chu Yang arrived just in time, and she quickly grabbed Ling Yi, standing in front of Ling Yi, staring at Ling Yi with red and swollen eyes.

"Cousin, stop hitting..."

Ling Yi glared at Mo Han angrily, held Chu Yang in his arms, pointed at Mo Han's nose and scolded: "You fucking explain to me, is this a misunderstanding?"

Mo Han's eyes glanced at Chuyang faintly, and he rubbed the corner of his mouth that was already bleeding, ignoring the two of them, pulled up the trembling woman, and asked in a low voice with concern: "Xiaoyang, are you Scared? Don't be afraid, we're leaving now."

Ye Xiaoyang glanced at the furious Ling Yi, nodded tremblingly, grabbed Mo Han's arm with her small hand, and stuck her body tightly behind him.

Mo Han patted her little hand, his eyes softened a little, and when he glanced at Ling Yi and Chuyang, he unconsciously became a little colder.

"What's the matter, let's talk outside, so as not to let others see the excitement."

Ling Yi laughed angrily, and said tauntingly, "Are you still afraid of others watching the fun? Why don't you admit it if you dare to do it yourself?"

Mo Han gave Ling Yi a cold look, and then said to Chuyang: "You are all public figures, you shouldn't have the heart to let Ling Yi bear the notoriety of violently beating others, right? If this news is sent out, maybe all of his Glory will be destroyed once, right?"

Ling Yi only felt angry, and he rushed to his chest. He gritted his teeth and growled: "You fucking threatened Chuyang, you bastard, I will kill you today."

Ling Yi turned his fists and greeted Mo Han's face.

Chu Yang hugged Ling Yi's waist to stop his impulsiveness. At this moment, she felt that she was getting calmer and calmer.

It seemed that the person in front of him was not Mo Han, and she was not Ye Chuyang.

She just participated in other people's stories, without any emotion or anger.

"Cousin, don't get excited, let's find a place to talk in detail, shall we?" She looked up at Ling Yi with pleading eyes.

There was a trace of distress in Ling Yi's eyes. For Chuyang, he gritted his teeth and held back his anger. He hugged Chuyang and patted her on the shoulder.

"Chuyang, don't worry, I will definitely not spare Mo Han easily, if he dares to hurt you, I will definitely abolish him..."

Mo Han's brows and eyes were extremely indifferent, and he looked at Chu Yang as if he was looking at a stranger.

He pulled Ye Xiaoyang expressionlessly and walked out of the restaurant first.

Under the surprised gazes of the crowd, Chu Yang also pulled Ling Yi to follow.

Four people opened a private room in the tea room near the restaurant.

From the beginning to the end, Ye Xiaoyang was like a frightened little white rabbit, hiding behind Mo Han, trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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