Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 953 Our Relationship is Husband and Wife

Chapter 953 Our Relationship is Husband and Wife
At this time, the sky was still a little dark, about four or five o'clock in the morning.

Therefore, the entire villa was quiet and there was no one else at all.

She approached Mo Han step by step, staring at him wearing a long windbreaker, standing at the door with a frozen expression, waiting for her to approach slowly without moving.

When she walked in front of him, before he could say a word, he grabbed her wrist, pulled her into his arms, wrapped her arms around her slender waist, and led her into the back seat of the carriage.

Chu Yang was terrified, and hurriedly began to struggle: "Mr. Mo, what are you doing..."

Mo Han put her on the back seat, pressed his tall body on top of her, and looked down at her.

"Where did you go last night?" He asked in a deep voice.

Chu Yang didn't understand, so he frowned and looked at him: "Mr. Mo sent someone to follow me? You are about to get engaged to another woman, and you still have time to take care of my affairs?"

His fingers touched her slender neck, and slowly wrapped it around her neck. His eyes were red, and he gritted his teeth and let out a low growl.

"Have I ever told you that I told you to be good and don't make me worry. As a result, you ignored my words and not only had a good chat with Yan Tong, but you actually had the guts to deal with Yun Lingguang? Ye Chuyang, are you so confident and unscrupulously challenging my bottom line?"

Chu Yang was slightly taken aback, his hand on his neck was a little cold, and it was trembling faintly.

For a moment she was bewildered.

Didn't he forget her?But why once she came into contact with other men, how could his emotions be so intense?
What happened to him?Or did something happen that she didn't know about?

"Mo Han, I think we need to talk about our relationship..."

Unexpectedly, she was only halfway through when she was interrupted by Mo Han's voice: "Our relationship? Our relationship is husband and wife. If you don't get divorced or get a marriage certificate for a day, then you will always be me, Mo Han." wife. I don’t allow you to have contact with other men, and I don’t even want to watch you smile at them and be intimate with them.”

"You are simply unreasonable. If you allow you to get engaged to other girls, don't you allow me to start a new life? Why, don't you still want to have one wife and one concubine, enjoy all the beauty, and trample on other people's feelings at will? Heh ...Sorry, forgive me for not being able to accompany you..." Chu Yang suddenly felt that he was making trouble for no reason, she frowned slightly, and raised her hand to push him away.

Mo Han put his palms around her wrists, his eyes were red, and he stared at her angrily.

"Anyway, you don't want to attend the wedding banquet with Yan Tong today, I don't agree."

Chuyang was furious, his eyes were red with anger, and there were crystal tears in his eyes, and he refused to bow his head stubbornly and tenaciously.

"Why, whoever I go with is my freedom. You are too lenient, don't you? Since you have time now, we might as well go to the divorce in the morning, so that in the future, we will not interfere with each other, and we will be safe. You Marry your flowery and beautiful wife, and I will live my wanton life..."

"What is your wanton life? Is it just flirting with other men behind my back?" Mo Han also got angry, staring at her cheek, his eyes could burst into flames.

Chuyang was so angry at what he said, she was so angry that her heart ached, she just felt that this man was simply unreasonable and extremely domineering.

"Mo Han, what position do you use to question me? We have come to this point now, and it is impossible to turn back. You are about to get engaged to another woman, and you have forgotten all the memories about me, even your past. Forget about all your love for me."

"In your heart, there is only resentment towards what is left of me. Since we hate each other, why should we cling to each other and entangle each other in pain? Forget it, from now on, you will live your life, and I will live mine, and we will let each other go." ...?"

Before Chu Yang could speak, Mo Han suddenly kissed her chattering lips.

He held her body tightly in his arms, as if he wanted to melt her into his blood and bone marrow.

The years are very short and very broken, but the memory has left a lingering warmth to the years. Although the memory is fuzzy, he knows that he has loved clearly and crazily.

After Chu Yang was startled, she struggled, but no matter how she tried to escape, she couldn't escape his dense kisses.

His kiss, like magic, warmed her cold and painful heart little by little.

Chu Yang gave up struggling and curled up in his arms. Under his forceful kiss, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and broken and hoarse cries overflowed his throat.

The choking sound, like a wave, drowned her in an instant.

God knows, the moment she heard that he had forgotten her, her heart died.

Now his kiss easily revived her dead heart.

Mo Han stopped kissing, and he hugged her into his arms. His tall body was stiff for a long time before he gently held her cheeks. His slightly sharpened fingertips touched the cold teardrops. Those tears were like charcoal fire, burning His mind and body were overwhelmed by pain.

"Don't cry, I won't force you anymore, I won't force you anymore."

Chu Yang stared at him blankly, opened his tearful eyes, and stared at him blankly.

The next moment, she reached out and grabbed his sleeve, and asked in a low voice: "Mo Han, have you not forgotten me, have you remembered all the life and death tribulations we have experienced this year?"

His eyes were deep, and he didn't answer, but moved gently and continued to wipe her tears.

In the end, he hugged her into his arms again, squeezed her shoulders with his big palms, a vortex of struggle flashed in his eyes, and then the vortex gradually disappeared.

He also returned to his usual calm the next moment.

"Take care of yourself. Today's engagement banquet must be held. You can attend it with Yan Tong. I can rest assured that there are multiple people to protect your safety."

He didn't answer Chuyang's words, but threw her such an ambiguous remark, then carried her out of the carriage and put her on the open space.

Finally, he stroked her long hair, turned around and got into the car without any hesitation.

In an instant, the car disappeared from her sight.

Chu Yang stared blankly at the place where he left, and suddenly the corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and a relieved smile appeared in his eyes.

She raised her hand, wiped away every drop of tears from her cheeks, then turned around and walked into the courtyard gate without wasting any time.

According to the clothes Han Shichu described, Chu Yang dressed up according to his stated needs.

Wearing a water-blue long dress, shawl-length hair reaching to the waist, and a delicate face with light powder.

Tonight, it is bound to be a tough battle, she will not back down, nor can she back down.

At 07:30, Ling Yi led the people to the banquet first, and at [-]:[-], Yan Tong came to pick up Chuyang in his car.

(End of this chapter)

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