Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 962 Qiu Yiren, You Had a Great Night

Chapter 962 Qiu Yiren, You Had a Great Night

Early the next morning, a 4P video about Qiu Yiren's chaotic private life and hot eyes became popular on the Internet.

All of a sudden, Qiu Yiren was pushed to the forefront.

Many people scolded her for being a shameless slut, with an elegant appearance, but hiding a lewd-slutty heart.

For a woman to be 4P, how big a penis is needed to support this wonderful affair.

Everyone demanded that this Qiuyi man with corrupt morals and chaotic private life be banned.

And she resolutely resisted her entering the entertainment circle, and many netizens went to the official Weibo of "The Sixth Palace" to protest Qiu Yiren's role as the female number one.

This incident was very big, and the plot was bad.

Many investors also put pressure on Yun Lingguang to immediately replace Qiu Yiren.

Yun Lingguang didn't object, and immediately asked his assistant to send a notice, officially announcing that Qiu Yiren would be removed and that she would withdraw from the filming of "The Six Palaces of Love".

Moreover, he announced at the same time that for a rookie actor with a bad record like Qiu Yiren, Yuncheng Entertainment Company decided to completely hide Qiu Yiren.

This wave of solemn declaration immediately received the full support of many friends, and they all left messages praising Yuncheng Entertainment for its deep understanding of righteousness and bursting with positive energy.

Qiu Yiren was almost killed by Han Shichu. When the reporters broke open the hotel door and rushed in, they saw Qiu Yiren lying unconscious on the big bed.

Her naked body was even more bruised and purple, and the quilt lying under her body was even more bloodstained.

This scene stunned many people, Han Shichu was already so frightened that he hid in the toilet.

When the reporters got the video and exited the room, he walked out of the toilet with lingering fear, stretched out his foot and kicked the unconscious Qiuyiren. Fearing that it would kill him, he immediately called and asked someone to send Qiuyiren to the hospital.

Qiu Yiren lay in the hospital for two full days before slowly waking up.

The moment she opened her eyes, her mind was filled with all kinds of unacceptable and ashamed images of wanting to bang her head to death.

She gritted her teeth angrily and growled: "Han Shichu, that bastard, I won't let you go, and Ye Chuyang, I will definitely cramp and skin you, life would be better than death."

At this moment, Chu Yang pushed the door open and entered, and she naturally listened to Qiu Yiren's cruel words one by one.

She pursed her lips and smiled, stepping on high heels, walking gracefully towards Qiu Yiren.

"Oh? It seems that you really hate me to the bone?"

Qiu Yiren turned her head and saw that it was Chuyang, her whole face was flushed with anger, she gritted her teeth and stared at Chuyang, and shouted angrily: "Who let you in? Get out, get out, I don't want to see you. "

Chu Yang sighed and said, "Tsk tsk, Miss Qiu, don't get excited when you see me, be careful of your body. I heard that your bottom is cracked and you're bleeding a lot. This Mr. Han is too unsympathetic, how can you treat me like this? You are such a delicate beauty, you have been tortured into such a ghost."

Qiu Yiren's eyes were red, she felt extremely humiliated, she kept her body like a jade for decades, and finally gave it to that bastard Han Shichu, she hated, was angry, and wanted to blow Ye Chuyang to ashes.

She couldn't see Ye Chuyang's smug look, she gritted her teeth and struggled to get up, but she didn't know that just as her body moved, a heart-piercing pain came from below her.

"Ye Chuyang, I curse you to die badly, you will definitely get retribution. You bitch, a bastard with a mother and no mother, you deserve to be separated from your bitch mother for decades..." Qiu Yi Ren gritted his teeth and scolded angrily.

Chu Yang sneered, stepped forward, and slapped Qiu Yiren hard on the face.

A cracking sound resounded fiercely in the room.

"Don't scold my mother. Didn't all my past encounters be due to Yunya? The harm your mother and daughter have brought to our mother and daughter, even if you kill your mother and daughter, it will not be able to dispel the hatred in my heart."

That slap sound echoed in Qiuyiren's ears, making her dizzy for a moment.

She was so angry that she was about to grit her teeth, and cursed hysterically at Chuyang: "Ye Chuyang, you bitch..."

Pa, before she finished speaking, she slapped her hard on the face again.

Qiu Yiren only felt his head pounding, and his cheeks were so painful that they were numb.

The cheeks on the left and right sides suddenly became red and swollen, and the corners of the mouth also slowly dripped blood.

"Ye Chuyang, you bitch..."

This time, before the bitch shouted out, Chu Yang slapped Qiu Yiren hard for the third time without hesitation.

Her hands were numb from the beating, she rubbed her somewhat numb hands, looked at Qiu Yiren who was so angry that her orifices were about to burst into smoke, a cold light shot out from the bottom of her eyes, and said coldly.

"If you don't know how to keep your mouth clean, then I will keep slapping you. In short, don't worry, before I entered this room, I had bodyguards guarding the door, and everyone had to stay away. So, don't worry, be bold Shouting, insulting me wantonly, my hands are a little itchy, I am really addicted to beating you."

Qiu Yiren trembled, and her entire body began to tremble uncontrollably.

She shrank her body and stepped back unconsciously. She didn't stop until she had no way to retreat and her back was against the wall.

Seeing that she was finally being honest, Chu Yang couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and secretly scolded himself for being an idiot. He was really too tolerant of Qiu Yiren before, that's why this woman dared to be unscrupulous and plot against her again and again.

From now on, she will not back down one more point, but if Qiuyi makes an inch of progress, then she will advance ten steps.

Ye Chuyang, who was indecisive and scrupulous in the past, is no longer there. With Mo Han's change, she has also changed.

She and Mo Han got to where they are step by step, and it was all caused by the Qiuyi people, and she had to pay the price.

Chu Yang picked up a chair and sat on it handsomely. Then she took out a newspaper from her bag and threw it at Qiu Yiren.

"Take a good look at your virtues that day? It's an indescribable scene that can't be described with a single stimulus. Qiu Yiren, you had a great time that night. Did you feel grateful for me for a moment in your heart, thanking me for letting go of your dissolute nature? Let you enjoy the ultimate happiness?"

The sharp paper was smashed on Qiu Yiren's face, Qiu Yiren gasped, she gritted her teeth angrily and stared at Chu Yang, but she dared not speak out, it was worth using her eyes to tear Chu Yang's body into pieces.

Chu Yang ignored her resentful eyes and looked at her mockingly.

After this incident, Qiu Yiren's character design completely collapsed, and the good image she created in front of the public was also completely destroyed.

"Qiu Yiren, you wish to enter the entertainment circle and fight me. But why have you forgotten how I pulled Hua Jin down step by step and ruined her reputation step by step?"

(End of this chapter)

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