Rebirth of the hidden marriage queen

Chapter 980 One or two men are not good things

Chapter 980 One or two men are not good things
After Ling Yi yelled at Mo Han, without even looking at him, he quickly squatted down, and forcefully broke Yun Lingguang's hand that was tightly hugging Chu Yang.

While breaking, he glared at Yun Lingguang angrily: "It's the first time I've seen such a shameless person as Mr. Yun. Today I really learned a lot. It's really shameless."

Yun Lingguang smiled lightly, and didn't care at all. He took the initiative to let go of Chu Yang, and helped him up with great hospitality. Ling Yi's eyes hurt from seeing him, and he was panting heavily.

Why is it that men in this world are more hateful than each other? Why can't Chu Yang meet a man as gentle as jade, gentleman and considerate like Ling Yi?

He quickly pulled Chu Yang back to his side, staring at Yun Lingguang.

Mo Han's face was ugly, and there was a mocking light in his eyes. He just stood there and looked at Chu Yang, staring at her with her lowered head, her neck, cheeks and earlobes dyed shy red.

He didn't move and didn't speak, he kept staring at her, those eyes seemed to be on fire, almost scorching her.

Only he himself understands and understands that the fire and ice in his heart merge together, burning and freezing his heart, making him suffer from pain.

Chu Yang had already recovered from her senses. She knew that the reason why Yun Lingguang showed intimacy with her was to test Mo Han's reaction.

If in the past, Mo Han encountered such a situation, if he didn't beat Yun Lingguang half to death, then his surname would not be Mo.

But now, this man stood aside, with a mocking and disdainful expression, and said mean and hurtful things that had nothing to do with him.

His words were like a knife, cutting Chu Yang's heart piece by piece.

While in a daze, Mo Han spoke again.

"Remember to close the door next time. Don't be impatient in front of so many people, just throw yourself into your arms. I can see clearly a woman like you. Fortunately, I divorced you. Since now If someone is willing to be a receiver and likes me to play the rest, I will bless you and bless you to find a woman who indulges you and often cheats on you." Mo Han still had a mocking smile on his lips, and his tone was disdainful He snorted coldly.

Ye Xiaoyang couldn't hold back anymore, and walked to Mo Han's side very anxiously. She grabbed his sleeve and tugged at him.

"Brother Mo Han, let's go."

Mo Han still stood still, his cold eyes fixed on the woman who was imprinted in his heart.

Although he said some nasty words, he could not understand the anger in his heart.

He snorted coldly and continued, "Why, now that the matter has been exposed, you are speechless? Explain, why don't you explain?"

Ling Yi clenched his fists and glared at Mo Han, that arrogant man who insulted Chu Yang at will.

He glared at Mo Han, and he roared through gritted teeth: "You fucking tell me again, Mo Han, you scumbag, if I don't teach you a lesson today, you really treat us as the Ling family and let you bully me? "

After Ling Yi yelled, he punched Mo Han fiercely with his fist.

Mo Han didn't hide, but was worried about hurting Ye Xiaoyang, so he immediately pushed her away, and then willingly received a punch.

Ye Xiaoyang was terrified, and screamed, and wanted to step forward to check Mo Han's wound, but Mo Han stopped immediately: "Don't come over, you go back to your room..."

After knowing each other for such a long time, Ye Xiaoyang felt that Mo Han had never spoken to her in such a cold tone.

She trembled with fright, and the cowardice in her bones made her dare not take a step forward. In front of so many people, she turned around with sobs in a low voice, and quietly left this circle that did not belong to her step by step.

In fact, she just accidentally broke into a world that doesn't belong to her. Her mission has been completed, and one day, she will return to her world.

Every day now, everything she has experienced is like a dream to her. When she wakes up from the dream, she should return to the original point.

Some men are so good that they are destined not to belong to her, and she dare not have that extravagant hope, and she has self-knowledge.

She didn't dare to touch anything that wasn't hers.

Ye Xiaoyang really listened to Mo Han's words, exited this room step by step, and went back to the next room.

Mo Han gave a low laugh, and raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

While wiping the corners of his mouth, he raised his eyes to stare at Chu Yang. At this time, Chu Yang's eyes were looking at him. The two met each other, and he didn't notice a trace of worry from the bottom of her eyes.

Mo Han's heart was gradually getting cold, as if he was covered in ice and snow, the cold wrapped him up layer by layer.

The surrounding atmosphere gradually became stagnant, and amidst the stagnation, Mo Han laughed, stepped back a few steps, took a last look at Chu Yang, turned and stepped out of the room.

He didn't say a word, let alone leave a word.

But the loneliness and sadness in his eyes were imprinted in Chuyang's heart, and her heart gradually convulsed.

Ling Yi rubbed his fists, stared at Mo Han's leaving back and shouted cursingly: "One or two men are not good things, and they both deserve beatings."

Joy flashed in Yunling's eyes, his reaction just now didn't look fake, he might still care about Chuyang, but it wasn't as deep as before, Mo Han now has a lot of things in his heart, he shrinks Chuyang's position , magnifying other things.

If it is said that the love is deep, now the sea is changing, but the relationship is shallow.

Today, he gained a lot, and he got the answer he wanted most.

He collected his thoughts, looked at Ling Yi, and said half-joyfully and half-jokingly: "Isn't Mr. Ling also a man? Could it be that you call yourself worthless and want to beat yourself?"

Ling Yi glared at Yun Lingguang, clenched his fists: "Did you do it on purpose just now to take advantage of Chuyang? Yun Lingguang, I warn you, if you dare to have the slightest crooked thoughts about Chuyang, I will destroy you .”

Yun Lingguang rubbed his nose and replied with a half-smile: "I didn't do it on purpose just now, but I suddenly became dizzy and couldn't stand still. If you don't believe me, you can ask Chuyang?"

Chu Yang pursed his lips, and it took him a long time to recover, but there was still a dull pain in his heart.

She hooked her lips, and suddenly she didn't have any energy to deal with Yun Lingguang.

She felt so cold now, and a great fatigue swept over her.

She looked at Ling Yi, and said in a low voice, "Cousin, you can accompany Mr. Yun in the living room and wait for his assistant to deliver the clothes. I'm a little tired and want to go to the bedroom to rest."

Ling Yi saw that her face was pale, and a trace of worry flashed in his eyes. He opened his mouth and hesitated to speak, but he didn't say anything after all, and hurriedly asked Chu Yang to rest.

Yun Lingguang looked at Chu Yang thoughtfully, he guessed that the woman must be sad because of Mo Han's appearance and the man's behavior.

His eyes darkened a little, and he smiled at her, telling her not to worry about him, and to go to rest quickly.

Chu Yang returned to the room, took off his shoes, and closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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