Chapter 1020 exposed!
The three followed the flow of people into the theater, and the theater where the show was held was the theater's No. [-] theater—the giant screen theater.

After receiving the 3D glasses, the three of Ye Wenxuan entered the theater and found their seats.

The location is relatively biased, and it is also very far behind.

In fact, it is not easy to buy such three seats, this is the seat that Xu Rou got by using some connections, otherwise it is not a matter of where to sit, it is simply impossible to buy a seat.

Ye Wenxuan sat in the middle, and Ye Wenxuan and Zhao Feier sat on both sides. This is the regular match of the three.

Even after watching it once, the three of them were not bored at all after watching it again. They sat happily in their seats and waited for the opening of the movie.

Soon, fans came to the three of them one after another. After waiting for a while, the lights of the entire theater were turned off.

The official screening of the movie began soon, and the three of them ate popcorn and communicated in low voices from time to time.

Ye Wenxuan was accompanied by two beauties, which made a buddy sitting behind Ye Wenxuan envious and jealous.

I don't even have a female companion, how the hell do you have two? !
And every one of them is a beauty, a high-quality beauty with a figure and a face.

Even though the movie theater was very dark, Zhao Feier and Wang Shiyu wore glasses on their eyes, and with the cover of the camouflage mask, the identities of the two women could not be seen.

But the two of them can become big stars that attract much attention. Even the blurred profile of their faces can tell that their looks are not low.

Coupled with the proud figures of the two, it is estimated that as long as a man is very jealous, after all, the blessing of being equal is the fantasy of all men.

The plot of the movie is full of ups and downs, including excitement, passion, tears, and grooves...

The emotions of many people are constantly changing along with the development of the movie.Ye Wenxuan noticed the facial expressions of the fans around him. Many of them were so enthralled by watching that they even forgot to eat the popcorn in their hands.

That is to say, Ye Wenxuan is heartless. After all, he wrote the script and acted in the movie. Naturally, his concentration is much lower than that of many people.

Two hours passed in a flash, and soon came to the end. When Ye Wenxuan showed his muscular upper body, it still aroused low voices from all the women in the audience.

The explosion of male hormones makes many girls feel excited and unable to control themselves.

Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er both curled their lips at the same time, a little snacky, after all, their husband is being watched by so many rotten women, and even lusting after him, which is really a little bit annoyed.

Ye Wenxuan naturally observed the expressions of the two women, and immediately looked straight at the screen without changing his expression, pretending that nothing happened, let alone looking for trouble.

After 10 minutes, the lights in the cinema hall came on, and everyone took off their glasses, excitedly exchanging their movie-watching experience with each other, and discussing a lot.

As for Ye Wenxuan and the others, as early as 3 minutes before the end of the movie, they put on their peaked caps and masks again, and regained their full armor.

Everyone stood up and walked outside one after another, the crowd was crowded.

"It's so beautiful. It is said that the Times Group officially revealed that Xiao Yan will return to the Misty Cloud Sect for revenge in the next movie. I'm looking forward to it!"

"Xiao Yan has become the king of fighting, and the wings of fighting energy are so handsome, they are so handsome that they burst into pieces. Especially Xiao Yan's scarlet red wings of fighting energy are the coolest!"

"Ye Wenxuan's acting is so handsome, all emotions are perfectly controlled, there is no flaw at all, he is definitely a fresh meat among actor!"

"Actor? Marven Ye doesn't seem to be an emperor yet, but I think Marven Ye's acting skills are better than many so-called actor emperors. It's a pity that he didn't win an actor award. All film festivals owe him a best actor trophy!"


There were discussions all over the scene, of course, Ye Wenxuan was the most discussed, Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er were also discussed, but not as many as Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan was in the crowd, listening to the many praises, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Being recognized is a great treat for anyone, even a big star.

The three of them walked out of the theater with the crowd, returned the 3D glasses, and then walked out.

But just two steps away, a girl accidentally bumped into Ye Wenxuan's body. She was not very old and was playing with her classmates, so she bumped into Ye Wenxuan's body.

How strong Ye Wenxuan's body is, the girl bumped into Ye Wenxuan, Ye Wenxuan was motionless, but the girl fell down all of a sudden.

The girl fell in front of Marven Ye, Marven Ye subconsciously helped the girl up, and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

The girl was helped up by Ye Wenxuan, and she quickly said that she was fine. She was also a little embarrassed when she accidentally bumped into someone while walking.

Ye Wenxuan bent down to help the girl up, and the two looked at each other. For a moment, Ye Wenxuan secretly thought something was wrong.

Sure enough, the next second, the girl couldn't help but screamed uncontrollably.

He took two steps back, covered his face with his hands, his eyes were full of disbelief, his face was full of excitement, and his face was flushed red due to excitement.

The girl's screams were so loud that many people looked over and thought that the girl was being taken advantage of.

"Ye... Ye Wenxuan, I... I'm not dreaming!" The girl was so excited that she wept with joy, holding Ye Wenxuan's hand excitedly, jumping up and down, extremely excited.

The girl's words made everyone around stunned, and then looked at the man in the peaked cap, who stood there like a thunderbolt, unbelievable.

Then he looked around Ye Wenxuan again, and Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu had nowhere to hide, and they were spotted by everyone.'s troublesome!

The three of Ye Wenxuan were instantly surrounded by the crowd, and many girls were so excited that they exploded.

I just finished watching a movie in the theater, and when I got out of the theater, I actually saw a real person. This is a bit too dramatic.

And there are Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er, which is equivalent to directly covering all three protagonists of the Dou Po series. How can everyone not be excited.

"My God, it's really Ye Wenxuan, my God, I'm so lucky today!"

"So handsome, so handsome, the real person is even more handsome than the movie, 360 degrees handsome without dead ends!"

"Wang Shiyu, goddess, so beautiful!"

"Zhao Fei'er, I love you, I'm your fan, can you sign me?"


Surrounded by the crowd, Ye Wenxuan quickly retreated to a corner, and Ye Wenxuan protected Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu behind his back to prevent anyone from taking advantage of it.

It is not bad for a male star to be discovered outside, but it is very bad for a female star to be found outside.

People like salty trotters and wretched men are common in society.I won't think you are a high-ranking actress, they will stop, it's disgusting...

(End of this chapter)

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