Chapter 1022 Get Out!

"Hurry up, Ye Wenxuan, Wang Shiyu, and Zhao Fei'er have appeared in Wanxin Plaza. The news is absolutely reliable. Ahhh, I'm so excited, my god!"

"Oh my god, why are there so many people here? It's too scary!"

"Squeeze in, the male god Ye Wenxuan, I have to take a look at him today, or I will regret it."

"My goddess Wang Shiyu also appeared. I wish I was in the theater just now, but there are too many people now..."


Passers-by in a hurry rushed towards Wanxin Square in a rush.Looking around, there are people like this in all directions, flocking towards Wanxin Plaza, which has already exploded in traffic.

Among the hurried crowd, there was a special case that was different.

A woman dressed in white, covered in world famous brands, with a majestic temperament, stood in front of a Lincoln Navigator.

The huge body made her look a little small.

With arms folded, looking at the crowded Wanxin Square in the distance, a look of helplessness appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This woman is Ran Yirou, and Huang Tianlei is sitting in the car behind her.Since receiving Ye Wenxuan's call, Ran Yirou put down what she was doing and drove to meet Ye Wenxuan with Huang Tianlei.

For Ye Wenxuan to cause such a big commotion, Ran Yirou felt that it was reasonable and unexpected.

Many first-line niche students or Huadan show up, and the onlookers will be very scary.What's more, for a top-notch Asian king like Ye Wenxuan, his popularity is immeasurable, and the uproar caused is naturally unpredictable.

Huang Tianlei got out of the car and came behind Ran Yirou. Looking at the crowd in front of him, he asked worriedly, "Mr. Ran, is Mr. Ye okay? There are too many people here."

Ran Yirou shook her head lightly, and said softly: "Don't worry, the bodyguards of Team A of Tianlong Security are already in place, there are more than 30 bodyguards in total, together with the security personnel in Wanxin Plaza, there won't be any major problems."

Huang Tianlei breathed a sigh of relief when he heard what Ran Yirou said.Team A of Tianlong Security Company is the most elite bodyguards of Tianlong Security Company. They are basically veterans who have retired from the army, and their strength and quality are extremely high.

Ran Yirou glanced at Wanxin Square, sighed softly, turned and returned to the car.

With the current flow of people, it may take about an hour to wait for them to come out.

However, in fact it is.


Inside, Ye Wenxuan was really a bit battered. Even though there were many staff members to maintain order, it was still difficult to resist the enthusiastic and crazy fans.

Every step was very difficult, and Ye Wenxuan had to keep smiling as he kept moving forward, until his face became a little stiff in the end.

Finally, at nearly ten o'clock, Ye Wenxuan finally walked out of Wanxin Plaza and got into the car that came to pick them up.

Looking at the fans outside who kept shouting his name, Marven Ye let out a sigh of relief.

Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er also sat slumped on the chairs, their two delicate little faces were filled with exhaustion.

The car started slowly, from the slow speed at the beginning to the smooth driving at the end, it took about ten minutes.

"Have you played too much? Do you know what this is called? Playing with fire and setting yourself on fire!"

Ran Yirou sat in the co-pilot, turned her head and smiled at Ye Wenxuan and the others.

Hearing Ran Yirou's reprimand, Ye Wenxuan scratched his head, not daring to refute.Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er stuck out their tongues with embarrassment on their faces.

"We didn't want to see the reaction of our movie. Everything was going well, but it was really an accident when we were discovered." Marven Ye explained in a low voice.

It was because he made eye contact with that girl in the end that he was discovered by the other party.And it's hard to die, that girl is still Ye Wenxuan's die-hard fan.

If it wasn't Marven Ye's die-hard fan, it would be difficult to spot Marven Ye just by looking at him.

The superposition of various coincidences led to the discovery of Marven Ye and the three, which finally caused such a big commotion.

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, Ran Yirou didn't make a sound, and the car fell into silence.

After about 5 minutes, Ran Yirou spoke slowly: "It's useless to say these things now, the most urgent thing now is how to explain the private meeting between the three of you? Could it be possible that the relationship between the three of you should be exposed?"

Ran Yirou's words hit the key point, the three of them would be found out privately, and if people with good intentions fueled the flames, it would probably turn into a public opinion war.

Marven Ye frowned slightly, pondered for a while, and said, "Let's just say that the three of us are going to see the reaction of the movie. As long as we stop Yoyo first, nothing major will happen."

"It might be difficult to explain if I just went to the movies with Shi Yu or Mayfair alone, but it would be easier to explain if the three of us appeared together. As long as we bite this point to death, there will be no big deal."

"That's right," Wang Shiyu took the words, and continued: "The three of us in Wanxin Plaza didn't have any overly intimate behavior at all. It can be said that, and we don't have to be afraid of them changing the video."

Ran Yirou nodded slightly when she heard Ye Wenxuan's words. The plan in her heart was actually the same, but she didn't quite know what the three of them were doing in Wanxin Plaza.

With the development of science and technology today, basically everyone lives under the monitor.Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, if someone pulls up the video and announces the intimate actions of the three of them, then they will be very passive.

Fortunately, the three of them were very measured and acted very cautiously.

"The three of us have a very good personal relationship, and these public fans know about it. In addition, the three of us are the protagonists of "Canaan Academy", so the announcement will definitely not be questioned." Wang Shiyu added.

Ran Yirou nodded, and immediately decided to say so.

That was the end of the matter, and it was set aside.

"Sister Yirou, is there any result at the box office now?" Ye Wenxuan asked.

Regarding the box office, although Ye Wenxuan is full of confidence, but the strength of the opponent should not be underestimated, he is still a little worried.

If "The Hobbit 3" cannot be suppressed by occupying the world's number one vote, then the next situation is estimated to be in jeopardy.

Ye Wenxuan was sure that if his side's box office on the first day was not as high as that of "The Hobbit 3", it is estimated that the number of films scheduled in the United States tomorrow would be greatly reduced, giving the other side an opportunity.

Of course, if the other party's box office is not as good as our own, I will not be merciful on my side, and reducing the number of films scheduled is naturally inevitable.

In such a highly competitive game, every bit of it is crucial and nothing can be lost!
(End of this chapter)

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