Chapter 1030 Faith!

The Kobe beef tenderloin was grilled on the pan, and the mellow aroma rose from the beef, which made Marven Ye move his index finger.

To be honest, he felt wronged by cooking A5 Kobe beef tenderloin in a pan.Normally, it should be done on a professional iron plate, but now there is no such condition, so everything can only be kept simple.

Although the hardware facilities are not very good, Ye Wenxuan's cooking skills are solid.Although it is not possible to use 80.00% of the ingredients well, [-]% is definitely there.

Marven Ye cooked for about an hour, and then came out of the kitchen with a plate of Kobe beef tenderloin.

To match, Ye Wenxuan also specially took a bottle of good red wine from the wine cabinet.

When everything was ready, Marven Ye started his dinner.

The Kobe beef tenderloin was cooked medium-rare by Ye Wenxuan, the meat was tender, the beef was springy, and the taste was extremely mellow.Paired with red wine, the two mixed together, bursting out an amazing taste in the taste buds, which Ye Wenxuan enjoyed very much.

The delicious food made Ye Wenxuan feel happier. Even though Ye Wenxuan controlled his speed, he quickly ate two catties of steak into his stomach, and half a bottle of red wine was missing.

Satisfied with wine and food, Marven Ye tidied up the kitchen, then took off his coat, jumped directly into the swimming pool outside, and swam around the villa manor to digest the food in his stomach.

After swimming for about half an hour, Marven Ye came up from the pool, picked up a bath towel to wipe his body briefly, and picked up his phone casually.

Looking at the missed messages on the phone, Marven Ye frowned slightly, a little curious.

This missed message came from Li Yuxin, who sent a private message to Ye Wenxuan on Weibo.

Ye Wenxuan clicked on this private message, and saw a screenshot of what a fan said to Ye Wenxuan's private message.

Ye Wenxuan's Weibo is all taken over by Li Yuxin's department, and sometimes they use Ye Wenxuan's Weibo to post some news.For example, some friends in Ye Wenxuan's circle celebrate their birthdays, or a good friend has a new work, Li Yuxin and the others will send messages about these.

These things are their jobs, otherwise Marven Ye will take care of these things himself, so Marven Ye doesn't have to do anything else every day.

They also controlled Ye Wenxuan's private messages on Weibo.

People who privately believe in Marven Ye are basically fans of Marven Ye. All of Marven Ye's good friends have Feixun of Ye Wenxuan, and they will not privately message him on Weibo.

Now the screenshot Li Yuxin sent to Marven Ye is a private message sent by one of the fans to Marven Ye, but this private message is a bit unusual, which moved Marven Ye a little.

"Hi Xuanxuan, my name is Xu Qiushan, and I'm one of your hundreds of millions of fans. When I was in Huaxia Haosheng, I was a little fan of yours. At that time, you were still a little brother, and you looked sunny and green. Since then, I have been fascinated by your talent."

"You were eighteen that year, and I was sixteen. I was lucky to be your fan. Under your influence, I studied hard and wanted to be admitted to Beijing North Conservatory of Music, because I also liked music since I was a child, and I also wanted to be like People like Xuanxuan."

"However, suddenly there was an unexpected situation. When I was 17 years old, I was suffering from leukemia. Do you know how desperate I was when I heard the news at that time?"

"I was only 17 years old, my hair fell out one by one at the beginning, and finally fell out in strands. I felt that my world was hopeless."

"But whenever I saw my mother and father working on their grizzled hair day and day for me, I really couldn't bear to leave like this. I began to regain my confidence and actively cooperated with the treatment. However, three years have passed, and I I still haven't found a bone marrow suitable for transplantation, I think, I can't drag my parents down like this, they have paid too much for me."

Marven Ye stood by the pool, looking at the long paragraphs of text, his eyes were slightly moist.He could feel the sadness and increasingly depressed hope behind the girl's words.

He slowly sat on the bench by the pool, and continued to read the girl's words.

"During my treatment period, Xuanxuan, you gave me a lot of joy. When I was suffering from illness, it was your songs that brought me endless hope, and it was your movies and TV dramas that accompanied me through the long nights. .”

"I am very lucky to be your fan. I have stepped into Xuanyuan Gate in this life, and I have no regrets in my life as a Xuanxuan fan. If there is another life, I hope I can still be your fan. I wish you a safe and happy life, a bright future and smooth sailing! "——Ordinary Xuan Fan
Seeing the end, Ye Wenxuan put down his phone, remained silent, reached out his hand to wipe away the moisture from the corners of his eyes, looked at Yu Bai in the sky, and his heart turned a thousand times.

It's hard to imagine that one day, he can become the belief in some people's hearts, and even become their belief when they fight against fate.

As a human being in the world, Ye Wenxuan only felt that there was a heavy burden on him, and it was even difficult to breathe.

After an unknown amount of time, Marven Ye picked up the phone again and dialed Li Yuxin's number.

"I want all the information about that girl, then contact me, I'm going to see that girl." Ye Wenxuan said softly.

Li Yuxin responded to Ye Wenxuan's words, and then hung up the phone.

In fact, this was something that Li Yuxin expected. They all knew Ye Wenxuan's character of emphasizing love and righteousness.This is why they have been willing to follow Ye Wenxuan silently, because they feel at ease.

About half an hour later, Marven Ye got all the news about the girl, and after reading it, Marven Ye fell silent.

The girl's name is Xu Qiushan, she is 20 years old, and she is currently being treated in Qingdao No. [-] Hospital for nearly three years.

Originally, the girl's family was in good condition, and she was considered a middle-class family. The family had a house and a car, and her parents also had very good jobs.

But since Xu Qiushan suffered from leukemia, the whole family has collapsed.

All the cars and houses were sold, in exchange for money to treat their daughter.

In just three years, from a wealthy family with a house and a car, it became a family heavily in debt, and now it has no money to borrow.

But Xu Qiushan's illness is still a bottomless pit, people can't see hope, people can't see a little bit of hope.

In order to prevent her parents from overspending herself for her, the girl asked to stop the treatment.And with very radical means, her parents agreed with tears.

In fact, the girl already had a will to die. Judging from the words just now, Ye Wenxuan also saw the girl's will to die.

According to the news, the girl will leave the hospital tomorrow afternoon and go home to recuperate.

It is better to say that it is waiting for death than recuperating.

Because of leukemia, once you leave the isolation area of ​​the hospital, you will die soon. This is a must-die choice.

Seeing this, Marven Ye felt an inexplicable pain in his heart.

A girl who is only 20 years old, at such a young age, has endured so many experiences that she should not have accepted. For a girl, it is really too cruel.

Ye Wenxuan felt that he was obliged to do something for her, not for anything else, but for her to regard himself as her belief, without desire or desire, just to have a clear conscience!
 Brothers and sisters, don’t vote for the monthly ticket, my loli voice is super cute~~

(End of this chapter)

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