Chapter 1035 Words!

The stewardess kept apologizing, but what she got in return was endless reprimands from the woman.

Zhao Xiaojing felt wronged. She didn't do anything at all, and was reprimanded by this woman again and again.

But as a first-class flight attendant, she has a heavy task. If passengers complain, she may be transferred to the ordinary cabin.

The benefits of serving the first-class cabin and serving the ordinary cabin are completely different, only the salary is completely different, and there are many other benefits.The workload is much lighter, and the level of contact with people is not comparable to that of ordinary cabins.

Zhao Xiaojing doesn't have a strong background, and she has achieved today's results because of her little effort, so she cherishes it very much.

Even if a woman made trouble for no reason, she could only grit her teeth and swallow the pain.

Seeing the stewardess being made things difficult, Marven Ye sighed softly.

Why do women make things difficult for women, we are all born as human beings, who is more noble than whom?

There are tens of millions of service personnel in the world. Their needs are very simple, and they just want that decent dignity, which is enough.

Reaching out to press the service bell beside her, Zhao Xiaojing looked towards Ye Wenxuan's position.

"Beauty, can you come here?" Ye Wenxuan greeted Zhao Xiaojing.

Zhao Xiaojing looked at the woman in front of her who made things difficult for her, and then at Ye Wenxuan wearing sunglasses. She hesitated for a while, not knowing what to do.

"Beauty, you are a first-class flight attendant, not someone's punching bag. Could it be that she is a passenger, and we are not?" Ye Wenxuan saw Zhao Xiaojing's hesitation, and laughed aloud.

The person in Ye Wenxuan's words, everyone present clearly knew who it was.

Zhao Xiaojing took a deep breath, bowed slightly to the woman in front of her, and walked towards Marven Ye.

"Stop, what is your attitude! If you dare to leave, I will complain to you!"

The woman frowns coldly, her face is very dissatisfied, and her voice seems to be sharper.

"Has Tianhua Entertainment been reduced to this level now? Even the little stewardess is bullied. They are all poor and ambitious. Now you don't even want face. I, Marven Ye, am really ashamed that I used to interact with you." For the opponent." Ye Wenxuan scolded softly.

As soon as Ye Wenxuan's words fell, the passengers in the first-class cabin were all stunned, and turned their heads to look at Ye Wenxuan's seat.

If Ye Wenxuan didn't reveal his identity, they didn't care about it before.But now the figure of Ye Wenxuan emerged in his mind, overlapping infinitely with this man wearing black super sunglasses.

"Wow, it's really Marven Ye, my god, I'm so lucky, I really want to ask him for an autograph!"

"He's so handsome, and the scolding person looks even more handsome. I didn't expect him to argue for a little flight attendant. He's really nice!"

"Tsk tsk, an international superstar is so low-key. Wu Haocheng, a second-rate little singer, is so arrogant. There is no harm without comparison!"

"It's really like that saying, the less capable a person is, the more he can be arrogant. I think Wu Haocheng is like that. He won't be popular for long. Virtue is not worthy of talent, and he won't last long. If you don't believe it, just watch."


Immediately, the cabin became lively. Many people stretched their necks to look at Ye Wenxuan's position. Everyone was very excited and took out their mobile phones to take pictures.

Zhao Xiaojing was stunned, looking at Ye Wenxuan with eyes full of curiosity and surprise.And Wu Haocheng and his manager were also stunned, their eyes met with panic and embarrassment.

Especially the surrounding discussions were like crisp slaps, slapped on Wu Haocheng's face, disfiguring him.

"Look at the good thing you provoked, how will it end now!" Wu Haocheng yelled at the manager beside him in a low voice, his face was full of warmth and anger.

The manager next to Wu Haocheng's face turned green and pale when he heard Wu Haocheng's reprimand, but he didn't dare to say anything.

Zhao Xiaojing came to Ye Wenxuan's side, calmed down her excited mood, tried to maintain her calmness, and said with a little respect: "Mr. Ye, is there anything I can do for you?"

Ye Wenxuan smiled slightly, and said softly: "Please bring me a glass of orange juice, I'm not that expensive, so I can drink whatever I want."

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, Xu Rou, who was sitting next to Ye Wenxuan, raised her willow eyebrows slightly, and a faint smile appeared on her face, but she held back.

Zhao Xiaojing couldn't help but smile, and found that Ye Wenxuan was very humorous, and his ability to criticize Sang Huai was not weak at all.

At the same time, Zhao Xiaojing's affection for Ye Wenxuan was infinitely raised in her heart. She knew that Ye Wenxuan was helping her vent her anger, and she was full of gratitude in her heart.

Ye Wenxuan's voice was not loud, but it was not low either, and the surrounding passengers all heard Ye Wenxuan's words.

A couple sitting behind Ye Wenxuan let out a burst of laughter. This laughter caused a chain reaction, and many people couldn't help but also burst out laughing.

"Hahaha, it's so interesting, Marven Ye is really good, although I don't follow stars, but I really want to fan him!"

"666, I give Ye Wenxuan full marks for this wave of operations. I really want to go up to the front and see the expressions of Wu Haocheng and the two of them. It must be very exciting!"

"Beauty, bring me a glass of orange juice too, I'm not picky!"

"Beautiful sister, bring me a glass of orange juice too, I like sour ones!"


A group of people discussed at first, and finally asked Zhao Xiaojing for orange juice, and some passengers even got to a certain level.

The group of people completely ignored Wu Haocheng and Wu Haocheng who were sitting in front of them, laughing and laughing very lively.

Seeing so many people showing kindness to her, Zhao Xiaojing warmed her heart and was very moved.

Zhao Xiaojing bowed slightly to Marven Ye earnestly, then pushed out the service cart and poured a glass for those who wanted orange juice.

After pouring out the orange juice, Zhao Xiaojing walked back to Ye Wenxuan's side, her face was a little troubled.

"Mr. Ye, can I...can I ask you for an autograph? I really like you." Zhao Xiaojing asked a little anxiously, her voice was very low.

When Ye Wenxuan heard Zhao Xiaojing's request, he smiled slightly and didn't answer. Instead, he took the paper and pen directly from Xu Rou, and signed Zhao Xiaojing's name with a pen, and also attached a very heartwarming sentence.

"Hug every day with a smile, and be a girl as warm as a sunflower." — Marven Ye.

A piece of cardboard with the size of a square, with Ye Wenxuan's message on it.

Ye Wenxuan's handwriting is very delicate, it doesn't have the feeling of many artists who can't see the number of scribbles, each word is very beautiful, and it has a special charm when connected together.

Zhao Xiaojing looked at the message on the cardboard, her eyes soured, and she almost shed tears.

This sentence is like a warm sun in winter. After several years, Zhao Xiaojing will never forget today's scene and Ye Wenxuan's gift to him.

The sunset that day shone on his face, it was very warm...

(End of this chapter)

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