Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 1040 "Invisible Wings"

Chapter 1040 "Invisible Wings"

The audience was very quiet, which was in great contrast to the lively atmosphere before.

"The next song, I want to give to Sister Shanshan, I hope everyone will like it, the name of this song is - "Invisible Wings""

As soon as Ye Wenxuan's voice fell, there were many low voices at the scene. It never occurred to me that Ye Wenxuan was going to sing a new song at the concert.

After speaking, Marven Ye turned and walked towards the center of the stage. The soothing music played, and more than 3000 lighting machines were activated and gathered in the center of the stage.

On the huge LED screen behind the stage, light spots lit up from the darkness, transforming into a pair of beautiful wings.The wings are all composed of light spots, which look extremely beautiful.

Marven Ye is standing in the center of the wings. From a distance, it looks like Marven Ye has a pair of huge wings. With Marven Ye's bright red dress, he looks like an angel who has descended into the world.

"Please turn on the flashlights of your mobile phones. Let's pray for a miracle for sister Shanshan. Love knows no bounds. I believe that miracles are by our side!" Ye Wenxuan said softly.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, the audience at the scene turned on the flashlights of their mobile phones one after another, then raised their mobile phones, and swayed to the live music.

Below the pitch-black stage, at this moment, the stars are dotted with stars, like a huge starry sky. Everyone is an insignificant starlight, but if there are too many stars, they are extremely dazzling. Everyone seems to be in the starry sky.

And Ye Wenxuan in the center of the stage is like a divine mansion in the starry sky, with twin light wings behind his back, gathering everyone's attention.

Xu Qiushan, who was sitting at the front, looked back with some difficulty, and looked at the starlight in the audience, with a look of obsession in her eyes.

"Mom, it's so beautiful..." Xu Qiushan murmured.

Xu Qiushan's mother held Xu Qiushan's little head, weeping silently, but with a smile on her face: "Shanshan, you see so many people cheering for you, you must hold on, Brother Wenxuan said , there will be a miracle happen, you must be strong."

The prelude took a long time, the soothing music, coupled with such a beautiful scene, made everyone crazy.


Every time wandering lonely in the strong
Every time, even if it hurts, I don’t shed tears

I know I have always had invisible wings
fly me through despair


Ye Wenxuan's voice was very soft, without the slightest show of skill, only his fullest emotion.

The sound came out from the Amethyst microphone, like a continuous drizzle, moistening everything and silently infecting all the audience.

The scene was completely quiet. Everyone subconsciously shook their mobile phones, and then listened to Marven Ye's singing silently, feeling inexplicable in their hearts.


don't think they have a beautiful sun
I see that every day the sunset will change

I know I have always had invisible wings
take me fly give me hope


Ye Wenxuan only sang a few lines, but Xu Qiushan in the audience was already in tears.

I don't know how many times she has cried in the middle of the night...

I don't know how many times, she has wandered in loneliness...

I don't know how many times, she was desperate in pain...

In just three years, she has experienced too much.

How many times, she wanted to give up for it, wanted to end this endless torture.

But whenever she sees her parents' eyes full of expectation and kindness, whenever she sees her parents' white hair that has worked hard for her, she can't bear to give up no matter what.

The life in her is not only her own, but also the spiritual pillar of her parents.

She couldn't imagine what it would be like for her parents if she gave up one day, maybe they would be distraught...

Ye Wenxuan's singing seemed to open the door of her heart, and tears flowed out like a broken dam.

How much she wants to have a pair of invisible wings, take her out of the abyss of illness, take her to see the far side of the world.

How much she wanted to have a pair of invisible wings to take her family out of the misery and return to the life before the illness.

How much she wants to have a pair of invisible wings, take her back to the campus she longs for, and let her embark on the road of chasing dreams again.


I finally see all my dreams blossom

The chasing young singing voice is so loud

I'm finally soaring, gazing with my heart and not being afraid

Fly wherever there is wind
don't think they have a beautiful sun
I see that every day the sunset will change


Ye Wenxuan's singing gradually became louder and louder, causing countless people below to cry.

Most of the people present knew about Xu Qiushan's deeds, and they also sympathized with this girl.

It is really a pity that it is the age of the blooming season to suffer from such a terminal illness.

Many sensual girls threw themselves into the arms of their male companions one after another, their clothes were soaked with tears, and their exquisite make-up was also weeping.

Ye Wenxuan sang, looking at Xu Qiushan in front of him, his eyes were also a little red, and a tear appeared in the corner of his eyes.

The singing sounded far, far, far away, whether it was the staff behind the Jianhe Stadium or the people outside the Jianhe Stadium, hearing Ye Wenxuan's singing, they couldn't help but put down what they were doing, and looked at the source of the sound with complicated eyes .

Backstage, Xu Rou, Nie Qian and others listened to Ye Wenxuan's singing, and two lines of tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Ye Wenxuan never sang this song during the rehearsal, and it was the first time they heard Ye Wenxuan sing "Invisible Wings".

Their feelings are no less than those of the audience, or even more.

Xu Rou has seen everything Ye Wenxuan has done these days, and Xu Rou has even personally handled many links.For Xu Qiushan, a poor girl, she also felt really sorry for her.

Xu Rou burst into tears, looking at Ye Wenxuan in the center of the stage, slightly dazed.

At this moment, the phone on Xu Rou's waist vibrated suddenly.

He lowered his head and wiped away the tears on his face, adjusted his emotions, then took out his mobile phone and walked to the back position.

Looking at the caller ID on the phone, Xu Rou's eyes were fixed, and her hands trembled slightly.

Picking up the phone, Xu Rou answered the phone.

I don't know what was said on the other side of the phone, Xu Rou's eyes suddenly widened, and tears welled up in her eyes, like a broken dam, which couldn't be stopped.

Xu Roulian said hello several times, then clutched her phone, she ran out from the backstage and onto the stage.

Nie Qian and the others were stunned when they saw a shadow jumping by, because they were too familiar with that figure, it was Xu Rou's figure.

"Why did Xiaorou run to the stage? Wenxuan is singing, and the singing is not over yet." Huang Tianlei frowned and said softly, with a look of doubt flashing across his face.

Xu Rou is not a reckless person, why is she so reckless all of a sudden...

(End of this chapter)

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