Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 1044 Golden Rooster Award!

Chapter 1044 Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Award!
Ran Yirou is wearing a light purple dress today, which fully shows off Ran Yirou's good figure. It looks full of grace and luxury, very majestic and beautiful.

The tea art is pleasing to the eye, and the people are even more glamorous and charming. All the impetuousness in his heart, Ye Wenxuan now only feels that it has been swept away.

"You've already been nominated for best actor, why are you still so calm?" Ran Yirou brushed her hair behind her ears, her cherry lips parted slightly.

Ye Wenxuan lifted the teapot, poured himself a cup of tea, and then filled Ran Yirou's teacup.

"It's just the domestic film awards. There's nothing to be nervous about. It's not the kid who won the best newcomer award a few years ago." Marven Ye shook his head and said with a light smile.

A few years ago, Marven Ye also participated in the film festival and won the Best Newcomer Award that year.Ye Wenxuan was excited for a long time to win the best newcomer award at that time, but now even the best actor in front of him, there is no big fluctuation.

In other words, at the current domestic level, Marven Ye no longer pays attention to it.His eyes have already set his sights on the whole world, and only the few top prize platforms may be able to ignite his blood.

When Ran Yirou heard Ye Wenxuan's words, a look of nostalgia flashed in her eyes.

The self at that time, compared to this time, is it not so young.Just a small scandal made the two of them a little confused.

Up to now, it has already developed to the point where landslides do not change face.During this period, Ye Wenxuan grew up, so why didn't she grow up.

Ran Yirou thought of the past few years in her eyes, a beautiful curve appeared on the corner of her mouth inadvertently, her eyes were slightly absent-minded, but she quickly covered it up.

"Don't talk too much, your three competitors are not idle people. It is still a bit difficult for you to win the best actor with the role of Cheng Dongqing. What's more, you don't know the corrupt rules in our country's selection process. It's not that I don't know, the chances of you being the best actor are about [-] to [-]." Ran Yirou said softly.

It wasn't Ran Yirou who poured cold water on him, but a vaccination for Ye Wenxuan and psychological preparation for Ye Wenxuan.

The selection of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards mostly depends on the acting skills of the actors, but subjectively, they prefer older actors, so Ye Wenxuan is naturally far behind when competing with the other three.

The ancients always said that there is no fear of being late for a good meal, and it is good to grind your temper more.

It is precisely because of this decadent concept that it is difficult for new actors to succeed, so they all start to think about other paths, and in the end, very few can stick to it.

This is like wanting cattle to plow land, but not giving them grass. This practice is itself a kind of deformity, so young Chinese actors have been suppressed by Western Europe and the United States.

In the West, Europe and the United States, it is really eclectic to reduce talents.As long as your acting skills are recognized by everyone, even if you are a minor, you are eligible to win an Oscar. This is one of the fundamental reasons why the West and Europe have always suppressed the East.

In recent years, although the country has been working hard to change this status quo, this kind of philosophy has long been ingrained, and it is difficult to see results if you want to correct it for a while.

Ye Wenxuan also understood what Ran Yirou said, and also knew what Ran Yirou was worried about.There was once a disturbance at the Tianle Awards, which completely scared Ran Yirou.

But fortunately, Ye Wenxuan finally jumped out of the cage and won the Asian King of the Asian Music Festival, otherwise Ye Wenxuan would still be blocked by major music festivals.

"Sister Yirou, don't worry. I won my life and lost my luck. I won't be overwhelmed by a momentary gain or loss. I'm not a child anymore." Marven Ye smiled wryly.

Ran Yirou showed a slight smile, stretched out her plain hand, picked up the teacup on the tea table, and took a sip.

"But having said that, this seems to be the first time you have participated in a domestic awards ceremony in recent years, right? This time, you need to make sure you look good. Your attendance this time can be regarded as a part of our Times Group and domestic awards ceremony. Kindly show it to me." Ran Yirou said seriously.

Speaking of this, Ran Yirou paused, and said with some reproach: "Since you fell out with major music festivals in China, none of the artists in our group dared to participate in any awards ceremony. Until now, there are still girls in the Tianyu group They didn't have the slightest award in the era."

After Ye Wenxuan fell out with domestic music festivals, he has never participated in any domestic awards ceremony, and his attitude has always been unclear.

As a result, the Tianyu Group and Girls' Generation obediently stood still and did not dare to participate in any awards ceremony without authorization.After all, their immediate boss has an unclear attitude, and they dare not touch his brow.

Hearing Ran Yirou's slightly reproachful words, Ye Wenxuan touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want, I'll listen to you." Marven Ye said bluntly.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's smile, Ran Yirou showed a satisfied smile on her face, and then drank her tea happily.

After watching the sunset, the two went downstairs to the cafeteria to eat.

The next few days passed quickly.

The host city of this year's Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards is Guangzhou. On August 15th, the whole of Guangzhou became lively.

The Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards are full of brilliant stars every year. Regardless of whether they are nominated artists in the film and television industry, basically as long as they are above the second-tier, they will receive an invitation letter from the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers.

90.00% of the artists will be invited. At this time of the year, the major crews basically have a day off.

A big crew means a big investment. Naturally, the leading and supporting roles are all well-known film and television artists. They were all invited to participate in the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers.
Guangzhou Airport, on this day, was basically surrounded by fans. People wearing cameras can be seen everywhere in Guangzhou Airport.

Paparazzi are everywhere, and there are countless reporters.

Whenever there are bursts of intense cheers from the pick-up gate, it means that a big coffee has come.

The security of the entire Guangzhou has also reached the maximum level today, all the police forces are dispatched, and police cars can be seen everywhere in all important streets.

Even a domestic first-tier city like Guangzhou pays far more attention to the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards than imagined.

This world is different from the previous world, and the influence of stars in this world is countless levels higher than the previous world.

With so many influential celebrities coming at once, if something happens to one of them, it will be a serious blow to the reputation of Chengdu officials...

(End of this chapter)

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