Chapter 1052 Fengdi!

The awards ceremony of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards continues. With the awarding of important awards one after another, the highlight of this year is coming, which is the awarding of the Best Actor and Queen.

The award for Best Actress was awarded first, which is about to be crowned... Queen of Best Actress!
"I announce that the actor who won the best actress award this year is...Hua Weiwei!"

As soon as the award-presenting guest's voice fell, the exciting music was abandoned immediately. Above the stage, a salute sounded and gold leafs fell.

Hua Weiwei, who was sitting on the far right in the first row, covered her mouth with her hands, her face was full of surprise, and her eyes were a little excited.

This is the second time she has been crowned the best actress. The last time she won the honor of best actress was at the Golden Horse Awards in Taiwan. It has been nearly seven years since that time.

Compared with the Golden Horse Award, the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Award is undoubtedly more high-end, and it can be said that it is full of gold.

It is a great honor to be a double actress. It is conceivable that Hua Weiwei's net worth is almost sky-high. After this time, it is bound to be greatly improved.

Ye Wenxuan and Liang Weichao both stood up and congratulated Hua Weiwei.Even for people of their status, the award of actress is very important, and it can be said to be of great significance.

After hugging Hua Weiwei, Hua Weiwei stepped onto the stage.

Hua Weiwei is approaching forty this year, but she is well maintained. She looks no different from a 30-year-old young woman, and her charm is still there.

Wearing a lavender evening dress, Hua Weiwei stood on the podium, looking graceful and dignified.

Hua Weiwei has rich experience, calmed down quickly, and delivered a full 5-minute speech. It can be said that there are many people who are grateful, and they are comprehensive.

After Hua Weiwei delivered her speech, she walked slowly down, holding the trophy. It can be seen that she is in a very good mood now.

"Dear audience friends, the best actress awards have been awarded, what are the awards we are going to present next?" Sun Zeyu asked loudly to the audience.

On-site interaction is also an important link to maintain the popularity of the scene.

The audience at the scene became excited and shouted loudly: "The best actor! The best actor! The best actor!"

The tidy voice of the actor came from the audience, and even the guests in front were slightly agitated.

"That's right, the award we are about to present is the award for Best Actor, which is what our audience friends call... Best Actor!"

There was a bright smile on Li Ziyue's face, and she was full of demeanor.

"The No.20 Best Actor nominees for the [-]th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards are..."

"The leading actor of the movie "Golden Age" - Sun Ruida!"

"The leading actor in the movie "Loyalty and Betrayal" - Tang Caihua!"

"The leading actor in the movie "1974" - Yun Mingjie!"

"The lead actor in the movie "Huaxia Partners"—Marven Ye!"

The four nominees were read out by Sun Zeyu, and the movie clips of the four began to flash on the huge LED screen behind.

The first three movies have already been released, and many people recalled them when they saw them.

When it came to Ye Wenxuan at the end, many people stared at him.

The clip above flashes the scene between Ye Wenxuan and Liang Hanzhong after the wedding banquet.

Ye Wenxuan was wearing a white shirt with a crooked tie, his momentum and acting skills can be said to have reached the peak of this drama.

Just a fragment shocked everyone.

A completely subverted image, in the clip just now, Ye Wenxuan's age can't be seen at all, and all burdens have been completely discarded.

Those present were all insiders, and they felt something from just scratches and scratches.At the same time, their interest in this movie has risen rapidly, and they feel that they can't wait.

Ye Wenxuan's acting skills are quite famous in the circle. All the actors who have worked with Ye Wenxuan, there is no one who does not give Ye Wenxuan a thumbs up.

All eyes were fixed on the stage, looking at the envelope in Li Ziyue's hand.

The audience at the scene gradually quieted down, and everyone was waiting for this moment.

In full view, Li Ziyue opened the envelope and saw the winners inside.

A gleam flashed in Li Ziyue's eyes, and there was a strange but reasonable contradictory expression on his face, which looked very weird.

"Now I announce that the winner of the No.20 Best Actor Award at the [-]th Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards is..." Li Ziyue looked around the audience with a pair of beautiful eyes, and then the corners of her mouth curled up, and said loudly: "Congratulations Ye Wenxuan, on the coronation Actor!"


There was an uproar at the scene, and everyone's eyes were focused on Marven Ye who was sitting in the first row.

There are all kinds of gaze emotions, but most people's emotions are understanding.

Ye Wenxuan's fans at the scene immediately burst into joy. When Li Ziyue said Ye Wenxuan's name, they all stood up, waved the fluorescent cards in their hands, and shouted Ye Wenxuan's name loudly, all of them flushed with excitement.

"Emperor Wen!"

"Emperor Wen!"

"Emperor Wen!"

Ye Wenxuan's fans shouted Ye Wenxuan's nickname again, and the momentum was so loud that it even covered the host's voice.

Li Ziyue and Sun Zeyu looked at each other helplessly, Ye Wenxuan's reputation was too high.

It can be said that more than half of the audience were fans of Ye Wenxuan, and the joy was really uncontrollable.

"Emperor Wen is incomparable, and his talent has been through the past and the present! Emperor Wu shines in the world, and his name moves through the ages!"

"Emperor Wen is incomparable, and his talent has been through the past and the present! Emperor Wu shines in the world, and his name moves through the ages!"

"Emperor Wen is incomparable, and his talent has been through the past and the present! Emperor Wu shines in the world, and his name moves through the ages!"


Soon, the slogans of Ye Wenxuan's fans became orderly, and the momentum could be described as extremely domineering.

In the past, Marven Ye was called Emperor Wen and Martial Emperor, and many people might have sneered at it, but as Marven Ye gradually rose to the top, they found that Marven Ye really matched the title more and more.

The huge momentum of the fans made the guests at the scene look sideways. This kind of popularity is what they longed for in their dreams.

Even the long-renowned film king and queen, seeing Ye Wenxuan's rising popularity, all looked sideways.

Facing the fans' support, Ye Wenxuan's mouth became more and more curved, and his face was as calm as water.

This result can be said to be the expected result of Ye Wenxuan, and it is also reasonable.

If Ye Wenxuan's acting skills at the peak of the SS level can't win this award, it would be like a joke.

Ye Wenxuan's acting skills, as long as the film is suitable, even the Oscar Ye Wenxuan can compete for it.

In today's world, it can be said that there are very few people who can reach the peak acting skills of SS level.

Even Ye Wenxuan's teacher, a generation of performers who has been immersed in acting all his life, is only at the SS level, which shows how difficult it is to reach the peak of the SS level.

In the domineering slogan, Marven Ye straightened his clothes and stood up slowly...

(End of this chapter)

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