Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 1063 Coax the daughter-in-law!

Chapter 1063 Coax the daughter-in-law!
Ye Wenxuan looked at the smooth and fair faces of the two women, and gave each of them a meme.

Being suddenly attacked by Ye Wenxuan, the two women gave Ye Wenxuan a coquettish sound, and then gave Ye Wenxuan a hammer.

Ye Wenxuan accepted it with a smile, and even showed a look of enjoyment.With the strength of the two women, it was like giving Ye Wenxuan a massage, and it did not pose the slightest threat at all.

After hammering for a long time, Ye Wenxuan said with a smile: "How is it? Have you vented your anger?"



Both of them shook their heads, giving Ye Wenxuan a full back of the head, still playing petty temper.But acting like a baby is a bit more involved, and now it's just playing petty temper with Ye Wenxuan.

"Chen Zihan and I really have nothing to do. We have known each other for less than a week. I just wanted to sign her. After all, as one of the four young female roles, her popularity and status are extraordinary. With her Joining will add more heritage to the Times Group." Ye Wenxuan explained to the two in a soft voice.

Both Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu understood that neither of them was actually too angry, they just felt bad when they saw their man and other women's gossip.

"Then...then what are you going to do, you can't let the gossip continue to spread." Wang Shiyu asked worriedly, her little face was wrinkled together, looking very cute.

Zhao Fei'er also turned her head, and echoed: "That's right, and Chen Zihan is now carrying the name of a married woman cheating, and you are now the third party who destroys other people's families. If you can't clarify, then your future What can Xingtu do?"

The two girls had slight brows, and they both cared about Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan waved his hand indifferently, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I've already taken care of it. I've got the hard evidence of Xu Yifan's cheating. Let him be arrogant for a few days, and after a few days, he will show the evidence and beat this bastard to death."

Looking at Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu's puzzled expressions, Ye Wenxuan suddenly realized that the two of them didn't know the inside story.

Therefore, Ye Wenxuan explained the matter of Chen Zihan in detail.

After listening to Ye Wenxuan's narration, Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu were very angry and despised Chen Zihan's ex-husband.

"This man is disgusting. He even beat him up. He's so shameless that he didn't go offline!" Zhao Fei'er yelled angrily.

"That's right," Wang Shiyu was equally contemptuous, and echoed, "What a scumbag, a fighter among scumbags!"

Seeing the two of them fighting against each other, Ye Wenxuan showed a knowing smile on his face.

He clenched his hands tightly, and said softly, "Are you two okay recently? Are you both back?"

Zhao Fei'er shook her head, Wang Shiyu nodded first, then shook her head again.

"The fashion show in Paris just ended, and then the fashion show in New York. I didn't plan to go back to China, but I flew back when I saw someone's gossip..." Zhao Feier gave Ye Wenxuan a bitter look.

"I went back to Beijing to shoot a commercial, and I have to go back to the crew to film the day after tomorrow. I don't have that much time." Wang Shiyu explained.

Seeing that the two were so busy, Marven Ye scratched his head. He wanted to say that he would accompany them tonight, but he swallowed it when he thought of the dinner that had just been arranged.

Now it is estimated that this news has reached the ears of all the senior executives of the group, and Chen Zihan has just joined. If this kind of thing is let others dove, then it is estimated that he will have a grudge when he joined, it is really not good.

But he reunited with the two after a long absence, and he was still reluctant to part with them and wanted to accompany them.

"I don't know you two are here. I just booked a dinner with them to welcome Chen Zihan to officially join the Times Group. It's not easy to let others dove. Why don't you two go with me at night, daughter-in-law, and then we will go home at night, How about it?"

Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu looked at each other, and they simply agreed.It happened that they also wanted to meet Chen Zihan. After all, they were both in the front line of Chinese actresses. In terms of status and popularity, the two were not inferior to Chen Zihan.

Although sympathy belongs to sympathy, it is still necessary to declare territorial sovereignty, and the two thought of going together very tacitly.

After settling down, the three of them suddenly fell silent.

There was no topic to talk about, Ye Wenxuan felt the softness and fullness of the two women's buttocks, and suddenly became distracted.

His eyes began to wander, and he happened to see the big bed in the bedroom, and his throat suddenly became dry.

"Ahem, daughter-in-law, what do you think of my office? Life and work are integrated, this is the first time for you to come here?" Marven Ye suddenly said.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's question, Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu stood up from Ye Wenxuan's lap and looked at Ye Wenxuan's office.

When the two came here before, they really didn't pay much attention to Ye Wenxuan's office. Now it seems that it is really unusual. The layout is very ingenious, and the main style is modern.

"Tsk tsk, not bad, much more luxurious than my dad's office!" Wang Shiyu admired sincerely.

Zhao Fei'er didn't speak, but the expression on her face also showed that she was very satisfied.

Marven Ye stood up, waved to the two of them, and motioned to come with him.

The two were a little puzzled, and followed Ye Wenxuan in a dizzy manner.

Ye Wenxuan pushed open the bedroom door, looked at the two women with a smile, and said with a smile: "Daughter-in-law, look at this big bed, how does it compare with the big bed in our house?"

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's squinting eyes, the two women immediately knew what Ye Wenxuan was planning, and they became vigilant.

"I'm telling you, don't even think about it, it's impossible!" Wang Shiyu blushed a little, extremely cute.

Zhao Fei'er protected the indescribable part with both hands, and said lightly: "This is an office, there are so many employees below, and what if Xu Rou suddenly comes up!"

After the two girls finished speaking, they ran away without giving Marven Ye any time to react, resolutely not giving Marven Ye the slightest chance.

Seeing the conflict between the two women, Ye Wenxuan had no choice but to walk out of the bedroom.

Looking at the two girls sitting on the sofa, instead of forcing them, he squeezed two glasses of juice for them and chatted with them.


Time flies, the sun sets in the blink of an eye, and night falls.

In one afternoon, Shang Yiyun and Xu Rou took Chen Zihan to visit the entire Times Group, which opened Chen Zihan's eyes.

It is widely rumored that the environment in the Times Building is excellent, and the company's treatment is also excellent. Now it seems that it is true.

Chen Zihan was still in high spirits after shopping around for a day.As for the personal staff behind Chen Zihan, they all looked excited.

Chen Zihan joined the Times Group, which means that they are also half of the Times Group from now on.

They are all ministers of Chen Zihan. Chen Zihan left Guangfang Entertainment, and they all resigned one after another, and then joined the Times Group.

(End of this chapter)

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