Chapter 1086 Brothers!

When the singing got intense, red and yellow lights flickered in the audience. Ye Wenxuan held the microphone in one hand, and the typhoon was steady, sweeping the audience like a hurricane.

After more than a month of retreat and polishing, coupled with the investment of Haiquan's popularity, Ye Wenxuan successfully raised his typhoon to another level.

At Marven Ye's level, every promotion is a huge leap, and every step is a new level.

Ye Wenxuan also sang hi. For a singer, it is a kind of enjoyment to have such a magnificent stage.

Liu Tian, ​​who was sitting on the stage, quietly listened to the Dragon King's singing, his eyes flashed with inexplicable emotion.

At the age of sixty, Liu Tian remembered the youth that belonged to him back then.

At that time, he had poor looks, poor talent, and poor strength.

For the dream of music, even though I have suffered all the ups and downs and all the white eyes, I still stick to my dream.

Because in his era, playing music meant that he was not doing his job properly.

He is not understood, he is not supported, there is only one person who has been silently supporting him and accompanying him silently.

That person is his good brother——Cao Hongjin, the person in his deepest heart.

Cao Hongjin is his guitarist, and the two used to hang out in various bars in northern Beijing, lived in the basement together, and ate a bowl of instant noodles together...

The cruelty of reality did not defeat the two of them, and they went forward bravely for their respective dreams together.

As time went by, the two gradually became famous in the Beijing North music circle, and many people liked to find them to perform.

Finally, the two were valued by the scouts of Huaying Group at that time, and just when they were about to make it through, an accident happened.

Liu Tian will never forget that scene that day. In the clean white ward, amidst the pungent smell of disinfectant, he saw Cao Hongjin lying on the hospital bed. He had a car accident and lost his right leg...


All the stories seem to have happened in the wandering years
After the wind blows, I have calmed down and returned my heart to whom
Let the tears have taken away the night haggard

The voice of innocence is fading

He left, leaving Jingbei quietly.

When Liu Tian heard the news and rushed to the ward, Cao Hongjin had already been picked up by his family, quietly left the hospital, and completely disappeared into Liu Tian's world.

A piece of paper was left on the hospital bed with only one line of writing on it.

"My unfulfilled dream in this life, please brother. I hope you can stand at the peak of music and show me the scenery at that time, please!"

Since then, until now, Liu Tian has never seen him again, nor has he seen the brother who has been with him for six years.

Even after he became famous, many private investigators were hired, but he was not found.

In that era, technology was backward, once people disappeared in the vast crowd, it was not easy to find them again.

Decades have passed, and the person is still not found, but this person has been hidden in the bottom of Liu Tian's heart, and has become an unforgettable mark in his eternal life.

After Cao Hongjin left, Liu Tian was depressed for a while, and locked himself in the music room for three months. From a little dabble in guitar, he forcibly honed himself into a good guitar player.

For more than 30 years, no matter how popular and busy Liu Tian is, his guitarist position will always be vacant.

When he needed to play the guitar, he took the guitar and played it himself, as if Cao Hongjin had always been in his heart, which would never be erased.

Dragon King's "Years of Friendship" is like a key, which reopens many memories in Liu Tian's heart, and then digs them out and recalls them again.

And the singing voice of the Dragon King is very contagious, like a sharp knife, it slowly passes through your heart...

Unknowingly, the corners of Liu Tian's eyes became moist, but Liu Tian himself didn't realize it.

The Dragon King's singing ended in the final climax, and when the last sound came out, the audience was silent.


Yiying, who was sitting next to Liu Tian, ​​was also shocked by the song of Dragon King, and subconsciously looked at Liu Tian.

At a glance, she saw the sparkle in the corner of Liu Tian's eyes, which made Yiying stunned.

"God... Brother Tian?" Yiying called softly.

Hearing Yiying's call, Liu Tian withdrew from his dazed state.He quickly lowered his head, wiped away the teardrops from the corners of his eyes, and said with a forced smile, "What's wrong?"

Yiying glanced at Liu Tian worriedly, and asked with concern: "Brother Tian, ​​what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

Liu Tian clapped his hands, let out a long breath, and smiled casually: "It's all right, it's just that I feel a little bit, thinking about some past events..."

Upon hearing this, Yiying didn't ask any more questions.Everyone has everyone's privacy, asking too much will hurt feelings.

Since Liu Tian didn't want to say more, Yiying didn't want to be bored, and instead asked, "Brother Tian, ​​who do you think this Dragon King is? I think he should be our Huaxia singer."

Looking at the Dragon King who was saluting in all directions, Yiying's beautiful eyes shone with strong curiosity.

"Could it be Hua De'an? He is from Guangzhou. The Cantonese of this song is very pure, and he can sing like this. I think it is very likely to be Hua De'an!" Liu Tian gradually broke free from the past. , a relatively considerable analysis.

"Hua De'an?" Yiying murmured, her eyebrows raised slightly: "Hua De'an's style is very different from that of the Dragon King, but this style is very similar to Xue You, focusing on feelings."

Liu Tian and Yiying's thoughts were basically focused on Xue You and Hua De'an, and the rest of them didn't think about it at all.

"No, no, Xue You is not so tall, so his height doesn't match." Liu Tian argued.

When Liu Tian said this, Yiying froze for a moment, and realized that the Dragon King was really tall, and Xue You was not as tall at all.

Xue You's official height is only 1.7 meters [-], which is too different from this Dragon King.

"Then... this person is really Hua De'an? He actually started?" Yiying couldn't believe it.

Liu Tian looked thoughtfully at the Dragon King standing on the stage receiving the applause from the audience.

His reason told him that this person should be Hua De'an.But for some reason, his intuition told him that this Dragon King was someone else.

Liu Tian also fell into confusion, but no matter what, this person Liu Tian was really curious, because his performance really conquered Liu Tian just now.

This is a super-strength singer who is not inferior to Hibiscus and Red Rose, and there are definitely not many people who can have this strength in the Chinese music scene.

This made Liu Tian fall into deep contemplation, but although he was a little confused, Liu Tian still applauded for the other party. This Dragon very powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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