Chapter 1090 Love!
Originally, both Liu Tian and Yiying thought that the Dragon King might be Hua De'an, but now they are not sure.

Hua De'an has debuted for so many years, but he has never sung a Korean song.And to sing Korean songs in such a crucial arena, if you are not sure, the Dragon King will definitely not choose.

Therefore, now Liu Tian and Yiying are even more curious about the identity of the Dragon King.

On the other side of the stage, Janelle, who was sitting on the professional review board, became more curious.

"It's interesting, you actually regret Hibiscus head-on, I hope you don't let me down..."


Ye Wenxuan climbed up from the elevator, holding the blue star in his right hand, and stood tall and straight in the center of the stage.

Ye Wenxuan's face under the mask was slightly dignified.If someone watched carefully beside Marven Ye, they could see that Marven Ye's whole body was trembling slightly at a very low frequency.

This trembling was not fear or nervousness, but an indescribable excitement.


Suddenly, a white light flashed on Marven Ye's right side, and a pure white piano appeared in everyone's sight.

Ye Wenxuan turned around and came to the side of the piano, then sat down gently, and placed the blue star on the microphone stand.

Seeing Marven Ye's formation, many people held their breath.

Ye Wenxuan put his hands on the white keys, and then moved his hands lightly, a melodious piano sound came out from the piano, very soothing and graceful.

Ye Wenxuan's body moved slightly with the sound of the piano, and his whole body was quickly entering the state, into the atmosphere he created.

A sense of sadness swept over Marven Ye.

Like a lonely boy, lonely, lonely...

When many people heard the prelude of the music, their hearts tightened slightly, and they looked at Ye Wenxuan intently.

Under everyone's attention, Ye Wenxuan spoke slowly.


(raises head and holds breath)

(don't let the tears fall)

(There are still your memories in the room)

(I can't drive away all the time)

Marven Ye's voice was slightly hoarse, the most essential voice sang softly from Marven Ye's mouth.

The soft voice, just the first sound, made many people present goosebumps quickly spread all over their bodies.

The feeling of loneliness and loneliness is more intense...

I used to think that you were at the ends of the earth in my heart.

As a result, I gently reached out to touch, but you were like a dandelion, fluttering in the wind.

Falling in love with you only takes a moment, but forgetting you takes a lifetime, which is not even enough.

What is old forever, what will not change until death, are just excuses for icing on the cake.

Love is always the eternal theme in all literature and art.

From ancient times to the present, love has always been the theme of praise in people's mouth.

The sweetness of love, the sadness of love, the pain of love, the happiness of love...

But love, after all, is a minority that can be obtained.

How many people have surrendered under the grinding of time, and no longer love for love's sake.

Today there is a saying that is very good, there is no age suitable for marriage, only love suitable for marriage...

But...too many people are surrendering to the former...

Ye Wenxuan's eyes were filled with inexplicable emotion, his eyes narrowed slightly, and he was playing on the white keys with both hands.

The emotion of the singing became more and more intense, and gradually reached a peak.

The music suddenly stopped, drums, electric guitar, piano, and bass were mixed together, and the music suddenly became full.

Ye Wenxuan also directly took down the microphone, stood up from the piano chair, and returned to the center of the stage.


(Love, the love I miss)

(Love that hurts me so much)

(how heartbroken)

(That wound can heal)


The tone rose all of a sudden, and the emotions accumulated to the peak were vented all of a sudden.

Instead of directly soaring the high notes like Hibiscus, he sang the high notes very appropriately, which made many people feel that this should be the tune here.

An unspeakable sadness, like a storm, swept the audience.

Many girls in the audience burst into tears when Ye Wenxuan sang here, but she didn't realize it.

Everyone has their own softness in their hearts, but Ye Wenxuan's singing directly touched the softness in everyone's heart, making countless people shed tears.

Youth is so helpless, too many memories have become sad.

Some injuries are destined to be buried in the heart.

A relationship can bring us as much pain as it has brought us as much joy.

A person is not alone, but a person who wants to be alone is lonely; a person with a companion is having a carnival, but what about a lonely person?
I know that when two clouds meet in the sky, they will turn into rain, and when two stars meet, sparks will come out. What will be the end of our encounter?

The most regrettable thing in life is to easily give up what should not be given up, and stubbornly persist in what should not be persisted.

In the past, the sea was dry and the rocks were rotten. After all, it was not enough to get together and leave.

Mingyue Tower sits on a single chair, and the wine turns into tears of lovesickness...


(Love, love that I'm obsessed with)

(Because of the greed I can't give up)

(That unfinished love is so sad)

(I cry again)

Ye Wenxuan sang, although he squinted his eyes slightly, but before he knew it, the corners of his eyes were filled with tears.

The taste of love can only be felt if you have experienced it.

Jenny, who was sitting on the professional judging table, stared straight at the Dragon King on the stage with her beautiful eyes.

There were two lines of tear stains under her delicate cheeks, and the tears couldn't stop flowing, and she didn't even notice the delicate eye makeup on her eyes.

The kind of sadness that pierced the bottom of my heart made Janelle feel very uncomfortable.

Only those who have loved can appreciate the sadness in Marven Ye's singing.

No matter how well maintained she is, it can't hide the fact that she is close to forty.

Love is what all women desire.

She, of course, is no exception.

But in the past few decades, she has only loved one man, but it was this man who left her with an unforgettable pain.

Looking at the Dragon King who was singing passionately on the stage, Jane felt that his figure overlapped infinitely with the one in her heart, and slowly merged into one.

Although she knew that this was just her illusion, even if it was only 5 minutes, it was extremely precious to her.

The encounter between her and him was like a meteor, bursting out an enviable spark in an instant, but it was destined to just pass by in a hurry...

(End of this chapter)

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