Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 110 Goodbye, 3 years of youth!

Chapter 110 Goodbye, Three Years of Youth!


i believe we will meet again

i believe i will always miss

i believe we will be fine

I believe everything I believe in turns into flames

Shining on each other's faces, the vast sea of ​​people see each other

The small climax of the first segment came, Bai Haoyu and Zheng Yufei were also infected by Ye Wenxuan's powerful stage style, and they could operate the instruments in their hands more easily.Accompanied by Ye Wenxuan's singing, the four people swayed their bodies to the cheerful music, releasing their passion.

All the students in the audience got out of their seats and rushed to the aisle.Several good buddies put shoulder to shoulder with each other before, waving their right hands.With the rhythm of the music, the body twisted, and the atmosphere reached a climax for a while.

Teachers and parents also looked at each child with a smile on their faces, and their faces were full of smiles.I also feel deeply moved. Seeing these children, I can't help but think of my old classmates.

Time flies so fast...


Goodbye old classmates who hate each other

Goodbye too late to say thank you

Goodbye, no more detention

The last page of my graduation album


At the climax of the song, Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu sang together and held hands.Facing the audience below, he sang loudly.

When the aisles were packed, many students rushed onto the stage.

The stage was huge, and many students spontaneously stepped onto the stage and stood behind Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu.

Regardless of whether they know each other or not, everyone stands shoulder to shoulder, holding hands, and twisting their bodies to the music.

Goodbye, poke the hearts of all the students.

Originally cheerful music, everyone's emotions are also very high.But I don't know what's going on, I cry when I smile, and hurt when I'm happy.

There was a smile on the corner of everyone's mouth, but tears flowed down.

3 years! 1095 days and nights! 26280 hours!
This is our youth!
Ye Wenxuan was also affected by the atmosphere here, and his eyes were red too, and he fought back tears not to let him fall.But Wang Shiyu had already burst into tears, singing with crying.

"Students, let's come together for the last part!" Ye Wenxuan shouted loudly.


i believe we will meet again

i believe i will always miss

i believe we will be fine

I believe everything I believe in turns into flames

Shining on each other's faces, the vast sea of ​​people see each other

Everyone sang songs loudly, and the sound resounded throughout the auditorium.

Holding the hands of those around me, everyone sang in a chorus full of emotion.

Maybe I don't know you, but you are a student of Jiangsu No. [-] Middle School, so...

You are my brother, you are my sister.

After all, one day, we all become yesterday.

It was you who hurriedly accompanied me through the once-in-a-lifetime world!

Not only Ye Wenxuan was singing, but Bai Haoyu and Zheng Yufei were also having fun.

Waving the drumsticks in his hands freely, Bai Haoyu has never felt such a beautiful music, never experienced such a joyful playing experience!

I love you engraved on the desk is still there
How much surging like the sea has now become a feeling
Whose youth is not confused

Actually we are all the same


Ye Wenxuan spat out the last word slowly, and the whole song came to an end.

There was a sudden silence in the auditorium, only the sound of sobbing one after another.

Ye Wenxuan also couldn't control his emotions a little bit, tears also flowed down a little bit.

The graduation season is always filled with endless sadness, and the separation between classmates always makes people feel sad.

Ye Wenxuan also adjusted his emotions slightly, but his voice still trembled slightly.

"Students, although we don't say goodbye. But today, we are separated. I am afraid that it will be difficult to get together in this life. Cherish these classmates around you now. If you don't say some things, you may really have no chance. Don't stay Pity."

"Goodbye, my classmates. Goodbye, my alma mater. I love you all!"

Ye Wenxuan said the last words of farewell with emotion, and at the end the tears that he had originally controlled stayed down again.

After speaking, Marven Ye turned around and hugged the good brothers who came quietly behind him.

A group of boys head to head, hugging each other.All with tears, no words, only endless brotherhood left!


The graduation party lasted until after eight o'clock, and everyone came out with red eyes.

Many classes organize graduation dinners, and Ye Wenxuan's class is no exception.Five or 60 people and teacher Li Lu all attended the dinner, and the parents did not interfere, letting their children release the pressure in their hearts.

It took more than three hours to have a dinner for a break-up party. It was said to be a break-up party, but in fact, few people ate at all.

It took only 15 minutes to start, and many people just ate a little, and everyone started toasting in turn, and soon many people were slightly over the top between cups.

After an afternoon of emotional depression, many people chose to use alcohol to release themselves.

Many boys at the dinner table uttered words they had suppressed for a long time, expressing their love for a certain girl.Or apologizing and reconciling to classmates who had troubles in wars, everyone was relieved.

Graduation represents the end of a period of youth.It also represents the beginning of youth at the other end, and the thoughts or festivals in the past are really naive when I think about it now.

After eating, many people left the restaurant one after another and were picked up by their parents.

Marven Ye sat on a chair and watched familiar classmates leave one by one.Ye Wenxuan firmly remembered their appearance, maybe, maybe this parting was forever, never to be seen again...

In the end, there were only a few people left, and Ye Wenxuan looked at Wang Shiyu who was staggering and blushing.Frowning, he quickly supported Wang Shiyu.

"Why does this girl drink so much, she's so brave without the capacity for alcohol." Ye Wenxuan murmured to himself.

"Shiyu, Shiyu? Are you okay?" Ye Wenxuan asked softly holding Wang Shiyu.

Wang Shiyu looked at Ye Wenxuan with hazy eyes and grinned.

"Hey, Wenxuan, I'm not drunk, I only drank a little." Wang Shiyu stretched out her tender little hand, gesturing how much she drank just now.

Looking at the lovely Wang Shiyu, Ye Wenxuan smiled dotingly.

Looking at Wang Shiyu's appearance, he probably couldn't leave, so Ye Wenxuan carried Wang Shiyu behind his back.

After speaking to Bai Haoyu and Zheng Yufei, he left the hotel, intending to send Wang Shiyu back.

Walking out of the hotel, the night in June was a bit cold, but not very cold.

Strolling on the road, Marven Ye looked for a taxi.However, after walking for a long time, I couldn't find a taxi, so I could only walk on the side of the road.

Suddenly Wang Shiyu behind her moved, and Wang Shiyu murmured: "Wenxuan, please put me down. I'm fine, my legs are a little numb."

When Ye Wenxuan heard Wang Shiyu say this, he quickly put Wang Shiyu down and rubbed her legs to relieve her.

Wang Shi's big rainy eyes looked at Ye Wenxuan who was rubbing his legs for him with his head down, and he was a little crazy for a while...

 It's the graduation season of the year again, and it's time to say goodbye again.I hope everyone cherishes what is in front of them and does not leave regrets!
(End of this chapter)

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