Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 121 The Peeping of the Pinhole Camera!

Chapter 121 The Peeping of the Pinhole Camera!

Ye Wenxuan returned to the RV, and Wang Shiyu and the others took out all the ice cubes in the small refrigerator.Put it in a plastic bag and apply it on Ye Wenxuan's right hand to relieve Ye Wenxuan's pain.

After a while, the medical personnel came to Ye Wenxuan's car, helped Ye Wenxuan deal with it briefly, and prescribed a prescription for Ye Wenxuan.There are many medicines on it, which can treat the strain on Marven Ye's arm.

After the medical staff left, Marven Ye's RV never stopped.Wave after wave of people came to greet him. Later, Ye Wenxuan asked Xu Rou to guard outside to prevent others from approaching, saying that Ye Wenxuan had a rest.

Director Zhou Changwen also came to see Marven Ye once, and thanked Marven Ye very much for coming forward just now.He also told Ye Wenxuan to take a good rest and wait for Ye Wenxuan to finish the filming, and to shoot other people's films first.

But today is definitely not going to be able to be filmed. This happened in the first scene.Zhou Changwen immediately gave up the desire to continue shooting today, let's talk about it tomorrow.

A group of people rushed back to the hotel where they were resting, and gave everyone a small vacation in the afternoon.

Wang Shiyu helped Ye Wenxuan back to the room, settled Ye Wenxuan and went back to take a shower.

But in less than 2 minutes, Wang Shiyu hurried back to Ye Wenxuan's room again, with a nervous expression on his face.

Ye Wenxuan, who just lay down, saw Wang Shiyu returning to the room with a nervous and scared face, and was a little puzzled.

"Shi Yu, what's the matter? Look at your nervous face." Ye Wenxuan sat up and asked suspiciously.

Wang Shiyu lifted up her bracelet, which was now emitting a faint red light, which was particularly eye-catching.

"Wenxuan, someone seems to have installed a pinhole camera in my room. The bracelet reminded me when I entered the room just now." Wang Shiyu said with some fear.

Wang Shiyu is full of fear now, if there is no Ye Wenxuan's bracelet.It is estimated that the scene of Wang Shiyu changing clothes has already been recorded.

This was a fatal blow to Wang Shiyu, who had always kept herself clean. She couldn't imagine how she would behave in the world if such a thing happened.

As soon as Ye Wenxuan heard Wang Shiyu say this, his face that was originally full of smiles instantly became gloomy.His face was terribly ugly, and there was a daunting evil spirit exuding from his body.

But Ye Wenxuan immediately controlled his emotions, came to Wang Shiyu's side and comforted Wang Shiyu softly.

"Shiyu, it's okay. Don't be afraid. As long as you wear the Fengluan bracelet from now on, you will never be secretly photographed. Let's go to the room now to find out the situation. Let's go to your room." Ye Wenxuan said softly, reaching out his left hand to touch He touched Wang Shiyu's little head to comfort her.

Wang Shiyu nodded, and followed Ye Wenxuan to Wang Shiyu's room.

During this period, Ye Wenxuan called Zhou Wenchang and asked him to come over, saying that something was very serious.The tone is not very good, a little gloomy.

Zhou Changwen was originally in a state of desperation, but now he heard Ye Wenxuan's words and felt that something was wrong.

In the past, Marven Ye was always very kind, with a faint smile on his face.There will be no such situation at all, and they rushed over in a hurry.

Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu waited at the door for 5 minutes, and Zhou Wenchang trotted to Wang Shiyu's door.

"What's the matter, so angry?" Zhou Wenchang asked, his tone deliberately relaxed, trying to ease the current atmosphere.

Marven Ye cannot be treated as an ordinary actor, let alone his status.He is also the author and investor of this play, with a high status.

Ye Wenxuan shook his head slightly, his expression was still ugly.

"Director Zhou, you'll know as soon as you come in, this matter must be explained, otherwise it's not over!" Ye Wenxuan left such a sentence, pushed open the door of the room and walked into the room first.

Zhou Changwen was a little confused, but he also realized the seriousness of the matter, and his expression became serious.

Marven Ye who walked into the room held Wang Shiyu's bracelet in his hand.Gently pressed the position of Fengluan's eyes on the bracelet, and saw a faint purple light shoot out from Fengluan's eyes, traveling a huge arc surface.

Ye Wenxuan turned around slowly holding the bracelet, and closed the bracelet after turning around for a week.

Ye Wenxuan walked slowly to the bedside table of Wang Shiyu's bed, and just kicked his leg.Kicking the bedside table to pieces showed Ye Wenxuan's current furious mood.

Zhou Changwen was taken aback by such a kick, and the hard bedside table was actually kicked away by Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan bent down slightly, and picked out a pinhole camera from the trash.

Ye Wenxuan took the camera and turned to Zhou Changwen with a blank expression on his face.Wei Wei raised her right eyebrow, and put the pinhole camera in Zhou Changwen's hand without saying a word.

Then he walked to the bathroom, and then picked up two pinhole cameras from the bathroom.

A total of three cameras, Ye Wenxuan put them in Zhou Changwen's hands, and then went to Wang Shiyu's bed, looking at Zhou Changwen without saying a word.

Zhou Changwen's face is also very ugly now, these three pinhole cameras are like someone slapped him three times in front of him in public, what a shame!
As the heroine in the crew, a pinhole camera was placed in the room, which was a huge mistake.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Zhou Changwen, and pointed at Wang Shiyu with his left hand.

"Director Zhou, let's make it clear. Shi Yu is my childhood sweetheart and my girlfriend, and I think she will be my daughter-in-law in the future. Not only that, she is also the only daughter of Wang Xiong, the chairman of Huanhai Entertainment. You can see for yourself Let's do it. I believe Director Zhou will not let me down, right?!"

Ye Wenxuan's simple sentence directly tripled Wang Shiyu's position in Zhou Changwen's heart.

Ye Wenxuan's girlfriend, Wang Xiong's only daughter!
These two identities, no matter which one is the identity that Zhou Changwen must pay attention to.

Huanhai Entertainment is one of the top ten entertainment companies in China, and has strong strength, ranking among the top three all year round.It is not an exaggeration to be a well-deserved entertainment giant, with huge influence.

Zhou Changwen immediately looked at Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu and made a promise.

"Don't worry, I'll investigate this matter now. If I can't find it out for a day, I won't turn it on for a day!" Zhou Changwen's tone was sonorous and forceful, obviously serious.

After finishing speaking, Zhou Changwen left the room with a sullen face.Obviously this famous Chinese director is angry...

This room was destroyed by Ye Wenxuan, and Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu came to the front desk to change a room.It is next to Marven Ye's room, so it is convenient for Marven Ye to arrive in time if something happens.

After seven o'clock in the evening, Wang Shiyu and Ye Wenxuan were studying the script in the room.Ye Wenxuan was explaining the characteristics and temperament of Huang Rong's character to Wang Shiyu, when suddenly there was a knock on the door.

Zhou Changwen walked in with a bald man. Ye Wenxuan remembered this man as one of the assistant directors in the crew.

Zhou Changwen pushed the bald man in and scolded: "Sun Peiren, tell me all the good things you have done!"

The man named Sun Peiren rolled his eyes.With an expression of indifference, he yelled: "How many times have I told you that Hang Shao asked me to do it? He is an investor in the crew, can I refuse! Besides..."

Sun Peiren pointed at Wang Shiyu and shouted: "Aren't you just a newcomer? Don't think that you will be crazy if you stand behind Marven Ye. It is your luck that Hang Shao can see you. Don't give me shame..."

Before Sun Peiren finished speaking, Ye Wenxuan, whose face was extremely gloomy, suddenly became violent.

Originally, the distance between the two was two meters, but Marven Ye rushed forward with one step.

It was a kick to Sun Peiren's stomach, and Ye Wenxuan shot this kick in anger.The strength is so great that he almost shot with all his strength.

Sun Peiren was kicked out and hit the door hard.A mouthful of blood spurted out, his eyes were raised and sunken, and he was out of breath.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Sun Peiren coldly, and slowly spit out four words from his mouth.

act recklessly!

Marven Ye walked to Sun Peiren's side and patted his face lightly.

"Boy, do you want to call the police now? Then you can report it. I will be detained for ten days and a half months at most. But your crime is serious. It seems that you won't be able to get out in seven or eight years."

Ye Wenxuan's words were severely engraved on Sun Peiren's heart, explaining his thoughts in one sentence.

The original idea of ​​calling the police was extinguished, and he could only look at Ye Wenxuan fiercely, his eyes filled with anger.

Ye Wenxuan raised his mouth slightly, and took out more than 2000 yuan from his wallet.He slapped Sun Peiren on the face, and said contemptuously: "Go to the doctor, don't let me see you again, or I will hit you every time I see you, get out."

After speaking, Marven Ye got up and stopped looking at Sun Peiren with that contemptuous look.It was like looking at a dog, which made Sun Peiren extremely uncomfortable, but there was no way to do it.

People, if you make a mistake, you have to take responsibility!
 Thanks to Juanke and Yuhun for their rewards, and thanks for your support!
  Tickets in the bookstore are about to break 200, and the sign-in is about to reach [-]. Come on everyone, plus is closer!

(End of this chapter)

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