Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 124 Bringing the show!

Chapter 124 Bringing the show!

"This Wang Shiyu has NGed more than ten times in a row. Is she going to do it? Look at Director Zhou's gloomy face, it's dripping water."

"Yeah, I guess that Marven Ye probably helped her get her role. As far as acting skills and psychological quality are concerned, I'll just go home and forget about it."

"Hey... As expected, he is a newcomer. This kind of mentality just doesn't work. With such a small number of people, he will be stage-frightened."

"Hurry up, it's a waste of time."


Wang Shiyu listened to the whispers of the onlookers and the complaints of the staff.Listening to these voices, Wang Shiyu felt even more wronged.

There was no problem at all in the scene, but why did it get stuck when it came to acting?Why do I care so much about other people's eyes, Wang Shiyu felt very sad.

Seeing this situation, Ye Wenxuan knew that it would not be a problem to continue like this.So he gestured to Zhou Wenchang to take a break.

Zhou Changwen had no choice but to agree.Now a group of people are on a small hill in XZ, which is not very high, and the top is covered with snow all the year round.

Now it's very cold up here, many people are freezing, if the filming can't be done, it will really make people dissatisfied.

Ye Wenxuan brought Wang Shiyu to the side.

"Shi Yu, do you still remember what teacher Chen Wen taught us about the most basic requirements for actors?"

"It's faith! It's the belief in yourself to shape the character. Only with faith can you play this role alive. You used to believe in yourself when you performed, why can't you do it this time?"

Wang Shiyu hesitated, and said in a low voice: "I... I get a little nervous when I see people around me staring at me, and I will dance when I get nervous."

Marven Ye smiled.

"Haha, girl. Why are you nervous? When acting, as long as you have the right person in your eyes. That is to say, you only need to pretend to be me. Believe in yourself, as long as you act well for them I will definitely obey you."

Ye Wenxuan then comforted Wang Shiyu a lot, and Wang Shiyu gradually regained her confidence, and her eyes radiated agility again.

After seeing Wang Shiyu recovering, Marven Ye dragged Wang Shiyu back to the shooting scene.

"Director, all right, let's start over." Ye Wenxuan shouted to Zhou Changwen with a smile.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and shouted to the staff: "Thank you for your hard work. After the filming ends in a while. I will buy everyone dinner at my own expense. Sorry for the inconvenience."

What Ye Wenxuan said was very sincere. Many photographers and lighting engineers and some people originally complained in their hearts, but they heard Ye Wenxuan's words.Many people felt warm in their hearts, and their original dissatisfaction was also let go.

"It's okay, brother Ye. We're fine, don't invite us to dinner."

"Yeah, this is our job, and we should."

"Thank you, little brother Ye, for your kindness. You can just take pictures."


Many people's voices sounded one after another, which made the tense atmosphere suddenly warm up.

Marven Ye's attitude warmed their hearts. This example is very simple.

If a person with a lower status than you says something nice to you, you will only feel that the other person is flattering and flattering.But if someone who is much higher than you in a low position, or even someone who is usually unattainable, says something nice to you, you will feel flattered.

Ye Wenxuan is the person with super high status at the moment, and now he said that he would treat them to dinner.This huge gap in status made them all flattered, and the unhappiness in their hearts had long since been thrown away.

"This matter is settled like this. Anyone who doesn't go will look down on me, Ye Wenxuan, and I will be very unhappy." Ye Wenxuan joked, with a very humorous tone, which made everyone smile knowingly.

The person who hit the board stepped forward and hit the board again.

Ye Wenxuan clicked on the silver crown on the system the moment he hit the board, temporarily raising his acting skills to S rank.

Ye Wenxuan's temperament also changed quickly, but this time he didn't want to be as domineering as last time, but wrapped Wang Shiyu softly.

"Rong'er!" Ye Wenxuan shouted affectionately.

"If I didn't miss you so much, I wouldn't have come to see you." Wang Shiyu suddenly felt as if she had been taken away by Ye Wenxuan, and everything went as smoothly as the scene last night.

"Rong'er!" Marven Ye shouted again foolishly.

Ye Wenxuan created an atmosphere that enveloped Wang Shiyu.Using my temporary powerful acting skills to lead Wang Shiyu to act is usually called leading a show in the industry!

Many actor-level actors rarely have anyone who can match them when acting, so if they act with all their strength during the rehearsal, they will all be his shadow in the camera, and the other party will be so overwhelmed that they can’t find them. .

So often some actors with strong acting skills will lead the opposite person who is not as good as their own acting skills, and will use their own acting skills to lead the other party to act.

So Wang Shiyu is very comfortable now, she is very involved in acting, and she is quickly brought into the role.

"Aren't you calling enough? Although I'm not by your side, don't you call me dozens of times every day?" Wang Shiyu stroked the black hair between his ears, and a slight smile appeared on his slightly thin face.

"How do you know?" Marven Ye asked back.

"You can't see me, but I often see you." Wang Shiyu said angrily, the expression on his face and the expression between his eyebrows and eyes were all in place.


The filming of this scene was exceptionally smooth, and the set was quiet at the moment.There was no movement at all, for fear that a little sound would disturb Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu.

Zhou Changwen looked at the picture taken by the two of them on the monitor, the anger on his face was gradually replaced by a smile, and the smile became bigger and bigger.

Zhou Changwen kept nodding his head, very satisfied with Wang Shiyu's performance.

The acting is almost as if Huang Rong in the book has resurfaced. It can be seen that Wang Shiyu has put a lot of effort into this role, and the acting is very good.

"Come on!" Zhou Changwen yelled with a loudspeaker, which also meant that the scene that had been filmed for more than five hours was finally finished.

Hearing Zhou Changwen's voice, many people cheered and finally got off work.

It was very cold on the mountain, and many people's faces were flushed from the cold.

Ye Wenxuan also had a smile on his face, and said loudly: "Don't leave, we agreed to eat!"

Turning around again, she shouted to Xu Rou who was on the side: "Sister Xu, look at who is present and write them down. If no one is there, I will play a big game!"

Ye Wenxuan's tone was very mischievous, everyone knew Ye Wenxuan was joking.He also knew that Marven Ye really wanted to invite everyone to dinner, so they all agreed.

Being able to catch Ye Wenxuan's line is something that many people dream of.

So a large group of people left the snow-covered mountain top amidst the cheers and rain, and returned to the urban area.

Calm has returned to the snow-capped peak...

 In the new week, ask for votes and support!
(End of this chapter)

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