Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 501 Recognize the ancestors and return to the clan!

Chapter 501 Recognize the ancestors and return to the clan!

Zhang Niutian curiously opened the small notebook Ye Wenxuan handed over, and his heart tightened when he saw the information inside.

Ye Wenxuan's identity was impressively written on it!

Ye Wenxuan: Affiliated to the chief staff officer of the Huaxia Art Troupe, with the rank of major!
Seeing such an identity, Zhang Niutian immediately put away the gun, put his feet together, and immediately raised his right hand to eyebrow height.

"Report to Comrade Major, Second Lieutenant Zhang Niutian reports to you!" Zhang Niutian shouted loudly, saluting extremely standard.

Zhang Niutian felt a little anxious now, pointing a gun at a major, even a civilian major.If this is pursued, it is estimated that I will not be able to escape with a demerit.

Seeing Zhang Niutian's nervous look, Ye Wenxuan felt a little amused.

"Okay, don't be so reckless in doing things in the future, and return my military officer card to me." Ye Wenxuan said kindly.

Zhang Niutian scratched his head, and handed Ye Wenxuan's military certificate to Ye Wenxuan with some embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, Major Ye, it's really a special period recently. We're a little too nervous here, and we're a little pretentious. I'm really sorry." Zhang Niutian said apologetically.

"But Major Ye, what are you doing here? If you don't have a pass, even if you are a major, you can't go in, so look..." Zhang Niutian looked at Ye Wenxuan with some embarrassment.

Ye Wenxuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Okay, I see, I'll call the people inside and ask them to pick us up. I wanted to make a call just now, but you just point your gun at me when you come up." Look at me, how can I call..."

Hearing Ye Wenxuan bring up the old matter again, Zhang Niutian laughed twice.

Ye Wenxuan turned his head and said to Yu Zhiqing: "Mom, call uncle and let him come out to pick us up, otherwise we really won't be able to get in!"

Yu Zhiqing nodded, then picked up the phone and called her uncle Yu Tianlong.

The phone call was over soon, Yu Zhiqing put down the phone, and said to Ye Wenxuan: "Wait a while, he will come right away."

After Yu Zhiqing finished speaking, she got out of the car, looked at the compound inside, and a flash of reminiscence flashed in her eyes.

This is the place where she was born and raised. For so many years and nights, Yu Zhiqing has dreamed of this place, this hometown that haunted him.

Ye Wenxuan and Ye Yuntian looked at Yu Zhiqing in silence.They know what kind of suffering their wives and mothers have suffered in their hearts for so many years, so they also feel a little uncomfortable.

In this way, about 10 minutes later, a middle-aged man came out of it.

This middle-aged man is surprisingly Yu Tianlong, Yu Zhiqing's elder brother and Ye Wenxuan's uncle!

A decent pair of casual clothes is not of such an expensive brand, but Yu Tianlong wears them with great power.He has a Chinese character face, black and shiny hair, slightly bald hair at the temples, thick and neat eyebrows, and a pair of bright eyes.

When Yu Tianlong saw Yu Zhiqing standing beside the car, surprise flashed in his eyes, and he hurried over.

"Xiaoqing, you're back!" Yu Tianlong gently hugged his fourth sister.

When Ye Wenxuan and Ye Yuntian saw Yu Tianlong coming, they couldn't sit still in the car, so they got out of the car one after another.

When the two got out of the car, it naturally caught Yu Tianlong's attention.

Seeing Ye Yuntian, Yu Tianlong nodded lightly as a gesture. It was not a warm greeting, but a polite greeting.

After all, regarding Ye Yuntian's kidnapping of his fourth sister for 20 years, Yu Tianlong said in his heart that he didn't complain to Ye Yuntian, that would be a lie, so naturally he wouldn't be too eager with Ye Yuntian.

But compared to Ye Yuntian, Yu Tianlong's attitude towards Ye Wenxuan is completely different.

Yu Tianlong looked at Ye Wenxuan carefully, with a trace of figure and appreciation in his eyes, as well as a trace of Aiwujiwu's favor.

It can be said that Ye Wenxuan looks very similar to Yu Zhiqing, and has absorbed all the advantages of Yu Zhiqing and Ye Yuntian.

His looks are even more graceful, and with Marven Ye's talent, he can be said to be a good young man with both talent and appearance, young and promising!
Ye Wenxuan is his nephew, as the saying goes, uncle is dear, uncle is dear!
As Ye Wenxuan's uncle, Yu Tianlong naturally loved Ye Wenxuan very much.

"You are Wenxuan, come and let uncle take a good look." Yu Tianlong put his right hand on Ye Wenxuan's shoulder and said with a smile on his face.

Seeing that Ye Wenxuan was silent, Yu Zhiqing patted Ye Wenxuan lightly and said, "Wenxuan, talk, he is your uncle."

Ye Wenxuan looked at Yu Tianlong carefully, and smiled slightly.


Hearing Ye Wenxuan call him uncle, Yu Tianlong was in a great mood, and an uncontrollable smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, okay, okay!" Yu Tianlong said three good words in a row, which shows how happy Yu Tianlong is now.

Holding Ye Wenxuan's hand, he said to Yu Zhiqing and Ye Yuntian: "Fourth sister, brother-in-law. Let's go home quickly, the family is waiting at home."

Yu Zhiqing and Ye Yuntian nodded, and the four of them got into the car again and drove towards the inside.

The car drove away, leaving four guard soldiers looking at each other.

From now on, the four of them still couldn't react. One of the young soldiers said in a daze, "I didn't expect that Emperor Wen, who is the most popular in the entertainment industry, is actually a direct relative of the Yu family. This is simply..."

This young man was very shocked. Compared with Zhang Niutian, he kept his ears to the outside world, but he paid attention to the news of the outside world very timely.

Naturally, he recognized the young man in front of him just now, who is the most popular Ye Wenxuan in the entertainment circle!
As for the middle-aged man who Ye Wenxuan called the man uncle just now, as a regular guard here, he naturally knows it.

Thinking of Ye Wenxuan's shady scenes and attacks over the years, Li Jialu felt a little amused.

If those people knew Ye Wenxuan's identity, they probably wouldn't even dare to fart.

After all, behind Marven Ye stood a behemoth who held the power of life and death in the entertainment industry, so how could they not be afraid!
But now, it seems that Ye Wenxuan came to recognize relatives.Li Jialu has guarded here for three years, so naturally he has heard some secrets about it, so he has also heard a little bit about it.

If you think about it carefully, Marven Ye reached his current position just relying on his own talent in the past.Now with the Yu family as the backing, who will be his opponent in the entire entertainment industry in the future!

At this moment, Li Jialu's eyes were filled with shock!
(End of this chapter)

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