Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 521 Selection begins!

Chapter 521 Selection begins!
As soon as Zheng Xin's words came out, several people all looked at Zheng Xin, and even their boss turned their heads, with questioning eyes in their eyes.

Looking at the surprised gazes of several people, Zheng Xin shrugged his shoulders and said, "Look at what I am doing. The original writer and composer of these two songs is undoubtedly Marven Ye. I don't believe you can go online to check."

Hearing what Zheng Xin said, it must be confirmed.

Gao Xiangyu looked at Ye Wenxuan again, no longer disdainful, but reverence and closeness in his eyes.

As soldiers, the two songs "Loyalty to the Country" and "Recruit Diary" have had a great impact on them recently. Basically, more than 90.00% of the soldiers in China have been fans of these two songs.

"Loyalty to the Country" is majestic, and "Diary of a Recruit" is touching.The combination of the two makes all Chinese soldiers want to stop.

The same goes for Gao Xiangyu and the other five. They also like these two songs very much.

Now the person who wrote the original lyrics and music is not far away, how can this not surprise the five of them!

"My God, this is simply my idol. After the selection, I must ask him for an autograph." Gao Xiangyu said with a smile, completely different from how he looked down on Ye Wenxuan before.

"Don't be smug, if you count it strictly, you will still call him the chief when you see him, but he is the rank of major awarded by the Military Commission!" Zheng Xin said with a hint of teasing.

As soon as these words came out, the other three people were all happy.

Among these five people, except for Gao Xiangyu, the others have the lowest rank of major, and only Gao Xiangyu has the rank of captain.

Because Gao Xiangyu joined their special forces later, and his military merits are not enough, so he is one level lower than them.

Gao Xiangyu was still cheerful at first, but when he heard Zheng Xin's words, his face immediately turned into mourning.

Some little resentment looked at Zheng Xin, hating him for revealing his scars.

Every time everyone was joking, Gao Xiangyu would be defeated once he showed this stalk in the end.

The five of them were laughing and joking, without the coldness and silence in the jungle, they gradually became more harmonious with the atmosphere of the city.


Speaking of which, after Ye Wenxuan came to the fighting training hall, he didn't pay much attention to the eyes of everyone.

With the people around me, I found a corner, moved my body alone, and did some simple warm-up exercises.

The staff behind Ye Wenxuan watched as Ye Wenxuan was warming up alone, and they didn't bother, looking at the contestants not far away.

"Sister Rou, look at the strong men over there, they look so fierce!" Nie Qian whispered in Xu Rou's ear, pointing at the contestants not far away, a trace of worry flashed across her face .

When Xu Rou heard Nie Qian's words, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Then what's the matter, you little girl also found a boyfriend who runs a gym, and you're also full of muscles!" Xu Rou said with a hint of teasing.

Nie Qian was taken aback for a moment, then couldn't laugh or cry.

"Sister Rou, why are you pulling on me? It's annoying!"

Xu Rou looked at Nie Qian's shy little face, and the smile on her face became brighter. She looked around and saw that there was no one around, so she reached Nie Qian's ear.

"Xiao Qianqian, how does it feel to have a bodybuilder boyfriend? Look at your ruddy complexion recently, don't you feel very 'sex'!" Xu Rou paused heavily on the word sex.

When Nie Qian heard Xu Rou's words, her face turned as red as a small apple.He hurriedly looked around, and secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw no one around.

Then he said angrily: "Sister Rou, have started to gossip. Besides, if you want to know, then you should also find a boyfriend who is fit, and you will know whether you are happy or not!"

Not to be outdone, Nie Qian fought back.

The two little girls started to fight, laughing like silver bells.

Ye Wenxuan, who was warming up over there, glanced at Xu Rou's side in surprise, a little strange, but he didn't pay too much attention.

Half an hour passed quickly, and many people came again during the period.

It finally arrived at ten o'clock, which was also the stipulated time for today.

At ten o'clock, the door of the fitness training hall opened on time.A group of people came out of it, all of whom were selected today.

A man who looked like a consul stood on the stage and told everyone about today's selection rules.

The words are concise and easy to understand, and the rules are also very simple.

Using the method of drawing lots, a total of ten people are needed.There are about 80 people on the scene, and if you want to advance, you can basically participate in three games to advance.

Of course, the competition system is also very humane.In order to prevent the first two strong players from meeting each other, after the final ten players are selected, the losers will be given a chance to challenge.

The rules are simple and easy to understand, and basically everyone can understand them as soon as they hear them.

After the man finished speaking, he ordered everyone to enter the hall.

Entering the fighting training hall, the environment inside is also exposed to everyone.

Seeing the boxing rings stand up regularly in the field, Ye Wenxuan counted, there are about fifteen boxing rings.

Each boxing ring is made of white fighting materials, which looks neat and elegant.

There are also some benches around for people to rest.

Under the leadership of the staff, everyone began to draw lots in an orderly manner.

Marven Ye drew No. 25, which meant that Marven Ye's opponent in the first round would also be the player with No. 25.

The first wave is the top fifteen players, that is, a total of 30 people, stepped onto the ring.

The competition in the martial arts conference is unlimited free fighting, so each person only has one and a half finger free fighting gloves, not the regular boxing gloves.

This half-finger free fighting glove can preserve a person's strength to the maximum.It only protects the hands of the contestants, and can maximize the combat power of the contestants!
As for other protective gear, it simply does not exist in the Martial Arts Conference.This is why it is always difficult for Asians to get good results in this kind of competition.

Because Asians are born with some physical disadvantages compared with Europeans and Americans.

If two races have the same strength, it is estimated that [-]% of the people who fall will be Asians, because the European and American races are naturally more resistant to fighting.

The match was on the verge of breaking out, and soon there were contests on the fifteen rings.

According to the same rules, only when the opponent admits defeat or KOs the opponent, can he win.

One by one, the strong players competed.

Although it is unrestricted fighting, it is for basic fairness.The World Martial Arts Competition also has some simple requirements on the body of the contestants, that is, the weight limit.

Participants are only eligible if their weight is within 140 catties to 200 catties!
 A new month has begun, I hope everyone can vote for Qingfeng a few more monthly tickets.Until the [-]th, there are double monthly tickets, please support... (manually clasped fists)

(End of this chapter)

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