Chapter 526 Difficulties!

Perhaps, from the point of view of many people, the actions of this gang of martial arts families are selfish.

Because of their complacency, it has led to the decline of the national art today, and the thousands of brilliant cultures in China have almost been lost.

But from the point of view of the martial arts family, it is indeed pitiful.

Growing up in such a traditional family, bound by the rules of generations.Even if one wants to make a breakthrough, the rules of hundreds or even thousands of years are not so easy to break.

Ye Wenxuan was not angry, but a touch of sadness crossed his heart.

"Hey, stop talking, I...can understand your difficulties." Ye Wenxuan patted Yue Ziang's shoulder and comforted him.

It was a good chat, but the atmosphere turned so sad.

"Aren't you not allowed to show your martial arts in front of outsiders? Then why did you come to this martial arts conference?" Ye Wenxuan asked with some doubts, because this conflicted with what he said before!
Hearing Ye Wenxuan's question, Yue Ziang spread his hands and said, "I was entrusted by my grandfather, so I came here to participate."

Marven Ye frowned slightly, not quite understanding the logic behind it.

"During the Anti-Japanese War, my grandfather was once saved by a person. Then my grandfather made a promise to the other person, and now the other person has come to his door, hoping that my grandfather can help him with this." Yue Ziang explained.

"We martial arts practitioners value love and righteousness, and the grace of saving lives is beyond heaven, so my grandfather made an exception and sent me out. Let me participate in this selection, and try my best to win the championship of this world martial arts competition. "

Although Yue Ziang was young and immature, he was not stage-frightened at all, he talked eloquently and with a calm demeanor.

Ye Wenxuan nodded secretly, and took another high look at the Henan Yue family.

If you understand the reason of the matter, it will be explained here.

"Okay, then you have to work hard this time." Marven Ye said with a smile.

Yue Ziang scratched his head slightly when he heard Ye Wenxuan's words, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Brother Ye, don't make fun of me. How can I win the championship without you, I think I will die if I win the runner-up."

Ye Wenxuan nodded slightly, but immediately came to his senses.

No, what did this kid say?
It seems that this kid has a lot of confidence in his strength!

Ye Wenxuan shook his head lightly, and said with a smile: "Don't be proud, you're still far behind. Let's not talk about players from other countries, we have several masters here today, and their strength is unpredictable."

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Yue Ziang was a little unconvinced.

"Impossible, I have already practiced to the peak of Ming Jin, and I am only one line away from An Jin. Even my grandfather said that I am a rare martial arts genius, and my grandfather can't lie to me!" Yue Ziang argued.

Hearing Yue Ziang's slightly childish words, Marven Ye smiled even wider.

However, he was really shocked in his heart, although he could feel the vitality of Yue Ziang's whole body.Knowing that he should be not low in martial arts attainments, but he didn't expect to reach the peak of Ming Jin at such an age, and even only a line away from An Jin.

You know, Ye Wenxuan had the help of the system and some pills in the system to achieve today's achievements.

Moreover, Ye Wenxuan has the most complete inheritance of martial arts, with the most types.It can target all parts of the whole body and exercise them well.

However, Yue Ziang absolutely did not receive such treatment, and even so, he had reached the peak level of Ming Jin.

Curious, Ye Wenxuan suddenly stretched out his hand, and slapped Yue Ziang with the same strength as Ming Jin's peak.

Ye Wenxuan shot suddenly, Yue Ziang's eyes flashed, and he also slapped it with a palm.

The two put their hands together and patted each other heavily.


A loud voice came, Marven Ye was sitting on the chair without moving a muscle, but Yue Ziang was shot out by Marven Ye directly, staggered directly, and finally couldn't stand still, and sat down on the ground.

Yue Ziang couldn't believe it, the other party obviously used Ming Jin, but he was so much stronger than himself.

Ye Wenxuan absolutely did not use the power of dark energy, Yue Ziang was sure of this, after all, Yue Ziang's grandfather was also a master of the inner family, and his cultivation base was also at the stage of dark energy.

He is no stranger to Anjin Yue Ziang, he is very familiar with him.

So the opponent should also use the power of the peak of Ming Jin, but why would he lose so badly at the same level? !
Yue Ziang was a little dazed, sitting on the ground in a daze.

Marven Ye looked at Yue Ziang strangely, not understanding.

When he slapped the opponent's palm just now, Ye Wenxuan felt that the opponent's level was probably about the same as his own strength in the late stage of Ming Jin.

Yue Ziang couldn't figure it out, and Ye Wenxuan also couldn't figure it out.

So the two just stared at each other with big eyes and small eyes, both of them couldn't figure out why.

People around, looking at the two weird people, all looked sideways, not quite understanding what happened.

After thinking for a while, Marven Ye had a guess in his mind.

That is, it is very likely that the opponent's boxing meridian is incomplete, which leads to the incomplete training of the opponent, causing limitations, and restricting the opponent's maximum height.

Having figured this out, Marven Ye shook his head lightly.

This era is really a tragedy for all those who learn martial arts!
Looking at Yue Ziang who was still sitting on the ground, Ye Wenxuan shouted: "How long do you want to sit on the ground? People around you are looking at you, why don't you get up?"

Ye Wenxuan's voice interrupted Yue Ziang's thoughts.Seeing the strange eyes of the people around him, Yue Ziang blushed, and hurried to Ye Wenxuan's side.

"Brother Ye, how did you do it? Why are you also Ming Jin, and I am also Ming Jin, but I am so vulnerable!"

Yue Ziang couldn't understand it.

Ye Wenxuan told Yue Ziang his guess, but with reservations.

When Yue Ziang heard Ye Wenxuan's words, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes.

Ye Wenxuan's eyes were a bit complicated. Seeing Yue Ziang's distressed appearance, all he could do was remain silent.

He has the boxing scriptures of Xingyiquan, and it is the most complete twelve-shaped boxing scripture.

But Ye Wenxuan and Yue Ziang only met for the first time, so it can only be said that the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.

Furthermore, there is a family behind the other party.It's hard to say what will happen if it is really passed on to Yue Ziang.

But Yue Ziang's heart towards martial arts is really pure and admirable.At least Marven Ye thought he didn't have such feelings.

Patting Yue Ziang on the shoulder, he said with a smile, "Don't be discouraged, you still have a lot of room for growth. After all, I am several years older than you. When you reach my age, you can do it too."

Yue Ziang nodded lightly, and his eyes glowed again.

"Let's go, we're going to draw lots soon. You'd better pray that you don't meet me now, or your runner-up dream will be shattered." Marven Ye said with a slight smile.

When Yue Ziang thought of this possibility, he couldn't help shivering, shook his head quickly, and said, "Amitabha, please don't meet you, don't!"

The corners of Ye Wenxuan's mouth were raised slightly, he said nothing, and walked towards the place where the lottery was drawn.

But at this moment, Yue Ziang still couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and asked Ye Wenxuan's back: "Brother Ye, you...have you entered that level?"

Ye Wenxuan turned his head, nodded lightly, and then walked away gracefully, leaving behind Yue Ziang who stayed where he was...

(End of this chapter)

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