Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 529 New album plan!

Chapter 529 New album plan!
The next day, yesterday's martial arts competition selection news instantly became the hottest news at the moment.

The identities of ten people including Ye Wenxuan were all disclosed.

Of course, the identities of Dong Hairong and the five were fabricated, and they had been done by the state in great detail.

Among these ten people, the most popular and the one with the highest attention is Marven Ye.

Ye Wenxuan was originally a public figure, but now that he is on the chariot of the Huaxia Martial Arts Conference, it is naturally attracting attention.

Many netizens have the most intuitive feeling for Ye Wenxuan's strength. Even now, there are still videos of Ye Wenxuan fighting on major video sites.

They were full of confidence in Ye Wenxuan's participation in the martial arts conference, and they all felt that Ye Wenxuan could make a splash for China.

As for the other nine people, they received far less attention than Marven Ye.

But among them, Yue Ziang unexpectedly received a lot of attention. The reason is naturally because his immature and sunny face looks like a fresh meat.

In this world of facial features, being handsome will naturally attract attention, and Yue Ziang is no exception.

However, this enthusiasm can only be said to be average. After all, it is only a contestant, and only on the real day will it truly glow with the enthusiasm it deserves.


On the second day, Marven Ye woke up early.I simply made some breakfast for myself, and since there was no Wang Shiyu, Ye Wenxuan simply took a bite and it was over.

Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er are not around, both of them are artists, and they both have their own brokerage companies, many things are beyond their control.

Unlike Ye Wenxuan, who is free and unfettered at all.

After Ye Wenxuan finished his meal, he picked up his handbag and drove to the company.

After coming to the company, Ye Wenxuan quickly returned to his office.

Recently, there have been many things.

The World Martial Arts Competition is one thing, and the release of "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" is imminent.

And I want to start releasing the album in May, so I should start preparing now.

Ye Wenxuan hadn't figured out who to contract the album this time.But the Zixiao Palace definitely couldn't meet Ye Wenxuan's needs, so Ye Wenxuan said that he set his sights on some world-class music companies.

But what Ye Wenxuan has to do now is to choose songs, this time the main region is the Asia-Pacific region.

So the type of music needs many elements, Marven Ye hasn't figured out what kind of album to release, it's still under Ye Wenxuan's consideration.

Pressing the pager, Ye Wenxuan called Ran Yirou over.

About 5 minutes later, Ran Yirou came to Marven Ye's office.

Not being polite either, Ran Yirou naturally sat opposite Ye Wenxuan.

"Boss Ye, what's the matter?" Ran Yirou's voice was a little lazy.

Ye Wenxuan smiled and said, "Should I start preparing for my album release? This time we're going to find a world-class music company with stronger capabilities. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Ran Yirou straightened up slightly.

"Yes, there are, but it is not easy to cooperate with these music companies. They are all cannibals. It is extremely difficult to negotiate terms with them." Ran Yirou said seriously.

Ye Wenxuan looked as usual, because of what Ran Yirou said, she was already mentally prepared.

But even if he is exploited, Ye Wenxuan has to come out, because his current popularity has really reached a bottleneck, and it is basically difficult to rise any further.

It is already necessary to go out of China and face the world.

Now Ye Wenxuan just needs this opportunity to find a powerful music company, even if the share is lower and the income is lower, Ye Wenxuan doesn't care.

Because of these losses, Marven Ye can earn back from the rest.

The key is how to maximize the benefits of this album.This benefit does not only refer to monetary profit, but is diverse, such as fame, status, and honor are all potential benefits.

To be honest, Ye Wenxuan didn't have much capital to negotiate with those world-class music companies.

Ye Wenxuan's popularity in China is high, but in the Asia-Pacific region, he really doesn't have much fame.

Even if there is, it is a little bit.

Probably it is the attainment of Ye Wenxuan on the piano, or the film and television works that Huaxia has exported to the outside world in recent years.

Ye Wenxuan can only be regarded as an artist at the end of the third rate, and probably only has an impression, or familiarity.

And because there is no real honor in the country, it is even more difficult for Ye Wenxuan to negotiate.

From the above, it is conceivable that those high-minded world-class music companies would like Ye Wenxuan, a "three noes" person!
However, Ye Wenxuan is very confident in himself, the difference now is just a chance!
Marven Ye's right index finger tapped irregularly on the table.This is Ye Wenxuan's habitual small movement. Once Ye Wenxuan sits with such a movement, it means that Ye Wenxuan is thinking about a problem.

Ran Yirou didn't bother, and looked at Ye Wenxuan quietly.

"You arrange this matter first, and finally tell me a result, and I will make a choice at that time." Ye Wenxuan didn't think of a result in the end, so he could only arrange it like this.

Because Ye Wenxuan hasn't even selected a song yet, so what can he use to negotiate with the other party? !

This matter came to an end, and Marven Ye made his decision.

Afterwards, Marven Ye asked many more questions, and after all the questions were understood, Ran Yirou left Marven Ye's office.

With the help of Ye Wenxuan's second uncle, the agreement between Ye Wenxuan and the theater went smoothly.

Huaying Group directly selected Ye Wenxuan's "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" as the first film to pass on, and the number of scenes was fully filmed in the first three days.

The rest of the theater chains are different, some have more, some have less, and the schedule of shows is different.But basically, Ye Wenxuan was given a lot of scenes. After all, Ye Wenxuan's movies are very exciting and interesting.

It is favored by many people and has become a key training object.

The date of the file is officially confirmed, it is March NO.30, and this day is Friday!

The recording of "Happy Club" has also officially started, and the selection of the TV station is now officially on the agenda.Every day Ran Yirou would receive many calls from the person in charge of the TV station.

With the continuous development of the company, it is no longer necessary for Ye Wenxuan to personally handle things like this. Basically, Ran Yirou or the director below can already handle them.

Many things have gradually entered the right track, and there is even a hint of the atmosphere of a large enterprise.

And Ye Wenxuan finished dealing with this matter at three o'clock in the afternoon.Ye Wenxuan dressed himself up in disguise, Ye Wenxuan left the company, and drove to a distant place...

(End of this chapter)

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