Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 531 Choosing a Villa!

Chapter 531 Choosing a Villa!
"Hi sir, may I have your last name?"

"My surname is Ye."

"Okay, Mr. Ye. Now let me give you a brief introduction to our Haodi Jiayuan. Our Haodi Jiayuan covers an area of ​​120 square kilometers and has a total of 66 independent villas. We have sold [-] villas so far. a villa, and we..."

Although Shi Xiaoyi was a little nervous at the beginning, she had studied this set of rhetoric for a full year, and gradually she became less nervous and spoke more and more smoothly.

Ye Wenxuan was sitting on the sofa chair with one leg crossed, holding a cup of tea.With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he patiently listened to Shi Xiaoyi's introduction.

Ye Wenxuan listened to Shi Xiaoyi's introduction, and his evaluation of Haodijiayuan was even higher in his heart.There are a lot of news and benefits that cannot be found online, and they are very detailed.

Ye Wenxuan was listening, while Shi Xiaoyi was explaining, while looking at Ye Wenxuan.

But looking at it, Shi Xiaoyi's cheeks gradually turned pink.

"This handsome guy's smile is so charming, it's a discharge to himself, I can't take it anymore..." Shi Xiaoyi was a little dazzled, and his little heart started beating a little bit.

Ye Wenxuan's appearance is loved by countless girls, so he is naturally extremely handsome.

And with such a short distance, Ye Wenxuan's lethality increased geometrically.

In Shi Xiaoyi's introduction, some stammers gradually appeared.This made Shi Xiaoyi's heart even more confused, and he forced himself to calm down.

A trace of doubt flashed across Ye Wenxuan's eyes under the sunglasses.

"What's wrong with this little girl? She explained well before, why did she stutter? Did he recognize me?" Ye Wenxuan wondered inwardly, a little confused.

If Shi Xiaoyi knew Ye Wenxuan's inner thoughts, he would definitely die of embarrassment.

However, the explanation soon came to an end, and Ye Wenxuan had a general understanding of Haodi Jiayuan.

Haodi Jiayuan contains two natural landscapes, the famous Qianling Mountain and Qingshui Lake.Although these two natural landscapes are not very large, they are indeed beautiful after transformation.

These two natural landscapes are enclosed in Haodi Jiayuan for the owners inside to visit.

There are also these five golf courses, SPA clubhouse, royal clubhouse, 300-meter-long commercial street, etc...

Everything here is prepared for the owners inside. It can be said that all the enjoyment of glory can basically be enjoyed inside.

After Ye Wenxuan finished listening, although there was no fluctuation on his face, he was already surprised in his heart.

The last life is still this life, Marven Ye has never even seen it, let alone experienced it.

Ye Wenxuan suddenly felt that the 30 years in his last life were a waste of time. It was also survival, but he and the people here seemed to be living in two worlds.

Ye Wenxuan felt a little emotional, and slowly enjoyed the good tea.

Shi Xiaoyi looked at Ye Wenxuan without speaking or urging her. Her good professionalism made her sit opposite Ye Wenxuan.

Putting down the teacup, Ye Wenxuan pursed his lips and said, "Is the villa in your house a rough house or a renovated one?"

"All of them. There are still 26 unfinished houses and 10 houses with fine decoration." Shi Xiaoyi said quickly, basically blurting out.

"What is the style of the fine decoration? Is there a pattern?" Ye Wenxuan asked again.

Shi Xiaoyi nodded lightly, then got up and went to the bookcase at the back, and took out a thick collection of pictures, ten in total.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the atlases on the desktop. Basically, each book had more than 100 pages, all of which were colored paper.

"Mr. Ye, this is the only ten sets of well-decorated albums we have left. It contains a general introduction of the villa, all the designs of the villa, and the selection of furniture. There are pictures and text."

"Each of these ten buildings is built by different designers from around the world. Each maintains its unique style, and each is a masterwork. The catalog also introduces their designs Thoughts, design concepts and a series of plans.”

Shi Xiaoyi talked eloquently and introduced Ye Wenxuan.

Marven Ye plans to buy two sets today, one for his parents.My parents don't come to Jingbei very often. If they come, they basically come to Jingbei to see Ye Wenxuan, or go back to Yu's house to see their parents.

Moreover, the parents are old, and they are too tired to decorate or something.

So Ye Wenxuan planned to directly buy an independent and well-decorated villa for the two of them, so that they could settle down when they came to Beijing.

And the environment here is also very good, it is very suitable for two old people to provide for the elderly, and it is also a good thing to rest here.

As for the villas of himself, Shiyu and Mayfair, Ye Wenxuan planned to buy a rough house and let the two of them study how to build it by themselves.

After all, this home should be lived in for a long time, and it should feel more like home if the two of them decorate it by themselves.

The two had already discussed this matter with Ye Wenxuan, and Ye Wenxuan had no opinion on it.

I happened to buy two buildings, and I lived in the one my parents used to live in first, and then the renovation was done slowly.

Ye Wenxuan couldn't help but smile happily when he thought of the cute looks of the two of them.

This sharp smile was seen by Shi Xiaoyi on the opposite side, and his heart beat fast again. This man is really attractive.

Turning his gaze to the picture album on the table, Marven Ye saw the cover above, and each book had a big gap.

There are Mediterranean styles, modern styles, Chinese styles, European styles...

The ten albums basically contain the most mainstream architectural styles in the world.

Ye Wenxuan browsed briefly, and Ye Wenxuan set his sights on the Chinese style.

Because I bought it for my parents, and my parents are more conservative people.Moreover, the decoration style of my home is also a mixture of Chinese style and modern style.

Ye Wenxuan picked up this atlas and began to read it.

Shi Xiaoyi knew that Ye Wenxuan was optimistic about this book, and began to introduce Ye Wenxuan: "Mr. Ye, this Chinese-style villa was built by our famous Chinese architect, Mr. Liang Duo, and it took nearly a year to build it. of."

Ye Wenxuan watched, Shi Xiaoyi talked, and Ye Wenxuan nodded from time to time, responding to Shi Xiaoyi's introduction.

Ye Wenxuan looked at it for 15 minutes before he briefly browsed through the hundred-page album.

After closing the album, Ye Wenxuan said to Shi Xiaoyi: "This is not bad, I don't want to read anything else, can you take me to have a look?"

"Of course." Shi Xiaoyi stood up and said respectfully to Marven Ye.

Ye Wenxuan also stood up and followed Shi Xiaoyi out of the VIP room.

Under the respectful eyes of everyone in the sales office, Shi Xiaoyi and Ye Wenxuan walked out of the sales office.

(End of this chapter)

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