Chapter 534 Dumbfounded!
Everyone chatted together, killing the boring time every day.

About 10 minutes later, the door of the VIP room opened slowly.

Seeing that the VIP and the manager were about to come out, everyone quickly stood up and returned to their seats, keeping the smiles on their faces.

"Mr. Ye, this is my business card. If you have any needs in the future, feel free to ask me or Shi Xiaoyi. Regarding the rough house, your designer can come at any time, and we will arrange someone for you to choose."

"There is also the suite of the Chinese-style villa. We will immediately hire the best housekeeping company to clean it inside and out for you. You can rest assured."

The sales manager of Haodi Jiayuan said politely to Marven Ye with a friendly smile on his face.

Ye Wenxuan nodded, after buying two suites, another major matter was resolved in his heart.

The three of them walked and talked, and soon reached the door.

The manager and Shi Xiaoyi sent Ye Wenxuan to the car and watched Ye Wenxuan's car leave.

Knowing that Ye Wenxuan's car disappeared from the sight of the two, the manager turned his head and looked at Shi Xiaoyi beside him, feeling very relieved.

"Xiaoyi, that's pretty good. It's amazing to be able to sell such a large order for the first time receiving customers." The manager praised Shi Xiaoyi without hesitation.

The manager's commission is naturally directly linked to the sales below.

For example, Shi Xiaoyi successfully sold two houses, and there is also a commission for the manager, and the commission is not lower than Shi Xiaoyi's commission.

Shi Xiaoyi sold two suites, which is equivalent to creating a lot of profit for the manager.

Facing the manager's compliment, Shi Xiaoyi smiled shyly.Then he asked with some hesitation: "Manager Qian, what about my commission...?"

Qian Yue smiled slightly when she heard what Shi Xiaoyi said, knowing what Shi Xiaoyi meant.

He patted Shi Xiaoyi on the shoulder and said, "You can relax, you won't lose a cent of your commission. It's just a procedural issue, and the company will never be greedy for you."

When Shi Xiaoyi heard what Manager Qian said, he immediately felt confident, and the smile on his face became even more cheerful.

Looking at Shi Xiaoyi's appearance, Qian Yue knew Shi Xiaoyi's mood at the moment, it was no less than winning a 500 million lottery.

Even happier than winning the lottery. After all, winning the lottery has to pay taxes. This commission is a real 400 million, not a single cent less.

"Okay, you go to the VIP room and pack up all the formalities and receipts. If I treat you to dinner tonight, it's a celebration for you and me!" Qian Yue said immediately with a big wave of his hand.

Shi Xiaoyi chuckled, nodded, and ran back to the VIP room to clear the formalities.

Looking at Shi Xiaoyi's figure, Qian Yue smiled.

Walking slowly back to the sales center, as soon as Qian Yue came in, the group of salesmen immediately surrounded her.

"Manager Qian, you're here. I haven't seen you for a few days. Your skin is getting better again, it's white and tender, just like a young girl."

"Manager Qian, I haven't seen you for a few days and you're pretty again. You'd better not come here all the time, it hurts our self-esteem too much."

"Sister Qian, you look really good these past few days. It seems that something good has happened recently."


They all flattered each other as if they didn't want money, frantically rushing towards Qian Yue.

Although it was a flattery, each of these people was well versed in this way, and they did not leave any traces, and they were very targeted.

Qian Yue knew that these people were all cheating on her, but who would not listen to good words.

Qian Yue was no exception, the upward curve of the corner of her mouth proved that Qian Yue was enjoying herself very much at the moment.

Everyone showed their courtesy for a while, and at this moment, the woman asked Qian Yue, "Sister Qian, why are you here? Seeing how flustered you are, is it because Shi Xiaoyi's little girl is causing you trouble?"

The woman began to insinuate and asked the question in her heart.

As soon as the woman's words came out, the people around all pricked up their ears, paying attention to Qian Yue's answer.

Qian Yue was taken aback when she heard the woman's words, feeling a little confused.

"Trouble? What trouble?" Qian Yue asked in surprise, her eyebrows raised slightly.

Immediately, the atmosphere was a little awkward, and the woman was also a little embarrassed. She faltered and said, "Sister Qian, isn't Shi Xiaoyi causing trouble? What else are you doing here? It can't be Shi Xiaoyi who sold the house, right?"

When Qian Yue heard the woman's words, she felt that she was a little baffled, so she nodded as a matter of course, and said, "Yes, that's right, it's Xiaoyi who sold the house, otherwise why would I come here?!"

As soon as Qian Yue's words came out, everyone's eyes were straightened instantly, as if petrified.

Looking at the faces of the crowd, Qian Yue didn't notice anything wrong, and continued: "And, this kid Xiaoyi sold two houses at once, one rough house and one finely decorated house. The total value is [-] million yuan. Well, it’s really amazing that this child can achieve such a harvest for the first time!”

When the people around heard Qian Yue's last words, their eyes turned red instantly.

Only Qian Yue's words echoed in his heart, to be precise, those few words.

Two suites!
Rough houses and finely decorated houses!
Worth [-] million!

They are all in this line of work, so they naturally know the commission, and they calculated the commission in an instant.

400! ! !
They just passed by 400 million Huaxia coins this afternoon, and they just missed it!

Regret, jealousy, envy, and disbelief filled the hearts of everyone in an instant, and they were extremely unbalanced in an instant.

But Qian Yue didn't notice the emotions of the crowd at all, even if he did, he didn't care at all.

Seeing Shi Xiaoyi coming out, he shouted at Shi Xiaoyi, and then they walked out of the sales center arm in arm, and drove away...

The eyes of the people left behind were full of bitterness...


These have no effect on Ye Wenxuan at all.

The formalities have been going on for the past few days, and Carter can handle the rest.It is Ye Wenxuan's creed to entrust professional things to professional people.

As for the money, Ye Wenxuan negotiated with them and paid in two installments.

One installment of [-] million yuan will be paid in two years, which can reduce Ye Wenxuan's pressure.

After all the procedures are completed, Ye Wenxuan will pay the first installment.

Ye Wenxuan was driving very fast, missed the evening rush hour, and the road was not so congested.

Tell the news to his two daughter-in-laws and parents respectively, and Ye Wenxuan doesn't care about the rest.

Putting down the phone, Ye Wenxuan smiled.

When Wang Shiyu and Zhao Feier heard the news about Ye Wenxuan just now, they were all gearing up for it. They must make a good plan, and they even wanted to skip work.

But Ye Wenxuan immediately comforted the two of them and calmed them down...

calm down...

(End of this chapter)

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