Chapter 569 Fujino Ichiro!
Both sides seemed to be full of confidence, and the leader of the Japanese man said loudly to Ye Wenxuan: "What's your name, tell me!"

"Marven Ye." Marven Ye said flatly.

"My name is Fujino Ichiro, remember my name!" Fujino Ichiro said quite proudly.

Ye Wenxuan didn't feel much about this name, because he didn't understand the meaning of this name at all.

But the people around were a little surprised and talked one after another.

"Fujino Ichiro? Could it be that Fujino Ichiro who has won the Japanese Karate Competition for three consecutive times?"

"It seems to be him. It is said that he is very good at practicing karate, very powerful!"

"It's true. One of my friends is from the Wa country. It is said that he has the title of the second person after Miyamoto Hiroten in the Wa country!"

"That's right, it is said that Miyamoto Haotian is also here this time, and the people who come this time should not be underestimated!"


Ye Wenxuan listened to the surrounding discussions, although they were in different languages, Ye Wenxuan still heard them very clearly.

It seems that this Fujino Ichiro has a good reputation in Japan and the world of martial arts, Marven Ye thought to himself.

But even so, Marven Ye felt no pressure at all.

It's not that Ye Wenxuan underestimates the world, but Ye Wenxuan doesn't think there will be pressure in Asian-level competitions.

Ye Wenxuan's goal is to be the champion, so all challenges must be faced by him.It just so happens that you can also take this opportunity to try the level of the world's martial arts masters.

Fujino Ichiro felt a little complacent when he heard the people around him praise him.

Looking at Marven Ye, he looked even more contemptuous.

"Marven Ye, how do you want to compete?" Fujino Ichiro asked.

"Anything you want." Ye Wenxuan said lightly.

Fujino Ichiro glanced around and found that there was no good solution. After thinking for a while, he said, "Then let's keep it simple, how about arm wrestling?!"

"Yes." Ye Wenxuan was still calm.

Now that both parties agreed, a table was moved and placed in the middle.

Taking advantage of the busy people around, Dong Hairong walked up to Marven Ye and asked Marven Ye, "How are you doing, are you sure?"

The corners of Marven Ye's mouth curled up, and he said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's fine."

Dong Hairong nodded, patted Marven Ye on the shoulder, gave him a cheering look, and then returned to his camp.

Gao Xiangyu watched Dong Hairong come back, and asked Dong Hairong: "Boss, how is it, is Ye Wenxuan sure?"

Dong Hairong nodded and responded, "There should be no problem."

"Don't look at Ichiro Fujino on the opposite side, but Marven Ye is definitely not a good idiot. Last time I competed with him, his strength was astonishing. So Marven Ye is [-]% sure."

Gao Xiangyu felt a little relieved when he heard Dong Hairong's words, and put his eyes on the center of the field.

Ye Wenxuan and Dong Hairong sat on both sides of the table, and after they sat down, they put their right hands together.

A notary was found, and at his order, the competition officially began.

Fujino Ichiro's right hand is extremely thick, especially the bicep is twice as big as Ye Wenxuan.

Comparing the two sides, there seems to be a huge contrast.

As the competition started, Marven Ye and Ichiro Fujino exerted their strength instantly.

As the opponent's strength increased bit by bit, Ye Wenxuan felt the opponent's increasing strength, and Ye Wenxuan didn't feel any pressure at all.

In terms of strength, the opponent's strength is far behind that of Dong Hairong, and even more incomparable with Ye Wenxuan.

No matter how hard Dong Hairong tried, Ye Wenxuan's right hand seemed to be fixed on the table, without moving at all.

Fujino Ichiro's face gradually turned red, and the strength in his body was almost exhausted, but according to the other party, it was like an insurmountable mountain, which could not be shaken at all.

Fujino Ichiro's eyes were a little horrified. The other party looked so much thinner than himself, and his strength was so great, which made Fujino Ichiro a little panicked.

The people around were surprised when they saw this scene.

Originally, there should be no suspense in this competition, but at this moment it is completely different from what they guessed.

"This Huaxia man really can't be judged by his appearance. It seems that he should be a player who is good at quick response, but his strength can be comparable to that of Fujino Ichiro!"

"Yeah, I originally thought that this Huaxia person would be instantly killed when he came up, but he is so strong!"

"This is a good show to watch. If Fujino Ichiro loses and gets a big bald head, it must be very interesting."

"Hahaha, if I don't have the face to face people."


The people around began to make fun of him, and now he began to look down on Ichiro Fujino, who was originally optimistic.

At this moment, Fujino Ichiro was having a hard time accepting this fact, his face was ferocious, and he exhausted all his energy.

But Ye Wenxuan on the opposite side was still flat, not even sweating.

"Fujino Ichiro, do you only have so much strength? I am really disappointed. I heard you say you are the champion of Japanese karate? Is the gold content so low?" Ye Wenxuan taunted Fujino Ichiro while increasing his strength.

Ye Wenxuan has never had a good impression of Japanese people, no matter in that life.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's mocking words, Fujino Ichiro's eyes flashed with anger, and he said each word: "Ye Wenxuan, don't be crazy, it's not certain who will win, you are just the end of your strength."

"Really?" Ye Wenxuan sneered, and the strength in his hand began to increase gradually.

Feeling Ye Wenxuan's increased strength again, a trace of horror flashed in Fujino Ichiro's eyes.

How could he still have energy!

The stalemate between the two sides was broken, and Fujino Ichiro's right hand gradually moved closer to the table.

Seeing this scene, Yue Ziang and others began to cheer Ye Wenxuan loudly.

The Japanese samurai on Fujino Ichiro's side also cheered Fujino Ichiro on.

But Fujino Ichiro gradually became desperate, because he watched his right hand getting closer to the table little by little, and finally the dust settled.

Fujino Ichiro, defeat!

When Fujino Ichiro put his right hand on the table, there was applause, and Yue Ziang and others also cheered loudly.

Fujino Ichiro's face was extremely ugly, gloomy and terrifying.

To actually lose was something Fujino Ichiro never expected.

Seeing the gloating expressions of the people around him, Fujino Ichiro snorted coldly, turned around and wanted to leave.

But how could Ye Wenxuan let him leave easily, his figure flashed, blocking the front of Fujino Ichiro.

"Fujino Ichiro, is it time for you to fulfill your bet?" Marven Ye said indifferently, with an indifferent expression on his face.

Fujino Ichiro looked at Marven Ye with hatred, gritted his teeth and said, "Marven Ye, don't go too far. You have to forgive others and forgive others!"

Ye Wenxuan snorted coldly, and said, "Forgive others and forgive others? I didn't bully you. The competition was proposed by you yourself, and the bet was also proposed by you yourself. You are willing to bet and admit defeat, shouldn't you?"

Ichiro Fujino was choked by Marven Ye's words, he had nothing to say, Ichiro Fujino turned and walked outside.

For the face-saving Fujino Ichiro, he would not allow himself to be shaved no matter what, it would be a great shame!
(End of this chapter)

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