Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 594 Aloof Female President!

Chapter 594 Aloof Female President!

Ran Yirou, who was wearing a long Chanel dress, gave Ye Wenxuan a blank look.

"I don't want to buy it if I can afford it. I have to save some money for my marriage. What if I can't get married? I have to save myself a way out!" Ran Yirou snorted softly. Mood.

Ye Wenxuan laughed when he heard Ran Yirou's words.

"Sister Yirou, what you said is really too modest. It's not that you can't get married, it's because your vision is too high. As far as the people who chase you, from the Wanlong Building to Tiananmen Square, and All of them are young talents!" Ye Wenxuan said with a little exaggeration.

However, although Ye Wenxuan's words were exaggerated, they were not far from the truth.

Ran Yirou is only in her 30s, and she is as beautiful as a flower, not inferior to some female stars in the entertainment industry, and even has a more outstanding temperament than some female stars.

Moreover, he is in a high position in the entertainment of the era and is worth a lot of money.Whether it is appearance or talent, looking at the whole of China, it is one of the best existences.

Such a woman is naturally pursued by countless equally excellent men.

The courtship bouquets received by the company every day are countless, and the company's flowers are basically contracted by these people every day.

But Ran Yirou has always done her own thing, it's okay to talk about business, but if you want to further promote the relationship?
Sorry, I'm very busy!
This is Ran Yirou, an aloof female CEO, but she is also like a rose with thorns, exuding a deadly fragrance, attracting countless men to fly to the flame.

Just beside Ye Wenxuan, I could see her smile. As for other men's smiles for Ran Yirou, that was always a luxury.

When Ran Yirou heard Ye Wenxuan's words, she spat at him lightly, then hugged her shoulders and admired the unique Bugatti Veyron.

Wanlong Building was originally a high-end office area, so there were naturally many people coming and going, and their identities were not ordinary.

But even if the identity is not ordinary, seeing the Bugatti Veyron appearing in front of his eyes like this, his feet are full of lead, he can't move at all, and his eyes are firmly attracted to this car.

"Mr. Ye, here are the various reports and data of this car, as well as the customs documents, etc., please keep them." At this time, a man in a suit respectfully handed over a document to Marven Ye.

Ye Wenxuan glanced at him, took the folder, and carefully looked at the identification documents inside.

Ye Wenxuan was completely relieved to have passed every item without error.

"Very good, please contact your person in charge, I will settle the rest of the money." Ye Wenxuan said to the young man.

The young man got Ye Wenxuan's instruction and quickly took out his mobile phone to make a call.

In less than 5 minutes, a middle-aged man appeared in front of Marven Ye. He was also a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes.

"Hello, Mr. Ye, I am the person in charge of Mr. John in Huaxia. Just leave the rest of the money to me." The middle-aged foreigner spoke fluent Chinese and said politely to Marven Ye.

Ye Wenxuan frowned slightly, and said to the middle-aged foreigner: "I'll call Mr. John and check it out, okay?"

"Naturally, please."

Marven Ye nodded, took out his phone and called John.

After all, the remaining amount is as high as tens of millions of Huaxia coins, so there is always nothing wrong with being cautious.

Soon, John proved the identity of the opposite party.

The two parties confirmed that it was correct, Ye Wenxuan paid the money readily, and the ownership of this car completely belonged to Ye Wenxuan.

After the money was paid, the person on the other side left the scene quickly, leaving only a blue Bugatti Veyron behind.

Take out the car key. The car key is different from the previous car keys. This car key is a small data terminal, which can be regarded as a high-tech.

As long as the key is within five meters of the car, the car will automatically unlock.Moreover, this car key can also be remotely controlled. Marven Ye at least has to study the manual to understand a series of functions.

Ye Wenxuan circled the car twice, no matter how he looked at it, he liked it.

"President Ran, do you want to get in the car for a drive?" Ye Wenxuan laughed teasingly at the car door.

Ran Yirou kept a smile on her face, and when she heard Ye Wenxuan's invitation, she didn't act pretentiously, and stepped directly to the co-pilot's seat.

"I've never done a luxury car worth nearly 5000 million, and I'm relying on Chairman Ye's blessing!" Ran Yirou said coolly.

When Ye Wenxuan heard Ran Yirou teasing him, he smiled and walked towards the driver.

Touching the interior of the car, Marven Ye felt that everything was very novel.

However, Marven Ye is not that unfamiliar since he had inspected the car in Thailand before.

There was an inaudible roar, and the whole car left the place like an arrow off the string.

The perfect acceleration allows the whole car to be perfectly controlled by the driver's mind.

Only the blue rear of the car was left for the people who were eating melons, and gradually disappeared into the distance under the envious eyes of everyone.


Watching the car drive away, there was an instant noise.

Among them, at the back of the crowd, there are two middle-aged men looking at the Bugatti Veyron that disappeared before their eyes with mixed emotions.

"Hey, people are more annoying than others. We have worked hard all our lives, but we can't keep up with the price of a car..." A slightly bald man on the left said with emotion.

"Yes, look at him. He is only 21 years old. He needs fame and money. This life is really incomparable!" The man on the right was dressed in a suit and leather shoes, and he looked into the distance in a complicated way.

These two people are also companies located in Wanlong Building. The man on the left is called Yu Qianming, and the man on the right is called Li Sheng.

One of the two is the boss of the advertising company, and the other is the boss of the logo design.

The two are due to the complementary business of the company. The two have known each other for many years and have been good friends for many years.

At noon, the two heard the employees of the company say that there was a Bugatti Veyron below, and both of them were good car people, so they came down together to have a look.

I am also curious about who can afford this car. Since it is parked in Wanlong Building, it is probably also a company inside.

It turned out that it turned out to be Ye Wenxuan, the boss of Times Entertainment.

Seeing someone who can afford to drive a Bugatti Veyron at the age of 21, and both of them are almost 40 years old, but all their net worth can't keep up with his car, this kind of shock is really sour.

"Hey, don't worry about it. Their annual output value is an astronomical figure. It is estimated that our entire Wanlong Building's enterprises will not be able to keep up with their annual output value. The gap is too big." Li Sheng is quite optimistic. , enlightened Yu Qianming who was beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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