Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 596 Multinational Propaganda!

Chapter 596 Multinational Propaganda!

Taking advantage of these more than ten minutes, Ran Yirou hurriedly told Ye Wenxuan about Ye Wenxuan's itinerary for the next half month, and also told Ye Wenxuan about the matters that needed attention.

Although Ran Yirou is very busy now, regarding Ye Wenxuan's management work, she has always been personally involved, and has always been personally arranged.

For Ran Yirou, Ye Wenxuan's development is as important as the entire company.

The better Ye Wenxuan develops, it doesn't matter even if the company's business is weaker.But if Ye Wenxuan collapsed, the entire company would almost collapse in half.

Therefore, Ye Wenxuan's development is the top priority!

The execution can be handed over to Xu Rou and others, but the plan has always been arranged by Ran Yirou herself.

While driving, Ye Wenxuan listened to the upcoming schedule very seriously.

After listening, Marven Ye couldn't help crying.

"This too full! Let people live..." Ye Wenxuan complained.

There is no other reason, because in Ran Yirou's plan, Ye Wenxuan will fly to ten countries in a row in the next week.Although they are all countries in the Asian region, with the addition of publicity, it will be very tiring.

"Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" is about to be screened throughout Asia. As the main creator and main investor, it is natural that they need to come forward.

The countries that are mainly promoted this time include Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand and other countries. Although these countries are not as good as China, they are also major ticket holders in economically developed Asia.

After the promotional tour, Ye Wenxuan had to quickly devote himself to the filming of the MV, followed by the opening ceremony and competition of the World Martial Arts Championship.

It can be said that he was so busy that Ye Wenxuan stuck out his tongue, no wonder Ye Wenxuan complained.

"Hey, what should I do? You must go to these countries. You will fly to the first stop tomorrow, which is South Korea. You can go home and pack up. I will ask Huang Tianlei to pick you up at the airport tomorrow. When the time comes, you will set off with Cheng Dao and the others." Ran Yirou explained quickly.

Ye Wenxuan sighed and had no choice but to...compromise.

Twenty minutes later, Marven Ye parked the car at the entrance of Wanlong Building.

Taking advantage of the afternoon, Ye Wenxuan directly held a brief meeting with all directors.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, he directly filmed the TV drama plan of "The Legend of Condor Heroes".

The female number one is played by Meng Tong. As for the role of the male number one Yang Guo, the role is to be determined, and we will consider it at that time. As for the crew, make plans first.

After explaining the matter, Ye Wenxuan left the company directly and drove home.

Regarding the male lead in "The Legend of Condor Heroes", Ye Wenxuan did not jump to conclusions, and Ye Wenxuan had to check this person himself.

The role of Yang Guo can be said to be the main character of the entire TV series. Once this character is played, he is bound to be able to win a second-tier peak male artist immediately.

Such a big cake, Marven Ye would not give it to others generously.Ye Wenxuan will only give resources to those who signed the contract.Of course, Ye Wenxuan wouldn't mind if any entertainment company could come up with an equal exchange of resources.

But this matter, I have to wait until I tour the publicity from various countries before thinking about it.

After making up his mind, Marven Ye drove back home quickly.

There was no one in the house, and my two daughters-in-law actually went to inspect some famous villa parks in person for the perfection of the house.

Ye Wenxuan is not easy to beat the enthusiasm of the two, so naturally he agrees with both hands.

After returning home, Marven Ye started to pack his luggage.

After packing his luggage, it was getting late. After making some food, Ye Wenxuan went to bed early.


The next day, Capital Airport.

The people Ye Wenxuan took this time were still his standard personnel, Xu Rou, Nie Qian, and Huang Tianlei.

The four of them and the crew gathered together, and quickly checked in and boarded the plane.

Ye Wenxuan was naturally in the first class, and Xu Rou and the others also sat in the first class.

Ye Wenxuan was not stingy about the money for the upgrade.

Getting on the plane, Marven Ye let out a sigh of relief as he watched the gradually receding horizon.

Picking up a magazine in front of him, Ye Wenxuan looked at it for a while, then turned to Xu Rou and asked, "What are the specific actions in Korea?"

Xu Rou took out a folder and reported to Ye Wenxuanhui: "Our destination is Seoul, South Korea. Our film this time is to cooperate with CJ Corporation in South Korea."

"Our main promotional activity this time is to participate in a talk show under CJ. It is the ace variety show under CJ. The ratings in Korea are very high, which has a great effect on publicity."

Ye Wenxuan nodded, knowing that this promotional routine is a common technique used by many crews.

Variety shows have always been a powerful means of publicity, and have always been a favorite plan for publicity.

And being able to contact CJ Company for cooperation this time, Ye Wenxuan secretly smacked his grandfather's energy.

This time, Times Entertainment's films were screened in various Asian countries, and it was my grandfather Yu Junjie who set up the bridge.

Although he didn't come forward directly, the network of relationships he used was very huge.

As the saying goes, once born and second cooked, with this cooperation, Times Entertainment initially has a movie release line covering the entire Asia.

And if the movie release is a big success this time, it will greatly advance the next situation.

At that time, there will be no need for Times Entertainment to actively contact, and naturally a large number of cinemas from various countries will come to seek cooperation.After all, no one will have trouble with money, and good movies are naturally the most popular.

And the CJ company that cooperated with South Korea this time is one of the five major entertainment giants in South Korea.

The company under it is the producer and distributor of major Korean films, and owns nine independent channels, as well as various subsidiaries serving CJ Corporation.

In the situation where there are more wolves and less meat in South Korea, such a large market can still be opened up, which shows how powerful CJ is.

Working with CJ this time, they will participate in a file called "Jin Minjie's talk to you".

This program is a very popular program. The guests of each episode are big-name Korean stars, or politicians and idols who are currently popular, and there are many big-name foreign stars.

Every time it is broadcast, the ratings are very high.

And this program will be recorded tonight. In the afternoon, Ye Wenxuan and the others will promote it in front of some famous places in Seoul, South Korea. The schedule is very busy anyway.

Xu Rou told Ye Wenxuan many precautions in great detail, and handed Ye Wenxuan a notebook.

"This is a question that the show host may ask tonight. There are many solutions to it. Take a closer look." Xu Rou said with a smile.

Ye Wenxuan picked up the notebook and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Okay, okay, let me take a good look." Ye Wenxuan put down the magazine in his hand, picked up the interview book and began to read it.

Ye Wenxuan watched and found that the scale of the questions in it was much larger than that of Huaxia's talk shows.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the book with great interest, and the plane quickly flew out of the border, approaching Seoul, South Korea...

(End of this chapter)

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