Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 599 Changing Songs Halfway!

Chapter 599 Changing Songs Halfway!
Jin Minjie's words were very beautiful. Those who didn't know really thought that Jin Minjie was flattering Ye Wenxuan.

But Ye Wenxuan knew that Jin Minjie was definitely uneasy and kind, and he was probably digging a hole for himself.Ye Wenxuan secretly became vigilant.

"Mr. Jin is exaggerating. My treble can only be said to be okay." Marven Ye said a little modestly.

Jin Minjie laughed when he heard Ye Wenxuan's words.

"Where is there, Mr. Ye is very talented in music. It is said that Mr. Ye's new album contains four languages. It is a very comprehensive album, isn't it?"

Ye Wenxuan nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, there are a total of ten songs in it, all of which are excellent songs. They will be released simultaneously throughout Asia at the end of June. I hope everyone will support them."

Ye Wenxuan is also polite, since this platform is so good, it is profitable to insert a few words to promote his album.Anyway, this topic was brought up by Jin Minjie, so it made sense for me to follow his words.

When Jin Minjie saw Ye Wenxuan being so slippery, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes.

Even the directors in the backstage frowned, and said softly, "What's wrong with this Jin Minjie, don't you know that this issue is to promote the movie of Huaxia's crew? How can you change the topic indiscriminately!"

When the people around heard the director's words, they quickly contacted Jin Minjie through the headset and asked him to bring the topic back.

Jin Minjie heard the voice coming from his earphones, so he had no choice but to bring the topic back.But I was extremely depressed in my heart, and I still couldn't forget to put on a Ye Wenxuan.

Jin Minjie and Jin Xiaoen have been friends for many years. Of course, Jin Minjie knew about what happened in Huaxia back then.

But there was nothing he could do, Jin Minjie could only be angry for a while.But he didn't expect that today, two years later, he would meet Marven Ye.

As the saying goes, ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Jin Minjie secretly decided to teach Ye Wenxuan a lesson in order to repay the humiliation Ye Wenxuan gave his good friend back then.

However, there is a script for the normal operation of the program, and Jin Minjie cannot make an exception.

The chat continued, and soon came to a link in the middle, which was the performance of the guests who came.

At this time, Jin Minjie's mind became active again.

"Mr. Ye, you said before that you have two original Korean songs. I wonder if you can open our eyes today. Let's listen to them first?" Jin Minjie suddenly made such a request, which made Ye Wenxuan stunned.

How about singing "Cool"?This is not the original plan!
But Jin Minjie's words had already been spoken, Ye Wenxuan looked at his gloating eyes, and somewhat understood his intentions.

He is betting that the songs in his new album are bad, and if he sings them on this stage, if they are not good, the audience will definitely boycott them, and the album will definitely be greatly affected by then. This kind of price is not insignificant .

Jin Minjie's words also reached the ears of the backstage director, but this time the director didn't say anything, but had a vague attitude.

During this time, Marven Ye's new album has caused quite a stir in Korea.

The promotion of Universal Music's Asian king-level promotion can be described as overwhelming, and even spread to every bit of life of many people.

This kind of publicity has caused many people to look forward to Ye Wenxuan's new album.

After all, Marven Ye has too many halos, and he can be regarded as a very popular foreign star, at least in Korea, the popularity is very high.

If Ye Wenxuan's new album's songs can be sung first on his own show, it will be a big topic no matter whether it is good or bad, and at least the ratings will definitely increase.

Therefore, for the sake of the program, Li Jizhun reserves his opinion on Jin Minjie's suggestion and does not express his opinion.

On the stage, Ye Wenxuan was slightly taken aback, and then said: "This is not a problem, but we have to sing the theme song of our movie..."

Jin Minjie felt a little embarrassed when he heard Ye Wenxuan's words.But in just three seconds, a smile appeared on Jin Minjie's face.

"Mr. Ye, we can give you some time to sing the songs of your movie at the end, are you satisfied?" Jin Minjie said with a smile.

When Ye Wenxuan heard it, he felt happy.

This relationship is good, not only to help promote the movie, but also to warm up my new album, where can I find such a good thing.

Regarding the thoughts of these people, Ye Wenxuan also agrees with Der Spiegel.

Jin Minjie just wanted to see himself make a fool of himself, thinking that his songs sucked.The program team thought that their new song was a big gimmick, which would greatly help the ratings, so they made this decision.

If Jin Minjie could say with such certainty, it must be because the backstage gave him accurate information, that's why he was so confident.

But they probably didn't expect that this time it was definitely a wedding dress for Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan and Cheng An briefly exchanged glances and nodded slightly.

"Okay, then I'll sing a song from my album in advance. My new song is called "Hind"!" Ye Wenxuan's face showed a trace of confidence.

Ye Wenxuan doesn't believe that this song won't conquer everyone's ears. This song dominated the Korean charts for several months in his previous life, so Ye Wenxuan is full of confidence.

Hearing what Ye Wenxuan said, Jin Minjie immediately stopped the recording and asked the people behind to cooperate with Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan directly asked Xu Rou to hand over the accompaniment of the song to the backstage for them to play and debug.

The scene quickly removed the sofa and tea table, leaving an empty stage.

Soon the scene was set up, and the piano Ye Wenxuan wanted was brought up by them.

That's right, Ye Wenxuan planned to play and sing by himself.

Ye Wenxuan also took the opportunity to relax his clothes, changed into white clothes, and took out his amethyst microphone.

After all, this is about his new album, Ye Wenxuan dare not be careless, the success of this song will determine the sales of his future album in Korea.

Ye Wenxuan was fully prepared, and even discussed the details carefully with the lighting engineer of the program group.

After everything was ready, the audience was a little impatient.

After all, watching a good program suddenly stopped for nearly 10 minutes, no one will be happy.

Many Korean viewers were a little unhappy and whispered softly.

"Hey, what good songs can this Marven Ye come up with? I've never liked Huaxia's songs." A girl with freckles complained to her best friend.

"It should be good. This song is an original Korean song by Ye Wenxuan. It is said that Ye Wenxuan is very talented in China. He is known as the man who is known as the God of Music. This song should not be bad..." The freckled girl's best friend hesitated.

"Hey, anyway, I don't like it. If he doesn't sing well then, I'll definitely boo him!" The freckled girl said a little arrogantly.

"Haha, of course. But since they can be strongly supported and promoted by a world-class company like Universal Music, they naturally have their strengths, and our expectations should be higher!" My best friend is still looking forward to Ye Wenxuan's new song.

The freckled girl curled her lips and didn't continue to argue with her best friend. She turned her attention to Ye Wenxuan who was about to sing on the stage...

(End of this chapter)

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