Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 904 Meet the father-in-law!

Chapter 904 Meet the father-in-law!
There were only Zhao Fei'er and Ye Wenxuan in the family, their parents went out to visit, and Wang Shiyu went home to visit them.

In the evening, Ye Wenxuan had to go to Wang Shiyu's house for dinner. When he thought of meeting Wang Xiong's father-in-law, Ye Wenxuan felt panicked and inexplicably uneasy.

Zhao Fei'er watched TV for a while and felt bored, so she picked up a strand of black hair and stroked Ye Wenxuan's nose, making Ye Wenxuan feel itchy.

"Don't make trouble, if you make trouble again, my husband's family can't take care of me!" Ye Wenxuan patted Zhao Fei'er's round buttocks, making waves of flesh.

Zhao Fei'er blushed when her butt was spanked.

At home, Zhao Fei'er was dressed very homely, a white loose short-sleeved T-shirt, and a pleated skirt underneath.The black silk is loose, and the bare face is like a lotus in water, beautiful and moving.

"Tch... You can't take care of your family, why don't you say you're throwing me into limbo!" Zhao Fei'er laughed teasingly, not afraid of Ye Wenxuan's threat at all.

Hearing Zhao Feier's words, Ye Wenxuan suddenly turned over and pressed Zhao Feier under him, staring directly at Zhao Feier's peach eyes.

"How can my husband be willing to be in the cold palace, let's... let's pamper him!"

After speaking, Ye Wenxuan directly hugged Zhao Fei'er by the waist.Parents were at home these few days, Ye Wenxuan couldn't do bad things, so he had to hold back.But now that there is no one at home, Marven Ye is about to let go of his animal nature.

"Ah...Marven Ye, don't make trouble! What if parents come back later!"

"Hey, husband, hurry up and try for 10 minutes!"

"Husband... don't belittle yourself like this..."


After a day of two-person world with Zhao Fei'er, Marven Ye put on his clothes at night and walked out of the house alone.

Instead of going directly to Shi Yu's house, he bought a lot of nutritional products.After all, when you see your father-in-law and mother-in-law, how can you go there empty-handed.After shopping, drive to Shi Yu's house.

Shi Yu's family lives in the villa area, and Ye Wenxuan has been there countless times, and soon came to the door of Shi Yu's house.

Standing at the door, Ye Wenxuan rang the doorbell twice, and then heard a burst of crackling footsteps, from far to near, no need to guess, Ye Wenxuan also knew that it was Wang Shiyu.

Sure enough, as soon as the door opened, there was Shi Yu's bright and charming face.Seeing Ailang approaching, Shi Yu instantly had a smile all over his face: "Wen Xuan, you are here, come in quickly."

Ye Wenxuan kissed Shi Yu's forehead, then changed his slippers at the door, and walked in.

In the hall, Wang Xiong was sitting on the sofa.I haven't seen him for a few years, but Wang Xiong has more gray hair on his temples. Although his face has aged a lot, his spirit is still very high.

Seeing Marven Ye, Wang Xiong didn't have much fluctuation on his face, and said with a light smile, "Sit down."

It can be seen that Wang Xiong is still a little annoyed that he abducted her precious daughter. The most important thing is that his daughter wants to serve him with other women. This should be the most angry thing for Wang Xiong.

Ye Wenxuan sat on the other side with some resentment, Wang Shiyu and Ye Wenxuan made faces and stuck out their tongues.

"Uncle, happy new year."

Even though Wang Xiong didn't show a good face, Ye Wenxuan still bit the bullet and said hello to Wang Xiong.

Wang Xiong nodded, but did not respond.


Seeing Marven Ye feeling a little embarrassed, Wang Shiyu said angrily, "Dad, what are you doing..."

Seeing his daughter talking to her husband, Wang Xiong couldn't help but feel even more desolate. It's really a big girl who can't help her father. Before she got married, she started turning her elbows outward.

Just when the three of them were in embarrassment, Wang Shiyu's mother, Su Yuru, came out of the kitchen.

"Wenxuan is here, come here, let auntie give you a hug, I haven't seen you for several years, and now you are much more stable than before!" Su Yuru was very enthusiastic and gave Ye Wenxuan a big hug.

Ye Wenxuan also responded with a smile: "Auntie Su is still so young and beautiful, she doesn't look old at all, those who don't know think you and Shiyu are sisters."

"Hey, you have a sweet mouth. Auntie still has a few dishes. Let's eat right away. Let's chat while eating!" Su Yuru laughed.

Ye Wenxuan nodded repeatedly, echoing Su Yuru's words.

At this time, Wang Shiyu ran to her mother's side, and whispered a few words in Su Yuru's ear, which made Su Yuru's smiling face twist instantly.

The gaze that looked at Wang Xiong became unfriendly.

"Wenxuan is here, so don't make a fool of yourself. Be happy during the Chinese New Year, and don't act like someone owes you money." Su Yuru said to Wang Xiong.

Facing his wife's "sharp" eyes, Wang Xiong was defeated in less than three seconds, and quickly nodded in agreement.

Su Yuru nodded in satisfaction, and then went back to the kitchen to cook.

Seeing his wife leave, Wang Xiong secretly glared at Wang Shiyu.Not to be outdone, Wang Shiyu stared back again. The father and daughter looked extremely happy.

"Uncle, how is the company doing recently?" Ye Wenxuan gave Wang Xiong a step down to find something to talk about.

Wang Xiong couldn't keep his face sullen, so he took advantage of the slope to get off the donkey and continued chatting along Ye Wenxuan's words.However, there is always an embarrassment of mystery in the chatting between the two of them.

After chatting for more than 20 minutes, it was finally time for dinner. Several people came to the restaurant, sat at the table and started eating.

Eight dishes and one soup, full of color, flavor and taste.There are fish and meat, meat and vegetables, and they look very appetizing.

Su Yuru is a full-time housewife, Wang Xiong is in charge of the outside, and Su Yuru is in charge of the house.The big and small things in the family have always been taken care of in an orderly manner, and Su Yuru is also in charge of educating her daughter, she is a very virtuous woman.

Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu sat together, Wang Xiong and Su Yuru sat together, and the four of them began to eat.

At first everyone chatted very harmoniously, basically Su Yuru, Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu were chatting, and Wang Xiong occasionally interjected.But gradually, the topic started to go off track.

It can be seen that Wang Xiong doesn't like the pig who stole his cabbage, even though he watched the pig grow up.

Originally, he was very satisfied with Ye Wenxuan's pig, but since he knew that this pig offered two cabbages in a row, Wang Xiong couldn't stand it anymore.

My precious daughter has always been my precious egg, but now she is being wronged like this. As a father, I can't stand it!

"Wenxuan, I watched you grow up. Uncle wants to ask you today, what is your plan? Give uncle a good word!" Wang Xiong asked after drinking some wine up.

As soon as Wang Xiong asked this question, the dining table fell silent.

"Dad!" Wang Shiyu was a little annoyed.

Wang Xiong ignored Wang Shiyu's reproach, and looked at Ye Wenxuan with piercing eyes. Su Yuru on the side did not stop Wang Xiong this time. Obviously, she also wanted to hear Ye Wenxuan's thoughts.

After all, their daughter is their heart and soul, and future belonging is very important!
(End of this chapter)

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