Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 906 New Year's Eve... War!

Chapter 906 New Year's Eve... War!
Wang Xiong, who was originally majestic and dignified, sneered twice when he heard his wife's words: "Yu Ru, don't talk about this in front of the juniors. It's all been a long time ago."

Su Yuru gave Wang Xiong a sneer, with a queenly air on her face.

Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu looked at Wang Xiong and Su Yuru in bewilderment, not knowing what they were talking about.

"Dad? What is the old story? Let's hear it?" Wang Shiyu was eccentric, and his big eyes were full of curiosity about the old story that the two talked about.

"Go, go, go..." Wang Xiong was a little annoyed, and even said, "Don't interrupt children in matters of adults!"

Wang Shiyu curled her lips, gave her father a small resentful look, and said oh.

After the original topic was diverted by Su Yuru, the discussion did not continue, but some other things were discussed.

However, this matter has come to an end, and there has been an explanation.

The family dinner lasted until very late, Ye Wenxuan sat at Wang Shiyu's house for a while, then left Wang Shiyu's house and returned to his own home.


The warm and peaceful days are always passed quickly, and the Spring Festival will come soon.After a short day of fun, Ye Wenxuan and his family boarded the plane to the north of Beijing the next day.

Ye Wenxuan, Wang Shiyu, Zhao Fei'er, and Ye Wenxuan's parents and family all got on the plane back to Beijing.

After returning to Beijing North and settling down his parents, grandparents and others, Ye Wenxuan hurried back to the company, always paying attention to the trend of the film's release.


On the first day of the Lunar New Year, just after the Spring Festival, the whole of China fell into a bustling and prosperous scene.

Early in the morning, the sound of firecrackers can be heard endlessly, and every family is having a reunion dinner.After dinner, walk around the streets to visit relatives and friends, full of lively scenes of reunion.

Either playing mahjong or cards at home, or traveling in groups.

And some juniors, in twos and threes, go out to play with their brothers and sisters. Shopping malls, cinemas, and playgrounds have become the first choice for many young people.

In the new year and new weather, all the places are decorated with lights and festoons, and it is very festive wherever you go.

Qin Fengze is a theater manager. Since he just went to work, he did not choose to go home during the Spring Festival this year, but chose to stay in the company and work overtime.

For many companies, the first day of junior high school is a time for leisure and rest, but for theaters, it is a very busy place.

Every year, the New Year’s Eve films are released on the first day of the Lunar New Year. Every year from the first day of the Lunar New Year to the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, from morning to night, it is absolutely full.

No, it's only ten o'clock in the morning, and the theater is already full.Looking at the waiting hall and the moviegoers waiting one by one, Qin Fengze felt a little headache.

"Temporarily add three more ticket gates to reduce the flow of people in the hall as much as possible. Too many people are prone to danger. Let the security personnel cheer up and make sure nothing happens!" Qin Fengze ordered into the walkie-talkie.

He was so busy that he was really exhausted.Lean against the popcorn stand and take a break.

"Please watch "Wind Up Clouds" at [-]:[-] to check in at the ticket gate..."

A melodious female voice came from above the movie hall, and the originally dark hall began to move in an instant. I don't know how many people rushed towards the ticket gate.

Qin Fengze looked at at least half of the people rushing towards the ticket gate, feeling a little dazed.

He patted the staff in front of him and asked, "Why are you watching "Wind Up Clouds"? How are the other five movies selling?"

The girl selling popcorn saw the manager's question, and quickly responded: "Manager Qin, I don't know what's going on this year. From morning until now, they are basically the audience of "Wind Up Clouds". Although the movie sold well, it is simply not comparable to "Wind Up Clouds and Clouds."

"Maybe it's because the tickets for "Rise of the Wind and Clouds" were sold out, so they watched other movies."

Qin Fengze couldn't believe it. Even though he knew that the movies produced by Times Group were all high-quality goods, this was too exaggerated.You must know that the other five movies dare to compete for the Lunar New Year file, so there must be two brushes. How could it be possible that "Wind Up Clouds" beat them so badly? !

Just when Qin Fengze was puzzled, a group of people came out of the theater, and it seemed that they had just finished watching the movie.

"It's so beautiful, I want to watch it again. Ye Wenxuan is so handsome, especially the final battle at the top of Yunlan, it's really spectacular!"

"Isn't it? From the beginning of the three-year agreement with Nalan Yanran, to the final defeat of Nalan Yanran, I feel like drinking iced Coke, just one word, cool!"

"The picture quality and special effects are really second to none. Even when I watched "The Lord of the Rings" by the US Emperor, I was never so excited. It's so cool, and the special effects kill everything!"

"You're right. I used to think that our Huaxia might never be able to surpass the US Emperor in the film industry in this life, but now I find that it seems... We are already far ahead?!"

"NONONONO, it's just that Time Group's technology is ahead of the American emperor. Our Huaxia's special effects are still far behind other American emperors!"


The audience in twos and threes praised "Wind and Clouds", and it seemed that they all came out of the theater of "Wind and Clouds".

It just so happened that fans from another movie theater also came out at the same time. They were watching "Havoc in Heaven", and they all laughed when they heard the fans of "Rising Wind and Clouds".

"You guys, I haven't seen the world. Go and watch "Havoc in Heaven" and come back and think about whether to make a big fuss. This is the real epic masterpiece. Even Times Group's "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossom" doesn't have this " "Havoc in Heaven" is well done, you guys really have little knowledge."

Hearing what the fans of "Havoc in Heaven" said, the fans of "Rise of the Wind and Clouds" were not to be outdone, and responded with a sneer.

"Ignorant kid, do you still think that Times Group's technology is limited to "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms"? The special effects of this "Wind and Clouds" have already surpassed "Three Lives Three Worlds Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms" I don't know." How much. In the end who is shallow-sighted, you can find out by yourself!"

Both sides said that they had their own reasons, because neither had seen the other's movie, so they refused to accept each other.

Seeing that the two sides became more and more quarrelsome and angry, Qin Fengze hurriedly went out to appease both parties, and sent them away from the theater.I also had a lot of curiosity in my heart about the king of special effects that the two parties were arguing about.

But Naihe is busy with work, otherwise Qin Fengze would have gone in to watch the movie long ago.But even if you can't watch it, you can see who is better and who is worse when you go online to see the reactions of movie fans.

I'm so smart, Qin Fengze silently praised his wisdom...

(End of this chapter)

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