Chapter 925 Help!

Originally, Marven Ye was afraid that the album's performance would be poor and sales would be sluggish, but now it seems that he was completely overwhelmed.

There is a big difference between male and female artists.For a male artist, perhaps just relying on a handsome face, he can capture a large number of brain-dead fans.But female artists can't do it. Maybe they can quickly gather a large number of fans with their faces.

But it will be more difficult than girls to capture men into brainless fans and turn them into a vital force in the fan economy.This is why many entertainment companies are willing to find some fresh meat to promote, but there are very few examples of seeking beautiful women to promote.

Maybe the same amount of money has completely different results for male and female artists.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's satisfied expression, Chai Yajing asked tentatively, "Will Mr. Ye be on stage soon?"

Ye Wenxuan nodded, and replied, "I'll be on stage later to help build momentum. The rest of the artistes in our group are not in Beijing North right now, and I'm the only one left."

Chai Yajing was overjoyed when she heard Ye Wenxuan's words.With Ye Wenxuan on the platform, it will definitely attract a lot of attention, and it is estimated that the sales will be even hotter by then.

"Okay." Chai Yajing suppressed the excitement in her heart, turned her head and said to the bodyguard team leader behind her, "Brother Zhao, please gather the security personnel together, Mr. Ye will be on stage soon."

A strong man behind Chai Yajing nodded when he heard Chai Yajing's order, and then began to arrange security with the walkie-talkie.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the bustling autograph session outside the window with a smile in his eyes.

Girls' Generation also inherited Ye Wenxuan's habits very well. Many small stools were arranged at the signing event, and a lot of free mineral water was distributed.

After waiting for about 15 minutes, the number of security personnel on the scene gradually increased, and even many male staff members of Zixiao Video Store were temporarily transferred out as temporary security personnel to maintain order on the scene.

Zhao Ping just re-entered from the outside, came to Ye Wenxuan's side, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Ye, the security outside has been arranged, and you can go on stage."

Marven Ye nodded, and then walked outside.

The seven girls who were doing the signing were suddenly stopped by the back, which made them a little confused.

At this moment, low cries came from the left edge, and the noise spread rapidly like an infection.There were screams and exclamations one after another, which made the seven girls a little suspicious.

Looking to the left, the seven girls also covered their mouths in surprise, their faces full of disbelief.

"Marven Ye! Marven Ye is here!"

"Oh my god, the giants, I didn't expect Marven Ye to come to the Girls' Generation signing event in person, this is too much face!"

"Girls' Generation is an artist of Times Group. As the boss, Ye Wenxuan, it's okay to come and support us!"

"It's the first time I met Marven Ye, I'm so handsome, I can't accept it!"


With a smile on his face, Marven Ye greeted the surrounding fans while walking towards the stage.

The moment Marven Ye stepped onto the stage, everyone saw Marven Ye, and then a huge uproar rang out.It was as if a bomb had been dropped into the calm lake water, and there was a burst of noise in an instant.

Many people who were far away were stunned when they heard the faint shouts here, and then many people's complexions changed, and they rushed towards the Zixiao Audiovisual Store.

Originally, 70.00% of the people here were male.As soon as Ye Wenxuan came on stage, a large number of female fans flocked in. Seeing Ye Wenxuan's appearance, all of them were excited, it was almost crazy.

The number of people surged rapidly in an instant, and the number went up crazily. The crowd, which was originally a huge crowd, could barely see the edge at a glance, and it was full of people as far as the eye could see.

Even inside the glass of the rest of the building, there were people watching the excitement one by one, and a fanatical atmosphere was spreading.

"Call the headquarters, call the headquarters. The traffic of the Zixiao Audio-Visual Store has skyrocketed, please ask for support, ask for police support!" A police car stopped in the middle of the crowd, and a young police officer looked at the dense crowd around the car, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, tensed up.

As soon as Marven Ye appeared, the surrounding area of ​​Zixiao Audiovisual Store was completely paralyzed in an instant. This kind of appeal is simply terrifying.

The seven girls stood behind Marven Ye, looking at the fanatical crowd below and the slender figure in front of them, their eyes were full of admiration.

Their popularity, compared with Ye Wenxuan, is simply a drop in the ocean, a world of difference.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the fans below, and lightly pressed down with his right hand, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's actions, the audience quickly fell silent.

"Thank you for your love. Today is the first album release of Girls' Generation, an artist under the Time Group. As their boss, I want to cheer for them today."

Ye Wenxuan held the microphone with both hands, his voice was very magnetic.

"Actually, with my status, I don't have to come. But I think I should come. I should canvass for these seven hardworking girls and give them more encouragement."

"I knew them three years ago. I don't know if you have any impression. My first backup dancer at the Nanhu Satellite TV New Year's Eve party was the seven girls. That was our first acquaintance, and it was also from this that we became acquainted .”

Standing on the stage, Ye Wenxuan seemed to be talking homely, telling a story to thousands of people in front of him.

The seven girls behind them seemed to recall that afternoon three years ago when they heard Marven Ye's narration.

At that time, Ye Wenxuan was not as famous as he is now, and he was just a new generation red star whose popularity was comparable to that of the first-line.

They met in the dance studio, that was their first meeting.At that time, Ye Wenxuan was still a little young, and he would blush when he saw the seven of them wearing shorts and their hot bodies.

Afterwards, they danced for Ye Wenxuan many times, so they forged a good relationship.

"Three years have passed in a blink of an eye, and they are still working hard for their dreams. I was backstage at the awards ceremony of the Asian Music Festival, and I asked them, do you always want to be the green leaves around others? Have you never thought of becoming The main character on stage?"

"They are now the best age for women. If they don't seize the opportunity, it may become their eternal regret in the future. So, I gave them a chance, a chance to make them the protagonists of the stage."

"I tailored ten dance pieces for them and choreographed them myself. This is the limit of what I can do."

Ye Wenxuan looked at the fans in the audience, his eyes were clear, with a look of nostalgia.

The audience was quiet, and many people were very curious about the stories behind the seven girls of Girls' Generation...

(End of this chapter)

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