Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 927 Coming to CCTV again!

Chapter 927 Coming to CCTV again!

Jingbei Gongti, today's Girls' Generation concert, will be held here.

Ye Wenxuan drove to Jingbei Workers Stadium, entered through the VIP passage of Jingbei, and then went straight to the backstage.

There was still half an hour before the opening of the concert. The backstage of the concert was full of people in a hurry. The staff of various departments were like a spinning top with extremely high efficiency.

Ye Wenxuan seemed out of place with the rest, wandering in the background, looking around.


Xu Rou's voice came from Ye Wenxuan's side, and Xu Rou trotted all the way over with her passport hanging on her body.

Marven Ye saw Xu Rou and walked towards Xu Rou.

Although Chai Yajing is a veteran manager, she knows little about the concert.In order to prevent her from making mistakes, Ye Wenxuan sent Xu Rou over in the afternoon and asked her to help out.

"How's the preparation going? Is there anything wrong?" Ye Wenxuan and Xu Rou walked side by side into the backstage, asking as they walked.

"It's all ready, don't worry."

The two walked very fast, and soon reached the resting place of the seven girls.

The seven girls have all changed their outfits and ordered their makeup.Staying in the lounge in disarray, some playing with mobile phones, some closing their eyes and resting their minds, some chatting with each other, doing everything.

Ye Wenxuan pushed the door open, and the seven girls all smiled when they saw Ye Wenxuan coming. They all stood up and said hello to Ye Wenxuan.

Marven Ye nodded slightly, motioning for the girls to sit down.

"How is it? Are you nervous?" Marven Ye asked with a smile.

"It's okay, everyone is in good condition, and there is no tension." Han Xiwen responded.

"That's good, the concert, just enjoy the stage to your heart's content. The concert is your home stadium, and the audience who come to your concert are your fans, and they are very tolerant. So you don't have to have It’s okay to be under any psychological pressure, whatever way you want to be happy!” Ye Wenxuan passed on some of his own experience to them.

A concert is a personal show, and 90.00% of the following are fans of the singer.As long as it is not particularly bad, or there are on-site accidents, fans are basically very tolerant.

This is why so many singers especially like to hold concerts, not only making money, but also very easy.

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, the seven girls responded with smiles, expressing that they were not nervous.

Seeing that everyone really relaxed, Marven Ye felt relieved.If the nerves are tense all the time at the opening, then you will be super tired after singing a few songs, that's not how you sing in a concert.

Only by enjoying the stage with a relaxed attitude can the whole concert run smoothly, otherwise it will definitely collapse.

Marven Ye chatted briefly with them for a while, then left their lounge, and went to the lounge next to them to rest.

As the main guest tonight, his playing time will be in the middle period, and there will be about four songs.

Two 10 minutes, you can let the seven girls take a break.Their main style is dance music. If they dance continuously for two and a half hours, even Iron Man can't stand it.

Ye Wenxuan was half lying on the chair, with Xu Rou and Nie Qian beside him, whispering softly.

After lying down for an indeterminate amount of time, there was a surge of screams and cheers outside, and Ye Wenxuan slowly opened his eyes. He knew that the concert had begun.

"Xu Rou, is it tomorrow to go to CCTV to record a public service announcement?" Ye Wenxuan asked suddenly.

It was only now that he remembered that he had almost forgotten about it.

After hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Xu Rou opened the memo on her phone, checked it, and replied, "Yes, tomorrow afternoon I will go to CCTV to record a public service announcement, and it will be finished in about one afternoon."

Marven Ye nodded: "Then ask Huang Tianlei to pick me up tomorrow afternoon, and we'll go together."

Xu Rou responded and recorded the matter in the memo.

The concert at night went smoothly. Marven Ye didn't sing any new songs at Girls' Generation's concert.Instead, two dance songs were chosen, followed by two love songs.

If you were to sing a new song at Girls' Generation's concert, it would be overwhelming.With Ye Wenxuan's popularity and status, the next day was guaranteed to be full of news about Ye Wenxuan's new song. As for Girls' Generation, they probably would have been squeezed out.

The concert went well, and the sales of the album were also very good, with 60 copies sold on the first day alone.As a pure rookie, the sales volume reached 60 copies on the first day, which is already an extraordinary achievement.

Even many veteran second-tier singers couldn't sell such results on the first day, and the final sales volume is immeasurable.


The next day, Ye Wenxuan woke up naturally after sleeping, and then ate some breakfast alone. The house was deserted and deserted, with no one around.

Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er have been with Ye Wenxuan for so long, but they are still on the original track after all, and they are busy with their own careers.

Both of them are entertainers, and they are equally busy at work. Ye Wenxuan is already very content to be with Ye Wenxuan for so long.

After washing up, Marven Ye left the house and drove towards CCTV in Huang Tianlei's car.


On CCTV, Marven Ye has been here several times, but in recent years, Marven Ye has never been here.

The building of CCTV is still so tall, and the clear glass of the windows is shining brightly under the sunlight.

Ye Wenxuan and Xu Rou got off the car at the door of CCTV, and then walked towards the inside of the TV station.

The security at the gate was tight, but Xu Rou had a pass, so she walked in quickly and smoothly.

Several people got on the elevator, came to the seventh floor, and then found the person in charge of the public service advertisement.

When the person in charge saw Marven Ye coming, he smiled all over his face and welcomed Marven Ye into the lounge.

"Ms. Ye, our public service advertisement has very little content. With Mr. Ye's ability, we can finish the filming very quickly, and it will definitely not take too much of your time, Mr. Ye." The person in charge surnamed Su said very politely.

Facing a big man like Ye Wenxuan, even if he is the project leader of CCTV, he has to be careful to accompany him.After all, if people come to shoot public service advertisements for free to save face, they must have the attitude of what they should do.

Marven Ye smiled kindly: "Okay, it's okay, I have plenty of time today."

Su Xingquan nodded, then took out a copy from the bag he was carrying, and placed it in front of Marven Ye.

"Ms. Ye, this is the script of the public service advertisement. It's very short. You should read it first. The filming will start in about an hour, and the director is already setting up the scene." Su Xingquan explained.

Ye Wenxuan nodded slightly, then picked up the script in front of him, and began to read it.

The script is very thin, only seven pages, Ye Wenxuan roughly flipped through it, and his face became a little ugly...

(End of this chapter)

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